2016-01-27 GnuCash IRC logs
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05:16:39 *** Qantourisc has joined #gnucash
05:16:52 <Qantourisc> Is there any way to "lock" an account before a date ?
05:17:27 <Qantourisc> Accidently mistyping a date is a major pita
05:17:39 <Qantourisc> and means scolling and looking trough a giant list of transactions
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09:36:22 <gjanssens> Baby steps into c++ and already hitting an important roadblock:
09:36:31 <gjanssens> character set conversions
09:37:03 <gjanssens> As mentioned on the list recently I'm looking at converting (parts of) the csv importer to c++
09:37:47 <gjanssens> On aspect of this is reading csv files which can come in many different encodings
09:38:23 <gjanssens> As I understand it, I need to make sure to convert this into strings in utf-8 representation
09:38:35 <gjanssens> as that's what glib is using internally
09:39:49 <gjanssens> I have found references to std::codecvt facets or boosts utf8_codecvt_facet but all of that still seems to require a lot of manual coding
09:40:21 <gjanssens> And setting up facets for each possible input encoding
09:40:50 <gjanssens> I'm wondering if anyone here on irc has some experience with this to get me started properly ?
09:41:48 <gjanssens> There was also a mention that c++11 has some features related to this, though I haven't found much about that yet.
09:42:15 <gjanssens> And can I use C++11 features on gnucash or are we standardizing on an older version still ?
09:44:15 <warlord> Qantourisc: sorry, no. there's no way to do that. However, assume you actually reconcile your account, you can easily find such transactions via View -> Filter By and de-selecting 'reconciled'. That will reduce the clutter and help you find the wrong-date transactions.
09:45:08 <warlord> gjanssens: I believe we are using C++11
09:45:50 <gjanssens> warlord: that's already something
09:47:23 <warlord> Alas, I dont have an answer for your encoding question
09:47:27 <warlord> oh, can you /op gncbot ?
09:47:51 *** gjanssens sets mode: +o gncbot
09:47:54 <gjanssens> done
09:47:58 <warlord> @op
09:47:59 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
09:48:01 <warlord> thanks.
09:48:02 <warlord> @op fell
09:48:03 *** gncbot sets mode: +o fell
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09:57:38 <gjanssens> In fact, all of the documentation I read so far seems to talk about different Unicode encodings like UTF-8 vs UTF-16 vs UCS2 vs UCS4
09:58:00 <gjanssens> But I don't see the old codepage encodings mentioned anywhere
09:58:30 <gjanssens> I know they're old, but we still support input files in such encodings and probably will have to for quite some time...
10:02:13 <codesmythe> gjanssens: I have no experience in this area, but did you look at boost::locale::conv (http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_59_0/libs/locale/doc/html/charset_handling.html)?
10:03:19 <codesmythe> In particular, in the first example in that page, for to_utf, you can specify an encoding like "Latin1" or "ISO-8859-8"
10:04:59 * gjanssens is reading that page now...
10:09:21 <gjanssens> codesmythe: that looks like exactly what I was searching for ! You're my hero today :)
10:17:48 <codesmythe> gjanssens: Glad to help. :-)
10:48:25 <Qantourisc> warlord: I never reconciled, so I should try to do that then ?
10:51:35 <fell> Qantourisc: Reconciliation is the process where you compare your account with the statement of your bank.
10:51:54 <warlord> Qantourisc: Well, it would certainly help in this partcular case. Of course it implies you have your bank statements going back to whenever you started accounting
10:51:54 <Qantourisc> I know that, but I don't that by hand so far :p
10:52:15 <Qantourisc> I imputed all bank transaction in seperate account
10:52:29 <Qantourisc> As such, I have all transactions
10:53:27 <Qantourisc> makes it easy to compare, but still when you insert something with a wrong date, it's pita
10:53:40 <fell> and you could use it to find your txn with the wrong date
10:54:21 <Qantourisc> I'll check into reconcile
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19:54:44 <fell> jralls, on the german list the mac user Arnd Hostert has the problem:
19:54:45 <fell> Chipcard Error:
19:54:46 <fell> Error checking chip card (-1073756100).
19:54:48 <fell> Maybe libchipcard or its plugins are not installed?
19:56:37 <fell> Is libchipcard in the gnucash 2.6.11 dmgs?