2015-11-03 GnuCash IRC logs

00:55:20 *** MechtiIde has joined #gnucash
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01:41:36 <bill> Is there a way that I can sync the android client of gnucash with the desktop client?
01:41:48 <bill> I've been looking into doing it with syncthing but can't find the folder that contains all the data on android.
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09:31:20 <warlord> Hmm.. there is a "swig 3" now...
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11:46:25 <jralls> bill: Yes, there's a way but no GCfA folks hang out here. The support group is https://plus.google.com/communities/104728406764752407046
11:48:01 <jralls> warlord: Has been for over a year: http://sourceforge.net/p/swig/news/2014/03/swig-300-released/. We'll probably need it for master at some point because of C++11 support.
11:48:33 <warlord> jralls: Hmm, okay.
11:49:06 <warlord> I just noticed it was pushed for FC22. I'm sure it's in FC23 (which was released today). I'll probably update from FC20 to FC23 in the next 2 months.
11:51:25 <jralls> OK. I haven't tested with it. gjanssens, have you?
11:52:50 <gjanssens> warlord, jralls: I'm on F22 and currently have swig 3.0.7
11:52:58 <gjanssens> So far I haven't seen any issues with it
11:53:11 <jralls> Very good.
11:53:13 <gjanssens> I was just trying to figure out how long I'm using it already
11:53:16 <warlord> I've been afraid of upgrading due to WebEx. But apparently there is a fix for F22, somehow.
11:53:41 <gjanssens> warlord: what issue with WebEx ?
11:55:08 <warlord> Well, for a long time I couldn't get screen sharing to work. Then I figured out what I needed to do on F20, but it required sticking with Java 1.7.
11:55:28 <warlord> But apparently you *can* get it working with java 1.8 as well.
11:55:44 <warlord> .. it's also a 32- vs 64-bit issue, or something..
11:55:50 <gjanssens> Oh. I remember I had issues with it in the past with WebEx. Never got it figured out so at the time we searched for another solution
11:55:51 <warlord> It was annoying to fix the first time.
11:56:05 <warlord> I got it solved (on F20)
11:56:26 <warlord> You needed to watch the linker errors and install the correct packages for the missing libraries.
11:56:44 <gjanssens> jralls, warlord: I am running swig 3.0.5+ since April this year.
11:57:05 <gjanssens> If there would be serious issues (on linux), I'd have encountered them by now...
11:57:40 <gjanssens> warlord: yeah, integration of third-party tools is not always ideal on Fedora
11:58:07 <warlord> Yep
11:58:10 <gjanssens> It looks like they're discussing how that can be improved in the future by relaxing their (un-)bundling policy
11:58:18 <warlord> Like I said, I did get it working.
11:58:36 <warlord> So I want to make sure that when I finally upgrade to FC23 I can keep it working.
11:58:36 <gjanssens> Good. Let me know later when you get it working on F22/23
11:59:55 <warlord> gjanssens: https://ckirbach.wordpress.com/2015/07/22/how-to-solve-no-shared-desktop-window-with-webex-web-client-on-fedora-22/
12:02:20 <gjanssens> warlord: nice
12:02:57 <gjanssens> I'll keep that for later - WebEx is not on my agenda currently :)
12:03:14 <gjanssens> On the other hand, how hard would it be to test this ?
12:03:18 <codesmythe> jralls: When talking about non-recursive make in IRC yesterday, you mentioned the idea of 'switching to cmake'. Is than an active effort? I'd be interested in helping out.
12:04:27 <gjanssens> codesmythe: the non-gui parts of gnucash can already be built with cmake
12:04:50 <gjanssens> That was set up by cstim when he was experimenting with cutecash
12:04:57 <jralls> codesmythe: It's a possible alternative. The issue is build time on windows, which is excrutiatingly slow.
12:05:07 <gjanssens> So part of the work is already done
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12:05:37 <gjanssens> Personally I'd love to see it completed at least to a level we can evaluate how it works on all supported platforms
12:05:52 <gjanssens> ...how *well* it works...
