2016-05-10 GnuCash IRC logs

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08:09:11 <lmat> jralls: Thanks for that verification.
08:09:54 <lmat> jralls: Well, not exactly verification...I guess I mean: sounds right to me :-)
08:11:55 <lmat> jralls: There is one possibility that comes to mind which could make it so that session owns a shared_ptr<book>: C access of book can be through a qof_session_get_book which will return shared_ptr::get.
08:12:23 <lmat> jralls: But the way in which src/engine shares ownership of the book should be captured by having its own shared_ptr.
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10:59:58 <jralls> lmat: Yes, book* can be extracted for C routines using get(), but doing so undoes the security of the shared ptr. It's OK as long as the unshared ptr has a stack-controlled lifetime, but in some cases its squirreled away in a container which can lead to its either being freed in the C routine (and calling free on something allocated with new will crash) or invalidated by the shared_ptr calling delete on it.
11:00:22 <jralls> Those are both difficult bugs to find.
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12:49:27 <lmat> jralls: aye.
12:50:22 <lmat> jralls: Going forward, I see three options for myself: 1) Work on something else, 2) work with jralls on the c++-backend branch, 3) wait for input from the pull request. What do you recommend?
12:54:17 <jralls> Since I'm reviewing the PR right now, option 3. ;-)
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13:07:47 <lmat> Excellent.
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14:07:42 <linux00001> heya, I get the error "There was an unknown error while retrieving the price quotes" when i try to use get online quote feature but running gnu-fq-dump on the command line works fine
14:08:07 <linux00001> i am on OSX
14:08:42 <lmat> linux00001: Never used osx nor price quotes...but others have!
14:10:13 <linux00001> additionally wiki instructs to run gnu-fq-update as root, which creates .cpan and perl5 directores in my homedir as root. I am curious why i need to run that as root. Running it without root creates those directoriess as my username, which seems better and still works on the command line
14:10:36 <linux00001> It seems to me that it shouldn't be run as root
14:11:05 <linux00001> but that's a different question I guess
14:11:17 <linux00001> I just want online price quotes to work =)
14:12:57 <linux00001> oh actually, it creates man pages and such in /usr/local/share/man, which I guess is notmally owned by root. That might be the reason wiki instructs to use root
14:13:41 <jralls> linux0001: It needs to run as root because it needs to put the modules in /Library/Perl where GnuCash can find them.
14:13:46 <warlord> linux00001: what is the output from gnc-fq-dump?
14:14:06 <jralls> linux0001: Or better yet, from gnc-fq-helper.
14:14:19 <linux00001> warlord: it works okay
14:14:21 <linux00001> /Applications/Gnucash.app/Contents/Resources/bin/gnc-fq-dump yahoo AMZN
14:14:23 <linux00001> Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:
14:14:25 <linux00001> symbol: AMZN <=== required
14:14:27 <linux00001> date: 05/10/2016 <=== required
14:14:29 <linux00001> currency: USD <=== required
14:14:31 <linux00001> last: 701.3273 <=\
14:14:33 <linux00001> nav: <=== one of these
14:14:35 <linux00001> price: 701.3273 <=/
14:14:37 <linux00001> timezone: <=== optional
14:14:39 <linux00001> sorry for the spam
14:14:51 <warlord> no worries. we asked for it ;)
14:14:51 <linux00001> jralls: havent tried gnu-fq-helper.. will try
14:15:22 <linux00001> ahh.. gnu-fq-helper is indeed having trouble
14:15:27 <linux00001> /Applications/Gnucash.app/Contents/Resources/bin/gnc-fq-helper yahoo AMZN
14:15:29 <linux00001> Can't locate Date/Manip.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /Library/Perl/5.16/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Library/Perl/5.16 /Network/Library/Perl/5.16/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Network/Library/Perl/5.16 /Library/Perl/Updates/5.16.2/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Library/Perl/Updates/5.16.2 /System/Library/Perl/5.16/darwin-thread-multi-2level /System/Library/Perl/5.16
14:15:31 <linux00001> /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.16/darwin-thread-multi-2level /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.16 .) at /Applications/Gnucash.app/Contents/Resources/bin/gnc-fq-helper line 29.
