2016-02-28 GnuCash IRC logs
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04:12:43 <user> what is the correct way to create a QIF when I have : description , date, cost for unit (tariff), count of items (example 01:00:00 in case of 1 hour or 1 MB in case of 1 MB), price before tax ? I thought about Ddate\nPdescription\ntarrif\nTcountOfItems\n^ but it does not look correct
04:13:04 <user> my goal is to convert a billing csv into something that gnucash can handle
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09:30:47 *** gncbot sets mode: +o fell
09:39:27 <fell> jonas, about your fund questiion yesterday the only swedish source in F::Q is SEB, other funds might be listed at yahoo.
09:40:02 <fell> Oh, I gorgot Morningstar
09:40:17 <fell> forgot
09:40:32 <jonas> I couldn't even find the abbreviation and display symbol for my primary mutual fund, so I just gave up
09:40:54 <jonas> I already update an "excel" spreadsheet once a month with the spot prices, I might as well just do the same with gnucash
09:41:35 <jonas> I wish things were as easy for swedish funds as they tend to be for american
09:41:37 <jonas> but oh well
09:43:27 <fell> There is no general rule for the the symbol. US shares use ticker symbols, european funds in many cases the ISIN or the locale security number.
09:46:20 <fell> My rule of thumb: google for it, find a F::Q source in the list, see their website for details.
09:50:20 <fell> Finally test it with: gnc-fq-dump <source> <symbol>
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10:49:52 <redarrow> hi, I failed to find any information how to add a footer to Invoices. Is this possible and how can I do this?
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15:44:32 <christer> Hi everyone, quick question about personal budget: I want to use budgeting to estimate how much funds I will have available throughout the year. Is this possible? Right now I can easily see which periods I will earn or lose money, but I want to know at which point I will be low on funds in my bank.
15:44:55 <christer> (My economy-speak is not that good, sorry)
15:54:45 <christer> I think what I want to do is to view the balance of current assets throughout the year, so that I know that e.g. in August, I'll be out of money, so I have to reconsider my budget and spending
15:55:44 <jralls> christer: Sorry, can't help, I don't use the budget feature.
15:57:21 <christer> quick unrelated question... if I quit HexChat and reconnect in some hours, will I be able to see any replies?
15:57:29 <christer> (Never used IRC before)
16:08:39 <fell> christer, you can look in the logs, e.g. http://lists.gnucash.org/logs/2016/02/2016-02-28.html
16:10:16 <fell> but perhaps you would better ask on the user mailing list, see http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Mailing_Lists
16:16:15 <fell> redarrow, there are several invoice forms, which have several stylesheets selectable by the report options.
16:17:13 <fell> At least some of them have a footer line, which is editable in the report options.
17:13:20 <Simon> christer: I just have schedule transactions for X days in advance
17:13:52 <Simon> it doesn't help for variable amounts but I can plan for future balances
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22:48:49 <fell> Warlord. at least in preferences you can enable copies of emails you sent to other wiki users.
23:38:33 *** christer has quit IRC