2016-03-25 GnuCash IRC logs
00:50:54 *** gjanssens has joined #gnucash
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01:30:55 <jonas> I'm trying to install the gnucash python bindings on arch, but I can't figure out how to make it happen
01:31:06 <jonas> I tried downloading the source and compiling with ./configure --enable-python set, but even so, when I gnucash-env python2.7 and try to import gnucash, there's no such module
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10:35:17 <warlord> Hmmm... code is running at a load of 48...
10:41:52 <warlord> . down to 14
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13:17:48 <mikee> jones: Did you append the path to the gnucah packages? sys.path.append(/some/path/gnucash/lib/python2.7/site-packages)
13:18:14 <mikee> sometimes it's required.
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14:40:20 <jonas> I'll try that, sec
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14:56:31 <jonas> that got me some progress, mikee, thanks
14:56:38 <jonas> now it chokes on some syntax error in python3.5
14:56:44 <jonas> I suppose its meant to be used with python2
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14:57:44 <jonas> worked well with python2.7 on my last install
14:58:42 <jonas> I'll try to recompile it for 2.7 and see if that helps :)
14:58:49 <warlord> Yeah, I dont think it'll work with py3
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15:01:17 <brucehvn> Hi, I've setup Finance::Quote on my gnucash setup on Linux and it work fine. I'm able to update the quotes on my investments. I want to switch to a SQL backend, however. The docs only talk about running gnucash with the --add-price-quotes with a data file. Is it possible to make it work with a mysql backend? If so, what would the command line be?
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15:02:34 <warlord> brucehvn: I think you would need to supply the mysql URI
15:03:17 <warlord> My GUESS is: mysql://user@host/db --- but I'm honestly not sure what the URI format would be or how to supply the password.
15:04:29 <brucehvn> warlord: yes, I was wondering if it supported a syntax like that. The docs don't mention anything.
15:09:47 <warlord> Not surprising.
15:10:16 <warlord> The SQL backends are sort of second-hand citizens, and we don't actually suggest their use for real data, yet. We keep finding corner-case data loss issues.
15:20:44 <brucehvn> hmm, ok. Good to know. I was going to switch so I could have better access to the data for custom reports, etc., but I think I'll stick with the XML files for now.
15:22:05 <brucehvn> Python is one of the few languages I don't know, but maybe it's time to learn it :)
15:22:41 <warlord> I hate python
15:23:01 <warlord> who thought syntactic whitespace was a good idea??
15:23:09 <warlord> They clearly never had to program in RPG2
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16:08:36 <jralls> Oh, python's not that bad. Much less painful on the eyes than anything lispish.
16:10:13 <jralls> gjanssens: Are you still working on changes for the release?
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16:15:48 <warlord> Provided you have enough lines to see the full function on the screen at once.
16:41:24 * mikee agrees about whitespace
16:41:33 <jralls> That applies to just about any language.
16:43:44 <warlord> At least with anything that uses start/end characters most tools will tell you.
16:44:01 <warlord> Also, copy/paste works fine (whereas it can REALLLY screw up with python)
16:55:03 <gjanssens> jralls: no I have pushed my last changes earlier today
16:56:21 <jralls> OK, I'll go ahead and tag the release.
17:15:55 <gjanssens> Good.
17:16:11 <gjanssens> Fingers crossed :)
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17:58:40 <pheleas_frog> I need to update the tax tables. Just wanted to hear confirmation that this will not affect existing entries.
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20:12:30 <jscinoz> warlord: It was simply timing out, didnt try to ping it, if it happens again will provide more details
20:12:46 <jscinoz> gjanssens: Ah right, will try with a separate build directory, my mistake
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