2016-07-19 GnuCash IRC logs
00:52:00 *** Mechtilde has joined #gnucash
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04:28:05 <tboiko> Hello. I'm having a problem with multi-currency budgeting. My income is in USD, and most of my spendings are in UAH. The budget view doesn't convert currencies. Should I open a bug, or configure something.
04:28:30 <tboiko> Currencies are correctly converted in accounts view.
04:30:56 <tboiko> e.g Income: 15 USD (shown in budget as 15). Spending: 20 UAH (shown in budget as 20). Total: -5 instead of ~ +350
05:00:38 <kjetilho> how transparent is currency exchange for you?
05:01:19 <kjetilho> VISA/MC handles it for you for each transaction?
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07:32:27 <tboiko> Sorry for late response. I usually transfer money explicitly once or twice a month, so entering transactions is not a problem.
07:32:30 <tboiko> See here https://imgur.com/a/j0bKs
07:34:25 <kjetilho> if you have explicit conversion transactions, I would split the accounts into each currency
07:37:49 <tboiko> I have that.
07:37:49 <tboiko> In imgur& First image is accounts. Note how assets total is calculated with rate. 5*24.8 + 15. But in budget (2nd image) total is calculated as simply 15 + 5 instead of 15*24.8 + 5.
07:41:38 <kjetilho> ahhh, now I see your problem. sorry, I'm just a newbie.
07:48:17 *** nomeata has joined #gnucash
07:58:55 <tboiko> ah, apparently it's already reported https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=676810
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