2015-11-08 GnuCash IRC logs

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10:36:06 <CDB-Man> hmm, I want to modify the advanced portfolio report, to make it determine stuff based on the "action"column
11:17:17 <warlord> CDB-Man: okay
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12:28:52 <CDB-Man> well, i guess my question is, if the scheme api stuff can actually access that column
12:29:15 <CDB-Man> as far as I understand it, the current report doesn't use that column at all, so nothing for me to base off of
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18:23:10 <dcw601> Hello, developers. The latest Android version of GnuCash insists on exporting the entire transaction base even when the export-all option is unchecked. Is there a fix or a place I can get an earlier, functioning version?
18:50:15 <jralls> dow601: Sorry, nobody here knows much about GnuCash for Android. It's a completely separate project. They have a google-groups mailing list for support: https://plus.google.com/communities/104728406764752407046
19:22:45 <dcw601> OK, jrails, thanks.
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20:36:53 <warlord> CDB-Man: yes, you can access that column via xaccSplitGetAction. Note that it's a Split-level field and not a transaction-level field (i.e., every Split in the transaction has a unique Action)
22:08:51 <warlord> jralls: you here?
22:13:42 <dcw601> I'm here. If CDB-Man was talking to me, I have no idea what (s)he said.
22:14:05 <dcw601> oh, that was Warlord *to* CDB-Man ... never mind
22:14:10 <warlord> dcw601: no, I dont think he was.. :)
22:14:35 <dcw601> new chat client, getting used to it.
22:17:29 <warlord> dcw601: no worries
22:17:45 <warlord> jralls: nevermind; I figured out a way to do what I wanted (which probably isn't the best way to do what I want)
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