2016-02-19 GnuCash IRC logs
00:30:00 *** fell has quit IRC
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02:59:03 <Simon> linas: there are better tools
02:59:31 <Simon> linas: the tools are fully aware of what date they're putting in the signatures and shouldn't allow it to "expire"
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10:54:42 *** gncbot sets mode: +o fell
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10:58:11 <fell> codesmythe: libchipcard 5.0.4 was released 2016-01-06. Before The OSX bundle had no libchipcard
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11:30:09 <fell> libchipcard is an optional dependency of aqbanking.
11:33:23 <fell> But, yes we should update https://sourceforge.net/projects/gnucash/files/Dependencies and the Windows bundle, too.
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12:16:24 <jralls> codesmythe: Thanks for the reminder. It's there now.
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14:24:59 <fell> jralls, warlord: Our spammers try now to put their message in the user name.
14:28:32 <warlord> How does that work?
14:29:01 <fell> See http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Special:RecentChanges
14:29:32 <fell> they put their phone number in the name
14:30:57 <warlord> Wow
14:31:46 <warlord> I wonder if there is a way to require an admin to approve every new user request?
14:32:39 <warlord> ... and a way to mass-delete the bogus accounts
14:34:39 <fell> Like users older 1 year without any commit?
14:34:46 <fell> than
14:35:13 <warlord> And users older than 1 year that never verified their username and have no edits.
14:35:36 <warlord> (actually, even users older than 1 month that never verified their username and have no edits
14:36:00 <fell> ACK
14:41:48 * fell scans https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Maintenance_scripts
14:44:03 <fell> Probably https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:RemoveUnusedAccounts.php
14:45:18 <fell> with --ignore-touched 30
14:46:12 <fell> and --delete (after testing)
14:48:06 *** gjanssens has joined #gnucash
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14:48:23 <jralls> I'm all in favor of cleaning out all of the bogus accounts and being able to easily delete obviously bogus new ones. But I do wonder what they accomplish in terms of spamming. The Samsung Printer Support one with the phone number is puzzling. Who can see it?
14:48:42 <warlord> jralls: probably google
14:49:43 <jralls> Nope: "Your search - site:wiki.gnucash.org Samsung Printer - did not match any documents."
14:51:00 <warlord> jralls: well, it might not have crawled since it was done.
14:51:11 <warlord> (or perhaps my robots.txt is blocking it)
14:51:33 <warlord> fell: is it worth installing https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension%3aUser_Merge_and_Delete ?
14:53:59 <fell> I do not remember somebody creating more than 1 account.
14:54:46 <warlord> fell: true, but the DeleteUser extension isn't maintained anymore; they suggest this one instead
14:55:20 <jralls> I don't know how to check that, but it's been there since Wednesday. Tried the same with "lincocin", in honor of "196 buy lincocin", created 4 Aug 2009. No hit on that, either.
14:56:21 <warlord> robots.txt is set up to block access to all Special pages
14:56:46 <warlord> So that's good -- it's working.
14:57:16 <jralls> Good. Interestingly, among the hits I get for site:wiki.gnucash.org jralls is http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/api.php?action=query&list=blocks.
14:58:45 <warlord> Interesting.
14:59:01 <warlord> Maybe I should block access to api.php in robots.txt?
15:03:26 <jralls> Probably. I don't think we want google seeing our admin actions.
15:03:42 *** _80k has joined #gnucash
15:04:26 <_80k> using gnucash for the first time on Linux. Curious if there is some kind of account matching so certain transactions go to the correct account (instead of imbalance-USD)?
15:07:14 <jralls> _80k: If you mean on import, yes. When you did the import you got a dialog box with a bunch of yellow lines. You were supposed to double-click on each yellow line to assign an account.
15:07:16 <fell> _80k: GnuCash has a Baysian algorithm working on imports
15:07:52 <jralls> But only when it's trained. Double-clicking the yellow lines is how you train it.
15:08:00 <warlord> fell: extension enabled.
15:08:06 <warlord> (and robots.txt updated)
15:08:26 <warlord> (httpd is restarting to enable it)
15:10:10 <warlord> done.
15:12:30 <warlord> I'm running the "removeUnusedAccounts" script to see how many accounts it will remove. I think I'll send an email with the list (privately) before adding the --delete option, just to make sure we have a decent review to make sure we're not accidentally deleting someone we care about.
