2016-02-02 GnuCash IRC logs
00:38:45 *** Apteryx has joined #gnucash
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03:00:23 <fell> Moin
03:13:30 *** Apteryx has quit IRC
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07:51:17 *** Mechtilde has quit IRC
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13:14:35 *** gjanssens is now known as gjanssens_afk
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15:08:00 *** Rey has joined #gnucash
15:08:04 <Rey> Go to http://www.truthcontest.com , read the top entries, and spread the truth. This will blow your mind. As said in the books, the truth is like water, and it will slip through your fingers. The translations are available on http://www.truthcontest.com/translations.html
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16:07:18 *** bigbighouse has joined #gnucash
16:09:32 <bigbighouse> I direct a tiny non-profit and had to create tax receipts for our supporters by hand. Is there a way of creating those receipts (or custom reports?) from my Gnucash bookkeeping? I keep trace of our supporters as separate accounts i.e. income:gifts:/supportername/
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16:35:58 <lmat> bigbighouse: Have you run any reports before?
16:38:46 <lmat> bigbighouse: Probably transaction report?
16:43:42 <bigbighouse> I'll try it right now... I'm guessing I can format it with our name/address?
16:44:05 <bigbighouse> Thanks for your suggestion.
16:48:26 <bigbighouse> Voila... got it to work. Possible to format it with our name/logo/address?
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17:28:05 <bigbighouse> Is there a way for me to export the data that would be used to create the transaction report so I can access it from a mail merge function in a word processor?
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18:01:17 *** mocha has joined #gnucash
18:04:38 <mocha> I'm trying to run Account Report for one of my accounts that goes back to 2002 and I get Report Error. Is there a limit to the number of transactions that GnuCash can process?
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20:27:34 *** CharlesIC has joined #gnucash
20:27:51 <CharlesIC> hello, how do i see transactions just for 2015 for a certain account?
20:28:16 <CharlesIC> oh, transaction report
20:31:43 <CharlesIC> is it possible to exclude certain transactions from that?
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20:54:50 <CharlesIC> POOPIE
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21:01:44 *** gncbot sets mode: +o fell
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21:05:25 <CharlesIC> hello
21:05:35 <CharlesIC> how do i get all the transactions from an account that are positive, only?
21:05:44 <CharlesIC> im trying to exclude payments on it
22:06:16 <fell> CharlesIC, you found solutions for your previous questions?
22:22:03 <CharlesIC> i had to estimate ;)
22:22:09 <CharlesIC> im not sure if there's a solution for what i asked
22:29:15 <fell> if you are in an account, there are several sort and filter options below the view menu.
22:29:56 <fell> If you are running a report, you should review the repotz options.
22:30:44 <fell> report
22:36:37 <fell> Reports->Income...->Cash flow can split the txn in incoming and outgoing.
22:57:44 <CharlesIC> thx
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23:05:08 *** Apteryx has joined #gnucash
23:25:17 *** bigbighouse has quit IRC