2016-02-09 GnuCash IRC logs
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09:21:59 <wget> Hi guys. I have several paper tickets available; Do you know a way I can mark (check box button for example) each row in my bank account. The check box will mean I checked the debit on my account and I can thorw the paper ticket away.
09:22:43 <wget> I browsed the manual, but I couldn't find any topic related to what I want to do.
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09:26:22 <mikee> THat's what reconcile does. See the R column.
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09:43:18 <wget> mikee: ok thanks
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10:11:02 <wget> ok. I've a segmentation fault with gnucash :-/
10:11:33 <wget> when I try to import a csv file.
10:11:33 <wget> Btw, when I launch gnucash, I have libdbi: Failed to load driver: /usr/lib/dbd/libdbdsqlite.so
10:11:33 <wget> while the file definitely exists
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11:19:22 <fell> wget a crash on import was AFAIK fixed in 2.6.11
11:23:53 *** anket has joined #gnucash
11:25:13 <anket> How can I find out the file header information for files with the .gnucash extension?
11:25:36 <jralls> wget: For the crash, do try 2.6.11; if it still crashes please run it under gdb and get a stack trace, then file a bug with the stack trace and gnucash.trace attached.
11:26:17 <jralls> wget: As for libdbdsqlite.so, if it's present and won't load that probably means that it's missing one of its dependencies.
11:26:42 <wget> jralls: ok thanks.
11:26:48 <jralls> anket: .gnucash files don't have a header. They're plain-text XML files that may or may not be gzipped.
11:27:07 <anket> jralls: That's what I thought.
11:27:53 <anket> jralls: However, I just ran a test file through less, and it was rather garbled.
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11:29:36 <warlord> anket: is it still compressed?
11:30:58 <anket> warlord: Compressed?
11:31:17 <warlord> anket: yes. by default gnucash will compress your XML file
11:32:02 <anket> warlord: Oh. Then, most likely, yes. I have not decompressed the file.
11:32:43 <warlord> that's why it looks like gobbledy gook
11:33:41 <anket> warlord: How do I decompress the file?
11:34:47 <warlord> gunzip? zcat? Tell gnucash to turn off compression under Edit -> Preferences
11:39:22 <anket> warlord: Oh. That could be a challenge. I am using a file recovery tool to find my gnucash records in a 100G+ file. I will need to figure out how to recover the file if the extension does not match the compression.
11:40:16 <warlord> anket: oh, this is a recovery effort from a disk backup image??
11:40:22 <warlord> search for gzip-compressed files.
11:41:04 <anket> warlord: That is definitely very helpful. The tool supports that format.
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13:09:18 <tedc> any quick fix for the tax report duplicating accounts 3x or 2x.even a source code pointer would be helpful. I can recompile if nec. gr ver 2.6.11
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13:29:13 <jralls> tedc: No quick fix. The code is in src/tax/us. It's Scheme so no recompile necessary.
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15:02:49 <anket> warlord: I was able to find a copy of the gnucash file. However, I get a message about an error parsing the file when I start the action to load it in GnuCash. How can I find out what the issue is with the file?
15:04:21 <warlord> anket: what happens if you try to uncompress it yourself, manually?
15:05:12 <anket> warlord: It's weird. The tool automatically decompressed the file; I will see if there is a way to have the file retrieved as compressed.
15:05:28 <warlord> Don't worry about htat.
15:05:33 <warlord> what does it look like, uncompressed?
15:06:48 <anket> It looks normal. I created a test gnucash file, and the file formats were similar (after I decompressed the test file.)
15:10:51 <warlord> What are the first few lines?
15:10:59 <anket> warlord: I do not recall the version of GnuCash on the old system, but it was likely older.
15:11:16 <anket> warlord: Just a sec.
15:13:10 <anket> warlord: Here is what 'head -n 4' for the file produces:
15:13:14 <anket> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
15:13:23 <anket> <gnc-v2
15:13:32 <anket> xmlns:gnc="http://www.gnucash.org/XML/gnc"
15:13:34 <warlord> Are you sure it's a complete file? Not missing anything in the middle?
15:14:25 <anket> It's about 68 Megs. What should I look for?
15:16:17 <warlord> Try running xmllint on it?
15:17:23 <anket> Yes sir! A whole mess of parser errors.
15:17:53 <warlord> What's the first one?
15:19:11 <anket> rescue.gnucash:33781: parser error : expected '>'
15:19:12 <anket> </76f-09 74b26e0fd38IAX<8bb60</price:id>
15:19:35 <warlord> Yep, looks like a corrupted file.
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15:20:49 <anket> warlord: Salvageable, I hope.
15:20:55 <warlord> unlikekly
15:21:15 <warlord> sorry
15:24:01 <anket> Oh my.
15:24:27 <anket> How about manually editing the file?
15:24:43 <warlord> A 68MB file? Nope.
15:25:15 <warlord> I take it you had a system failure -- why not restore the system from your backup?
15:27:29 <anket> I was resizing the partition so that I could make space for another linux install on the system. The USB connectors had become unreliable, and I was unable to backup the system over the past two months.
15:31:32 <anket> The resizing went wrong.
15:31:58 <warlord> Apparently.
15:32:22 <warlord> I'm sorry I don't have better news.
15:33:18 <warlord> For what it's worth, my asterisk server ate itself today (or last night) -- the flash drive died and doesn't work anymore; I lost the whole system and didn't have a recent backup.. So I know how you feel -- I have to rebuild the whole system again.
15:35:16 <anket> Rebuilding a system: no problem. Re-entering 15+ years of data in GnuCash...
15:35:59 <warlord> And you didn't have an off-system backup somewhere? Even a 2-month-old backup would have 14y10m of data.
15:38:12 <anket> That's what I am looking to restore from. I hope that it is comparable.
15:42:50 <anket> warlord: Thanks for your help.
15:43:07 <warlord> Sorry for your loss.
15:43:18 <warlord> Hope you can recover.
15:45:33 <anket> Thanks.
15:50:15 <tedc> dd whatever you can first & try running 3 openafs systems
15:51:13 <anket> tedc: Pardon me?
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