14:15:33 <linux00001> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /Applications/Gnucash.app/Contents/Resources/bin/gnc-fq-helper line 29.
14:15:39 <linux00001> i thougth that module was installed hmm..
14:16:01 <warlord> What version of gnucash is this? and what version of F::Q?
14:16:26 <jralls> linux0001: There ya go. Maybe you've got an older GnuCash with the screwed up gnc-fq-update.
14:16:59 <linux00001> warlord: gnucash version 2.6.11. trying to figure out F::Q version
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14:18:23 <warlord> hmm, 2.6.11's gnc-fq-update should be new enough?
14:18:41 <jralls> It is indeed.
14:19:40 <jralls> linux00001: What perl version?
14:19:52 <linux00001> Finance::Quote version is 1.38
14:20:02 <jralls> Sorry, what *OS X* version?
14:20:02 <linux00001> jralls: 5.16.2
14:20:12 <linux00001> 10.9.5
14:22:13 <jralls> Ah, that explains the old Perl version. Does /Library/Perl/5.16/Date/Manip.pm exist?
14:22:53 <linux00001> it does not =)
14:23:49 <jralls> Try `locate Manip.pm` and see if it's anywhere.
14:25:28 <linux00001> locate db isn't updated =) but find command did show ~/perl5/lib/perl5/Date/Manip.pm
14:26:36 <linux00001> though I guess gnu-fq-helper isn't looking there
14:26:44 <jralls> Which isn't in @INC. And even if it was from the command line GnuCash can't see it when launched from Finder.
14:27:20 <linux00001> makes sense
14:28:15 <jralls> Which is why you have to run gnc-fq-update in sudo or use the Update-Finance-Quote applet that's included in the dmg.
14:28:47 <linux00001> okay, that explains the sudo part =)
14:29:18 <linux00001> I did run it as sudo earlier, actually
14:29:24 <linux00001> i will run it again
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14:31:31 <jralls> You may have to rm -rf .cpan/build/Date-Manip* first.
14:31:36 <linux00001> that reports back with Finance::Quote is up to date (1.38). but still no /Library/Perl/5.16/Date/Manip.pm
14:31:39 <linux00001> okay
14:33:03 <jralls> You might even have to nuke .cpan altogether, it might have ~/perl5 in an init file.
14:33:40 <linux00001> ok i will try that
14:33:51 <linux00001> maybe this is the problem?
14:33:54 <linux00001> Failed 197/199 test programs. 0/0 subtests failed.
14:33:57 <linux00001> make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 2
14:33:59 <linux00001> SBECK/Date-Manip-6.53.tar.gz
14:34:01 <linux00001> /usr/bin/make test -- NOT OK
14:34:03 <linux00001> /hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try:
14:34:05 <linux00001> reports SBECK/Date-Manip-6.53.tar.gz
14:34:07 <linux00001> Running make install
14:34:10 <linux00001> make test had returned bad status, won't install without force
14:34:11 <linux00001> Finance::Quote is up to date (1.38).
14:34:13 <linux00001> or can i ignore that make error?
14:34:39 <linux00001> lots of failed tests
14:35:27 <jralls> That would be a problem, yes. Researching...
14:35:40 <linux00001> thanks =)
14:35:52 <linux00001> retyring after nuking .cpan
14:38:51 <jralls> Hmm. I just installed Date::Manip 6.53 on my 10.9 VM without any issues.
14:39:29 <linux00001> via cpan, i guess?
14:39:57 <jralls> Yup. `sudo cpan -i Date::Manip`.
14:40:00 <linux00001> I could try installing just that module
14:43:01 <jralls> You could also `sudo cp -R ~/perl5/lib/perl4/Date /Library/Perl/5.16` if you can't get cpan to behave itself.
14:49:27 <linux00001> I had to install Test::Inter
14:50:51 <linux00001> pulling quote from gnucash works now
14:50:58 <linux00001> jralls: thanks a bunch!
14:51:26 <jralls> linux00001: You're welcome.
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