2016-02-01 GnuCash IRC logs
00:00:57 *** codesmythe has quit IRC
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03:56:57 *** gncbot sets mode: +o fell
03:58:06 <fell> mikee, in bugzilla is 1 patch with state commit-now, but I believe you already applied it.
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06:44:37 <mikee> fell: Do you have the bug ID?
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07:07:43 <mikee> Or tell me how to search for it by patch status?
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08:07:02 <fell> Mikee there is only one on https://bugzilla.gnome.org/page.cgi?id=browse.html&product=GnuCash right.
08:08:43 <fell> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/page.cgi?id=patchreport.html&product=GnuCash&patch-status=accepted-commit_now
08:12:12 <mikee> fell: looking at it now
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08:20:31 <mikee> fell: OK. Marked as committed. Cheers.
08:20:56 <mikee> What say about comment 20 in that bug though?
08:21:08 <mikee> Wontfix?
08:23:02 <mikee> The register2 rewrite would make this obsolete anyway.
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08:55:56 <fell> If that will happen some day
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14:00:50 <redarrow> hi, just wondering if the "Gnucash 2.4 Small Business Accounting: Beginner's Guide" is the latest version available on the market? Is it possible to transfer descriptions from 2.4 to 2.6?
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14:01:20 <Mechtilde> no there is an aktuall Guide
14:01:30 <Mechtilde> actual
14:01:40 <Mechtilde> gnucash.org
14:02:08 <redarrow> Is it available on book format?
14:02:25 <Mechtilde> yes
14:02:43 <Mechtilde> http://gnucash.org/docs/v2.6/C/gnucash-help.epub
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14:02:52 <Mechtilde> http://gnucash.org/docs/v2.6/C/gnucash-guide.epub
14:03:05 <Mechtilde> http://gnucash.org/docs/v2.6/C/gnucash-guide.mobi
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14:04:07 <redarrow> Mechtilde: no paper books...? Well I guess I need an ebook reader sooner or later
14:04:18 <Mechtilde> do you mean pdf?
14:04:29 <Mechtilde> http://gnucash.org/docs/v2.6/C/gnucash-guide.pdf
14:04:30 <redarrow> Mechtilde: no Paper :)
14:04:39 <redarrow> real world paper :D
14:04:44 <Mechtilde> http://gnucash.org/viewdoc.phtml?rev=2.6&lang=C&doc=guide
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14:05:50 <Mechtilde> or I didn't understand
14:06:41 <redarrow> Mechtilde: nevermind. Many thanks for all the links
14:07:06 <redarrow> I just could print the 252 Pages and have it in offline format
14:07:13 <Mechtilde> these links are all on the first page for documentation
14:07:54 <redarrow> Mechtilde: sure but thought there might be a paper version available to buy
14:08:33 <Mechtilde> nobody didn't print there
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14:18:48 <redarrow> Mechtilde: no problem. I will use this to buy an ebook reader - long wanted but never really "required" it. :)
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18:37:04 <parap> could i get some help in setting up a mutual fund in gnucash
18:37:18 <parap> especially in the online price retrival aspect too?
18:37:29 <parap> thanks
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20:17:42 *** gncbot sets mode: +o fell
20:18:56 <fell> @tell parap You should really stay longer to get an answer. We are only volunteers here.
20:18:56 <gncbot> fell: The operation succeeded.
20:30:19 <fell> redarrow, you should ask Ashok Ramachandran or packtpub.com about their update plans.
20:32:38 <fell> @tell Mechtilde There is a book https://www.packtpub.com/hardware-and-creative/gnucash-24-small-business-accounting-beginners-guide
20:32:38 <gncbot> fell: The operation succeeded.
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