2016-04-24 GnuCash IRC logs
00:03:39 *** mlncn has joined #gnucash
00:14:32 <raeburn> warlord: Glad you're doing well. And you've got such a beautiful family! I'm keeping busy at Permabit, still liking Boston. Just recently finding a little time to start thinking again about using Gnucash, actually :-) (Having looked into it once before but not really gotten started with it…)
00:17:03 <raeburn> Out of curiosity … do you find it cost-efficient to run your own VM server (vs using Linode or AWS or any of the others), or is it wanting the direct and physical control, or what?
00:17:26 <rn> I’m struggling a bit with online banking. I’ve got a couple other banks setup, but i can’t seem to get Chase working. I read the bit in the wiki about header 103 and whatnot, but I can’t seem to get anything other than an “http status: 400 (bad request)” back from the “get transactions” call. Does anyone have any thoughts on what I’m doing wrong?
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21:53:12 <rn> I have been able to pull down most of my finance accounts onto gnucash, which has been awesome. Does gnucash support posting of transactions to the banks via the online link (e.g., can I make payments through gnucash and have my bank issue the check to my , etc)? I see that there’s a command for “issue transaction” but I can’t seem to find much documentation around it.
21:58:03 <warlord> rn: only if you have a bank that supports HBCI and SEPA, which only exists in Europe.
21:58:38 <rn> got it, so if I’m doing the ofx stuff in the US, that’s read only?
22:06:32 <warlord> Yes
22:20:36 <rn> understood, thank you :)
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