15:13:33 <jralls> That's going to be a very long list, probably on the order of 10^5
15:13:57 <_80k> @jralls and @fell: Thanks. I missed the opportunity with this current import. I will doubleclick next time I do an import!
15:13:57 <gncbot> _80k: Error: "jralls" is not a valid command.
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15:14:30 <jralls> _80k: leave the at-sign off in IRC.
15:14:45 <_80k> ahh, thanks
15:14:48 <_80k> sorry bout that
15:14:49 <warlord> _80k: until then I'm afraid you'll need to manually fix the transactions to send them to the correct accounts
15:15:34 <warlord> _80k: its okay -- it's why gncbot replied.
15:19:47 <fell> warlord: how about promote jralls and me to bureaucrat and drop jsled?
15:22:12 <jralls> Is there a way to get an active user list for a period > 30 days? Like 10 years? Bouncing that against the bogus user list would be better than trying to inspect it by eye.
15:22:54 <warlord> This script is only going to give a list of accounts that "has no edits, no deleted edits, no log entries (task T36581), and no current/old uploads."
15:23:28 <warlord> fell: done
15:23:32 <jralls> So in theory it should be clean.
15:24:09 <fell> Thx
15:24:27 <warlord> in theory, yes, but I'd still like to verify it; but not sure how.
15:25:10 <warlord> Might need to use deleteArchivedRevisions.php to first remove deleted revisions
15:25:21 <warlord> (c.f. https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:RemoveUnusedAccounts.php )
15:26:44 <fell> The real spammers would have deleted edits
15:27:39 <warlord> Yes, which is why I probably need to clean that as per the page..
15:28:07 <jralls> Oh, right, because any known spammer won't be on the list. OTOH, do we want to remove blocked accounts? They'd then be available to re-use in unblocked form.
15:29:30 <warlord> They would have to re-create the account... Before we do this we should probably turn on "admin must approve new accounts manually"
15:31:30 <warlord> maybe https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:ConfirmAccount ?
15:34:34 <fell> I think, I like the 50 word biography requrement
15:35:06 <warlord> :)
15:35:33 <fell> But I don't have one ;-)
15:36:07 <jralls> I dunno. It's a bit onerous for real people, who'll be required to actually think something up, while the bots will just have some canned text that they paste in.
15:38:07 <warlord> Is it 50 word minimum or maximum?
15:38:25 <fell> The default min
15:38:33 <fell> but it is adjustable
15:38:59 <fell> $wgConfirmAccountRequestFormItems['Biography']['minWords'] in LocalSettings.php
15:41:30 <fell> Something like "I am testing|using GC since <date> for business|private use." should be enough.
15:41:33 <jralls> Looks like you also have to set $wvAccountRequestMinWords to the same value.
15:43:13 <warlord> Yeah. I'll look more at that tonight or tomorrow.
15:45:29 <warlord> Let me know if there are specific settings you'd like. For example, do you want the "Request Account" page?
15:47:50 <warlord> FYI, the script found 23219 "unused" accounts
15:48:38 <warlord> Who wants to see the list?
15:50:42 <fell> Just verify no active admins are on the list
15:52:59 <warlord> Nope, we're not
15:53:09 <warlord> Nobody who has made any edits is on the list
15:53:28 <warlord> So it's pretty much those that didn't respond to the email.
15:53:50 <warlord> So I can delete those.. then work on the ConfirmAccount, and then we can delete the known spammer accounts
15:55:15 <warlord> Does anyone want the list emailed?
15:55:34 <fell> No thanks.
15:56:03 <fell> just in case, you could save it somewhere
16:31:43 <warlord> Well, it's just usernames. Once I follow through with the --delete there's not much I can do. I think I'll just back up the database before I do it.
16:49:31 <jralls> warlord: You should add gjanssens to the bureaucrat list too.
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17:30:54 <gjanssens> jralls: what does it mean when I become a bureaucrat ?
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17:32:22 <jralls> gjanssens: That you can manage users and settings. Once warlord sets up ConfirmAccount a bureaucrat will have to approve every request for a wiki account.
17:33:08 <jralls> No reason for you to miss out on the fun. ;-)
17:33:43 <gjanssens> heh :)
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19:33:33 <fell> wiki user warlord still mentions subversion
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20:13:52 <_80k> I was reading the wiki for setting up OFX DirectConnect and it states GnuCash must be configured using --enable-hbci and --enable-ofx. Where is this enabled? Is this added to the command for the shortcut? I am on Linux if it matters.
