2016-02-07 GnuCash IRC logs
00:31:32 *** jesse has joined #gnucash
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05:23:48 <jihi> Hi, can i extract somehow all transactions, which e.g. match a certain description, so that i can make a chart ofthese particular ones? (e.g. my income, which is part of split transactions)
05:59:05 *** BuschMan has joined #gnucash
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08:01:32 *** BuschMan has quit IRC
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10:12:14 *** gncbot sets mode: +o fell
10:19:47 *** JoTraGo has joined #gnucash
10:26:35 <JoTraGo> Trying to get Finaince::Quote going. On Mint17 on Ubuntu 14.04 I appear to have package "lib-finance-quote-perl" installed. Is this the same as the "perl-finaince-quote" package mentioned in the docs?
10:27:32 <JoTraGo> I can see gnc-quote-check, dump, and helper in /usr/bin. Check gives a list of sources, as does dump, with a bit more info.
10:28:32 <JoTraGo> However I cannot find gnc-fq-update as mentioned in the help
10:28:58 <JoTraGo> Sorry the above should be gnc-fq-dump, check, helper
10:29:56 <JoTraGo> I have setup my securities with the correct names, and isin numbers, when I run Price Editor > get quotes I do get the dialog listing my securities but all fail.
10:30:18 <JoTraGo> I think I am pretty close, maybe missing something here?
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11:18:06 <fell> JoTraGo: Some distros remove gnc-fq-update, because it would call cpan directly instead of using their package manager.
11:20:22 <fell> The symbol you must use depends on the source.
11:23:16 <fell> E.g. Yahoo might wish you append to the ISIN the symbol of your desired exchange.
11:24:11 *** BuschMan has joined #gnucash
11:25:14 <fell> Use gnc-fq-dump to test your symbols.
11:55:16 *** gnomey has quit IRC
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12:44:58 *** BuschMan has quit IRC
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18:36:50 <jralls> linas: Did you get your sourceforge knocker sorted?
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22:33:11 <linas> jralls not yet
22:34:02 <linas> I'm procrastinating on other stuff I should be doing so ..
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