2016-01-12 GnuCash IRC logs
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05:01:35 <tnassar> Hi, I am having issues running/installing Gnucash on Mac OS X, Yosemite
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05:03:10 <tnassar> The finance-quote application seemed to run fine. However, when I run (double-click) the Gnucash application, the application opens on the Mac OS X dock and then closes seconds later.
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10:11:34 <warlord> mikee: I think I have an answer to your regex problem.
10:13:45 <warlord> (untested, of course)
10:17:17 <mikee> warlord: Cool!
10:19:15 <mikee> I could answer that it never claimed to be rfc4180 complient.
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10:20:41 * mikee reads mail
10:20:50 <mikee> I'll give it test.
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10:30:53 <warlord> mikee: true. It never did claim to be RFC compliant. But if we can easily make it so....
10:36:17 <mikee> It looks fine in the preview but then it screw up during the invoice creation. So I need to look at more code.
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10:37:09 <mikee> In fact it loses the next line after the problem lines. Still it is progress.
10:45:47 <warlord> Hmm..
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11:12:34 <mikee> Oh! Actually it created two invoices!
11:12:49 <mikee> But. I have to go watch StarWars. Normal service will resume tomorrow.
11:14:40 <mikee> Aha, which is what is was supposed to do!! Not paying attention. Definately leaving now.
11:15:21 <mikee> I hadn't noticed the two invoice numbers. Doh!
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11:53:57 <warlord> @op
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15:24:40 <Cork> Finance/Quote/Morningstar.pm is out of date and i'm trying to fix it up
15:25:03 <Cork> but i'm getting "Unable to retrieve quotes for these items"
15:25:16 <Cork> how can i debug what is actually failing with the script?
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15:28:23 <warlord> Cork: run gnc-fq-dump
15:30:27 <Cork> warlord: cool, what should i do to get this updated "officially" when i'm done?
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16:21:50 <jralls> Cork: Best bet would be a PR at https://github.com/finance-quote/finance-quote.
16:22:02 <Cork> jralls: thx
16:22:13 <jralls> Cork: Which implies that you probably want to start with a fork from there.
16:23:29 <jralls> Cork: Starting with making sure that you've got the latest version. I see that Erik updated it just last September.
16:24:34 <Cork> ah, interesting; i don't
16:24:40 <Cork> that saves a ton of work :)
16:35:40 <jralls> Indeed. ;-)
16:38:47 <jralls> codesmythe: Trying your PR. It finds glib-2.0 with pkg-config and then fails with gobject-2.0, "A required package was not found". pkg-config --modversion naturally returns the same for both.
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16:42:24 <codesmy93> jralls: ok, I'll take a look later this evening.
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17:03:55 <jralls> codesmy93: More data: repeated calls to cmake have the first pkg-config invocation pass and the second fail. Same happens on master, which I didn't test in this environment, which is gtk-osx, out-of-source build. I
17:04:05 <jralls> I'll switch to Debian and try there.
17:13:55 <Cork> so, is there a way to do the same as gnucash --add-price-quotes without needing libgnome?
17:14:26 <Cork> (wanting to do the updater automatic on a x less server)
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17:28:17 <jralls> Cork: Yes, you can use the python bindings to run GnuCash's core libraries without the GUI.
17:28:50 <Cork> jralls: anywhere to find how to do that?
17:28:50 <jralls> Ask on the user list, ISTR someone saying they'd already written that program.
17:29:00 <Cork> thx
17:29:24 <jralls> For what value of "find how to do that"? Can you write Python?
17:30:30 <Cork> ya, not my strongest language, but i know it
17:37:09 <jralls> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Python_Bindings will get you started.
17:40:38 <Cork> cool thx
18:02:25 <codesmy93> jralls: I saw that you merged the PR. You were able to get things working then?
18:02:37 <jralls> codesmythe: Retested on F23 and it worked fine, so I rebased and pushed.
18:03:55 <jralls> Unless you're using jhbuild too for OSX I think the build fail there is for me to figure out. But I want to get the new maint merged back into master before I forget what I'm doing.
18:04:50 <jralls> BTW, on master: COPYING and INSTALL are already in git. F23 made them ro for some reason so I had to comment out the write tests in the root CMakeFiles.txt.
18:06:18 <codesmy93> ok. I did not realize that about INSTALL and COPYING.
18:09:27 <codesmy93> maint will not merge cleanly into master so lots of conflicts will have to resolved by hand. I can't submit a PR to help with that as I understand it.
18:13:53 <codesmy93> Here's the git question. Is there a way in git/github where I, the creator of the conflicts, can fix them without having write access to the repo?
18:14:32 <jralls> Yeah, that's why I want to do it while it's still in my head.
18:17:57 <jralls> You can do the merge in your local repo, resolve all of the conflicts as usual, and commit the result. Push that to your github repo and hit the PR button. There's a timing risk there, though, which is that if someone commits to the target branch in the meantime then merging the PR will be a bit messy.
18:28:21 <jralls> codemsy93: I've forgotten. Was there a reason you set the minimum cmake at 3.1? I ask because Debian stable is at 3.0.
18:34:34 <codesmy93> jralls: ISTR that 3.0 had a pkg-config related bug that 3.1 fixed.
18:35:32 <jralls> Hmm. I wonder if that's what I'm hitting with gtk-osx even though cmake is 3.2.
18:37:10 <jralls> Oh, I'm wrong about COPYING and INSTALL, they're not in git. But you used the GPLV3 versions and we want GPLV2.
18:39:32 <codesmy93> Hmmm. I thought I had copied them from a tree created by autotools make install.
18:43:23 <jralls> Looking a bit deeper I see that what it actually does is link the files from the current version of automake. That explains why we have a separate LICENSE file, which is the V2 one. As for INSTALL, that gives the autotools instructions. If we really migrate to cmake including those instructions would be strange.
18:45:10 <jralls> I think we don't cmake to copy either of them. Let's just have it ln -s LICENSE COPYING.
18:45:36 <jralls> eh, don't *want* cmake to copy.
18:46:22 <codesmy93> ok.
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