2016-02-29 GnuCash IRC logs
01:05:53 *** fabior has joined #gnucash
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02:00:29 *** fell sets mode: +o warlord
02:00:44 *** fell sets mode: +o gncbot
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10:27:55 <redarrow> fell: thanks. I will have a look later today.
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11:14:15 *** gncbot sets mode: +o fell
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12:09:47 *** finster has joined #gnucash
12:11:56 <finster> hello there. gnucash 2.6.11 (osx, intel) when entering a transaction, in the "Transfer" column gnucash insists on the first letter of the column to be upper case, which makes it impossible to use lower case account codes. is there a solution that doesn't require upper case account codes?
12:19:24 <warlord> finster: I always thought account codes were numerical?
12:20:52 <finster> warlord: i'm an accounting n00b, so I tried strings, and gnucash didn't complain. and I thought strings were more mnemonic. but i'm fine with nunmbers, too :)
12:21:07 <finster> numbers, even
12:24:06 <warlord> Why are you using account codes if you're not an accountant?
12:27:22 <finster> because I track my personal finances with gnucash. and the account codes appeared to be a good solution to save typing when gnucash isn't able to deduce the destination account from the booking history
12:31:36 <warlord> finster: you do realize you can type e x : g r to get to Expenses:Groceries, right?
12:32:44 <finster> yep
12:33:41 <warlord> and that's not good enough?
12:35:05 <finster> firstly, the account doesnt resolve at all to the full account name or ask me if i want to create an account with said name (G r in this case)
12:36:56 <finster> i am willing to admint its pebkac at this point, but i'm looking for a proper solution to not have to enter full acount names :)
12:37:24 <warlord> well, what exactly is the *full* account name you're trying to enter? I can't imaging anything that begins with Gr
12:37:28 <warlord> imagine
12:38:31 <finster> ok, the actual acount name is Food:Dining (yes, top level account for food)
12:38:48 <warlord> really? why?
12:39:26 <finster> oh, darn. F:D will work
12:39:30 <finster> with capitalized letters
12:39:46 <warlord> I dont think you need capitals, but yeah..
12:39:58 <warlord> It depends what other top-level accounts you have
12:43:03 <finster> i'm doing the top-level food limbo because of the budgeting feature. apparently only top-level accounts in the budgets summarize their sub-accounts, i.e. 1st-level accounts summarize their (2nd level) children. but 2nd level accounts will not summarize 3rd level accounts. I'm talking about the view available under Actions => Budget => Open Budget
12:44:43 <finster> but, again, it's probably pebkac at this point
12:46:43 <finster> say I have Expenses:Food:Groceries and Expenses:Food:Dining, Expenses:Food will not summarize the sub-accounts in the aforementioned budgeting view
12:47:59 <finster> for the sake of completenes, lowercase account initials work, too. so sorry for the confusion
12:53:29 <warlord> okay, that makes me feel better.
12:53:46 <warlord> as for the budgeting -- cant help you there. Are you sure there is not a report setting for depth?
12:56:02 <finster> mmh, i do not think it's a reporting issue at this point, because I'm talking about the form where you enter your expected budget values.
12:56:21 <finster> a report will show the expected vs. the actual amount, I suppose. there's nothing wrong with that
12:56:22 <warlord> okay.
12:56:28 <warlord> never used the budget
12:57:02 *** Mechtilde has joined #gnucash
12:57:08 <finster> nvm. greatly appreciating the time you are offering.
12:57:39 <finster> supporting open source software (or software in general, fwiw) can be hard at times.
12:59:05 <warlord> i know :)
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