2015-12-12 GnuCash IRC logs
03:37:47 *** MechtiIde has joined #gnucash
04:10:17 *** gour has joined #gnucash
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05:56:45 <MechtiIde> hello
05:57:13 <MechtiIde> I have questio to localisiation
05:58:07 <MechtiIde> at the end of the po file there are some quoted lines
05:58:46 <MechtiIde> I think they should to use for the scheduled transaction
05:59:01 <MechtiIde> like "every month" etc
05:59:33 <MechtiIde> Is this the right place ?
06:09:44 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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06:15:25 *** fell has joined #gnucash
06:15:40 <MechtiIde> I have questio to localisiation
06:15:43 <MechtiIde> at the end of the po file there are some quoted lines
06:15:47 <MechtiIde> I think they should to use for the scheduled transaction
06:15:51 <MechtiIde> like "every month" etc
06:16:01 <MechtiIde> Is that the right place ?
06:16:23 <MechtiIde> afk
06:17:10 *** fabior has joined #gnucash
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07:14:06 *** gncbot sets mode: +o fell
07:15:22 <fell> Moin Mechtilde!
07:16:40 <MechtiIde> moin fell
07:31:55 *** nomeata has joined #gnucash
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08:42:13 <warlord> MechtiIde: the .po file should tell you the source-file location of the strings so you can see how they are used in conext.
08:42:14 <warlord> context
08:42:39 <MechtiIde> warlord thanks
08:43:01 <MechtiIde> I already discuss it with fell
08:44:05 *** Jimraehl1 has left #gnucash
08:44:39 <warlord> okay, there was no followup here in channel.
09:05:41 *** Jimraehl1 has joined #gnucash
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10:42:02 <fell> Parts of our discussion will result in http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/%C3%9Cbersetzung
10:46:52 *** himaxx has joined #gnucash
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12:26:21 <fell> It seems, msgmerge, lokalize or some other tool saves unused translations by prefixing them with "#~ ".
12:31:01 *** fabior has quit IRC
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13:56:47 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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14:26:56 <volan> IIs there a way to batch change transaction from one account to another?
14:30:20 <MechtiIde> Do you mean Internal Transaction? volan
14:32:50 <volan> I’m not sure what internal transaction means. While importing data from another program I ended up with two accounts for ‘interest received’. I would like to merge the transactions into one account.
14:33:04 <fell> If you delete an account, GC will ask you what to do with the remaining transactions, delete or move to another account.
14:33:42 <volan> hmm.that sounds scary. I may want to practice on a dummy account!
14:33:43 <volan> thanks
14:34:54 <fell> welcome
15:01:14 *** fell_ has joined #gnucash
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15:17:03 *** gncbot sets mode: +o fell
15:35:08 *** gour1 has quit IRC
16:01:13 *** MechtiIde has quit IRC
16:20:08 <warlord> volan: only if you want to change all of them..
16:20:33 <warlord> If you want to move *ALL* transactions from acct a to acct b, then delete acct a.. gnucash will ask you where you want to move them and you can select b
16:20:50 <warlord> If you only want to move some, then no, there is no "operate on multiple transactions at once" function.
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18:02:11 *** rubdos has quit IRC
21:02:55 *** minot has joined #gnucash