20:16:41 <fell> While building
20:18:23 <fell> If you got it from your distribution, you should just try it or ask the package maintainer.
20:19:18 <fell> I think most will enable it today.
20:20:03 <_80k> So if I get the package from the Ubuntu repository (14.04), I think it should be supported. The problem I ran into is when I ran the setup, I got to the screen to create users. I clicked create user and Gnucash just completely closes.
20:20:42 <warlord> fell: I noticed that a bit ago. Feel free to update the page ;)
20:21:41 <fell> No, warlord, I do not touch the pages of other users. ;-)
20:21:51 <warlord> jralls: done. Added Geert
20:22:24 <warlord> _80k: 99.99% it's already enabled.
20:22:42 <warlord> What version of gnucash is this?
20:23:40 <_80k> warlord: 2.6.1. I am reading an Ubuntu bugs report on this. I might have a solution
20:24:18 <warlord> Oh, yeah, 2.6.1 is very buggy. You should definitely find a way to upgrade to 2.6.11
20:24:31 <warlord> s/buggy/old and buggy/
20:24:34 <fell> _80k Getdeb might have a more recent package.
20:25:09 <_80k> warlord and fell: Thanks for the heads up. Gonna see if I can get 2.6.11
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20:31:10 <_80k> alright, getting the newest from getdeb. Hopefully i get better results here.
20:35:12 <fell> 2.6.1 is over 2 years old
20:35:37 <warlord> fell: I'm about to perform that major user purge.
20:37:12 <fell> Yes, I see. It is answering slower.
20:38:13 <warlord> Sorry. Doing disk i/o, backing up mysql and now running the purge.
20:38:26 * warlord needs to upgrade the vm hardware one of these years.
20:45:03 <warlord> Hmm, the deletes seem to be getting faster...
20:45:13 <_80k> well 2.6.11 solved the problem about crashing. But still having problems setting up my users. I think I will stick with importing files.
20:47:01 <warlord> _80k: what do you mean, "setting up my users"?
20:47:29 <_80k> apparently Chase has some issues with credentials so I wasn't able to connect.
20:48:15 <_80k> I found some info in the Wiki on this issue but could not understand the implications.
20:49:30 <warlord> fell, jralls -- apparently I can set up a mailing list to get notified when new accounts are requested.. Suggestions for a name? (I'm not sure if I can just set up multiple email addresses)
20:57:02 <warlord> Hmm... found 23211. I was expecting more. Hmm
20:57:30 <warlord> Ahh, because there were extra lines ..
20:57:49 <fell> 8
20:58:25 <warlord> Well, I see 4 extra lines.
20:59:56 <fell> 15:47 you said 23219
21:05:14 <warlord> Yes, I know.
21:05:27 <warlord> Not sure what happened to the other 4
21:05:46 <warlord> Well, there's another 3 at the top.
21:06:08 <fell> Bureaucrat@gnucash.org ?
21:08:38 <warlord> that can work..
21:08:55 <warlord> okay, more questions: min words for the bio?
21:09:00 <warlord> leave at 50? or go to 10?
21:09:16 <fell> I think 10 is enough
21:09:50 <fell> my example sentence before had 9
21:11:12 <warlord> What about the "Request Account login link" (c.f. https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:ConfirmAccount#Enhancements )
21:16:33 <fell> May be it is too late for me, i do not understand what it does.
21:16:50 <warlord> Me either. :-/
21:19:20 <fell> Warlord, now the wiki is pending.
21:26:56 <warlord> Yeah, give me a moment...
21:27:47 <warlord> I need to update the schema. give me a minute or three.
21:28:56 <fell> Don't hurry, I will have a meal now.
21:29:38 <warlord> I also has some typos in the LocalSettings.php
21:35:10 <warlord> Okay, we need to create http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/index.php?title=GnuCash:Terms_of_Service&action=edit&redlink=1
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21:45:26 <warlord> Well.. Email works..
21:48:44 <warlord> Although the contents are broken
21:53:59 <warlord> fell: your email bounced
21:54:11 <warlord> (your online.de account)
22:13:19 <warlord> okay, email fixed...
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22:41:38 <warlord> fell: let me know when you're back... want to figure out why your email bounced.
22:53:16 <warlord> FYI, 16 unused accounts created in the past 7 days... not deleted.
22:58:43 * warlord is going to bed. fell, i'll talk to you tomorrow.
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