2016-01-06 GnuCash IRC logs
00:10:48 *** fell has quit IRC
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08:42:15 <onehead> Hi guys,
08:42:15 <onehead> I am just setting up my gnucash structure* and I'd like to know if there's a way to automate PAYPAL to CREDIT CARD transaction in gnucash. Normally you would set up PayPal as CC account and when you make a purchase you just enter the payment. As my PP is connected to my CC I have to enter an additional transaction with the same amount between the PP acc and the CC acc. I would like to automate
08:42:15 <onehead> this if possible.
08:42:15 <onehead> I was thinking to cut out PP completely and just use it as an Expense but 1) sometimes people pay me for jobs through PP and 2) I have several PP accounts in different countries so this approach would not work.
08:42:16 <onehead> As I use ebay (and hence PP) quite extensively for buying spares and supplies I have many transactions to enter so automating the PP to CC bit would half the work.
08:42:20 <onehead> Thanks for your help!
08:42:21 <onehead> *new to gnucash but used ms money among several others for quite a few years but since 2008 I haven't used a thing.
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08:52:21 <warlord> @op fell
08:52:22 *** gncbot sets mode: +o fell
08:54:34 <fell> Good Morning and thanks, warlord!
08:55:40 <warlord> Good morning.
08:59:58 <fell> onehead: if it is a fix amount, you can create a scheduled transaction.
09:13:09 *** BuschMan has joined #gnucash
09:15:31 <onehead> thanks fell but it's not a fix amount - it's whatever I pay on ebay or online
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12:38:37 <onehead2> re
12:39:26 <onehead2> haven't got hi hopes though ;)
12:39:46 <onehead2> high
12:46:55 *** Mechtilde has joined #gnucash
12:51:32 <fell> Mechtilde, can you look at http://lists.gnucash.org/logs/2016/01/2016-01-05.html#T21:00:59
12:52:09 <fell> mikee, are you around?
12:59:43 <Mechtilde> fell yes I read it
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13:01:58 <fell> At least SKR03/04 have accounts for paid tax below assets.
13:02:41 <fell> VAT, not income tax
13:02:55 <Mechtilde> ok I saw the problem I set it right in the screenshots
13:03:19 <Mechtilde> but it is wrong in the account hierarchy
13:03:40 <Mechtilde> I have to do a correction
13:03:55 <Mechtilde> I try to do it on weekend
13:04:39 <fell> as you like ;-)
13:04:55 <Mechtilde> http://code.gnucash.org/docs/C/gnucash-guide/bus-setupacct.html there is the problem
13:05:28 <Mechtilde> or here in German http://code.gnucash.org/docs/de/gnucash-guide/bus-setupacct.html
13:05:53 <fell> Yes, there it starts.
13:07:01 <Mechtilde> and there is the account hierarchy
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13:07:34 <fell> I hope mikee can tell me the situation in the UK, so we can clarify the english version, too.
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13:10:08 <fell> Back in ~2h
13:10:12 *** fell is now known as fell_afk
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14:16:37 <mikee> fell_afk: Missed you. I have no idea what vendor offsets are, other than what I just read on Wikipedia. Which didn't realy help . Sorry.
14:17:12 * mikee Has never studied business or accounting.
14:21:20 <mikee> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Offset_loan_%28finance%29 Not this I guess?
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14:23:54 *** CharlesIC has joined #gnucash
14:23:58 <CharlesIC> hello
14:24:01 <CharlesIC> anyone using chase bank with direct connect?
14:24:10 <CharlesIC> when i try to retrieve accounts, it says invalid user/pass
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20:06:09 <CharlesIC> hi
20:06:11 <CharlesIC> anyone around?
20:09:05 <fell> No! ;-)
20:10:16 <CharlesIC> =)
20:11:13 <CharlesIC> HTTP-Status: 400 (Bad Request)
20:11:16 <CharlesIC> i get these on acqbanking
20:13:40 <CharlesIC> on two diff accounts
20:14:15 <fell> I don't know acqbanking, try http://www2.aquamaniac.de/sites/aqbanking/index.php
20:14:22 <CharlesIC> aqbanking
20:16:24 <fell> And which module are you using? HBCI, OFX, ...
20:17:33 <CharlesIC> ofx
20:17:40 <CharlesIC> Receiving response...
20:17:40 <CharlesIC> HTTP-Status: 400 (Bad Request)
20:17:40 <CharlesIC> Error parsing server response
20:18:39 <CharlesIC> "get accounts" worked fine
20:18:47 <fell> can you crosscheck your setings with http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/OFX_Direct_Connect_Bank_Settings
20:21:38 <fell> Then you can follow http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Setting_up_OFXDirectConnect_in_GnuCash_2#Enabling_the_OFX_Log
20:22:28 <CharlesIC> yeah i used settings
20:22:35 <CharlesIC> ok, so with capital one
20:22:39 <CharlesIC> sorry, backtrack
20:22:41 <CharlesIC> i generated uuids
20:22:48 <CharlesIC> and that worked to return bank accounts
20:23:00 <CharlesIC> for capital one, for instance. but then when i tried to actually get balance, etc, it gives that 400 error
20:27:51 <fell> There is nothing more, if you tweak the log settings? You can see if there is something useful in http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Aqbanking#Debugging
20:29:36 <fell> If you can not find something, I suggest to ask on the user mailinglist.
20:29:42 <CharlesIC> thx
20:29:55 <fell> Sorry, but I am using another module.
20:36:46 <CharlesIC> ohhh i get an email
20:42:10 <CharlesIC> hmm
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