2016-04-27 GnuCash IRC logs

00:33:45 *** CliqueBait has joined #gnucash
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01:13:29 *** meb has quit IRC
02:07:58 *** meb has joined #gnucash
03:09:51 *** GabrieleV has quit IRC
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06:35:48 *** Jimraehl1 has joined #gnucash
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08:58:55 *** mlncn has joined #gnucash
09:03:39 *** rubdos has quit IRC
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09:15:37 *** fell_ has joined #gnucash
09:17:46 *** fell has quit IRC
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10:26:28 *** CliqueBait has joined #gnucash
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11:39:51 *** nomeata has quit IRC
12:13:46 *** Mechtilde has joined #gnucash
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14:19:44 *** fabior has quit IRC
14:28:24 *** CliqueBait has quit IRC
14:28:43 *** CliqueBait has joined #gnucash
14:37:41 *** Mechtilde has quit IRC
14:43:12 *** CliqueBa` has joined #gnucash
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14:47:13 *** karelk has quit IRC
14:50:06 *** mlncn has joined #gnucash
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15:17:31 *** tsylvermane has joined #gnucash
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15:18:32 <tsylvermane> in regards to best practices, i intend to file as sole proprietor in the states with my small business. as such would it be best to keep my business books separate from my personal books or put them altogether in one file?
15:18:41 *** bertbob has quit IRC
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16:17:02 *** gncbot sets mode: +o fell_
16:17:09 *** fell_ is now known as fell
16:22:57 <fell> reactormonk, wo stimmen der Netto-Ertrag (Ergebnisrechnung) und Gewinn (Bilanz) nicht überein? Name des Berichts/Fensters?
16:23:48 <fell> Oh, der Groschen fiel heute langsam.
16:25:20 <reactormonk> fell, Berichte -> Aktiva -> Bilanz, E&A -> Ergebnisrechnung
16:26:02 <reactormonk> Dann Erwirtschafteter Gewinn / Netto-Ertrag für Buchunszeitraum - ich hab letztes Jahr angefangen zu buchen.
16:41:06 <fell> reactormonk, ich hab im Moment ein Problem, Berichte zu öffnen und werde das Programm morgen mal neu bauen. Für heute ist es mir leider etwas zu spät.
16:41:18 <reactormonk> kk, lass dir Zeit.
16:41:57 <fell> Bis dann!
16:46:42 *** bertbob has quit IRC
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20:12:14 <meb> eh guy's I have one of my computers setup the way I want it for the gimp and settings how would I copy the tool bar settings over to my other one
20:36:56 *** CDB-Man_ has joined #gnucash
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20:59:05 *** warlord has joined #gnucash
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