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12:06:48 <gjanssens> (It would also allow me to paly with a different IDE than Eclipse, which is getting dog-slow recently on Fedora)
12:08:10 <jralls> Yeah, it would make for an easy way to build with Xcode, too. mikee would like that, I think.
12:08:40 <codesmythe> gjanssens: Right, expanding the usable IDEs with which GnuCash can be developed is the itch I'd like to scratch via cmake
12:09:01 <jralls> But I don't think Christian included much configuration in it. It probably works only on whatever he uses to build with.
12:09:13 <codesmythe> jralls: Yep, Xcode being the big one for me also, and CLion on Linux
12:09:54 <gjanssens> jralls: I think the cutecash build worked on Windows at some point, so that should illustrate some flexibility
12:10:09 <gjanssens> I haven't tested if it still builds currently
12:10:58 <gjanssens> What configuration are you thinking of ? OS X specific parts or rather --enable-python switches ?
12:12:19 <jralls> To be viable for serious development it's got to do everything that autotools does now, including make distcheck.
12:12:46 <jralls> The cmake build, that is, not necessarily Xcode.
12:16:22 <codesmythe> A few months ago, I did some work on adding CMakeLists.txt files to the rest of the (GUI) directories of gnucash, to the point where I could build the gnucash binary on OSX as a first step.
12:18:13 <jralls> codesmythe: Sounds like a worthwhile starting point. Make a PR out of it!
12:18:50 <codesmythe> Ok, that's what I wanted to hear. :-) Didn't know what level of functionality you'd require to accept a PR
12:19:53 <codesmythe> I did manage to break the cutecash build though, so I'll have to go back and fix that.
12:25:40 <gjanssens> codesmythe: Any improvement is ok for a PR
12:26:25 <gjanssens> However before it can replace autotools it needs to do all we currently do with autotools as jralls indicated
12:26:43 <gjanssens> If it's buildable with cmake that's an improvement and worth adding IMO
12:26:54 <gjanssens> We can then continue from there.
12:27:05 <gjanssens> Would be nice if cutecash indeed continue to build
12:27:14 <gjanssens> Please :)
12:28:43 <jralls> Actually, as long as we're willing to maintain both systems, just building GnuCash with cmake would let us do that on windows with ninja and we could continue to use autotools on Linux and OSX. A lot of the tests don't work well on Windows anyway.
12:30:18 <codesmythe> gjanssens: Ok. Getting the gnucash binary to build is the first of many steps. I was working on getting all of the scheme code to compile when I stopped. And the binary I had didn't run well :-(. So a ways to go. I'll get cutecash going again.
12:30:44 <gjanssens> Ok, thanks
12:32:07 <gjanssens> jralls: wether we want to maintain both will depend on how complicated they become...
12:32:23 <gjanssens> But it's an experiment worth doing
12:32:52 <gjanssens> on master of course
12:33:58 <codesmythe> jralls: packaging (rpm, deb, targz on Linux, bundles on OSX, MSI? on windows) is outside the scope of autotools, right? Cmake does not need to replace that, right?
12:34:59 <jralls> It needs to make the tarballs and run the test suite on the result. That's what make distcheck in autotools does.
12:35:16 <codesmythe> jralls: ok, thanks.
12:35:38 <jralls> All of the other packages are made with external tools.
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15:17:20 <curvian> i've got a booking system (web based) and looking for an accounting packaged i can interface with directly from the booking system. does gnucash have some sort of API or do i just use the sql version and access the database directly?
15:18:55 <jralls> curvian: GnuCash exports an API in C, Scheme, and Python. Note, however, that it's single-concurrent-user, even with the SQL backend.
15:20:46 <curvian> thanks jralls. python sounds good!
15:22:03 <jralls> curvian: Be sure to look at the developer docs at https://code.gnucash.org/docs/head
15:23:26 <curvian> will do tx
15:23:31 <warlord> curvian: also, be warned: the SQL backend is completely read-only to external apps. If you attempt to write to it from outside the gnucash api you may destroy your data.
15:25:04 <curvian> ok noted
15:28:24 <MechtiIde> warlord, are there some plans to change this?
15:28:24 <gncbot> MechtiIde: Sent 1 day, 0 hours, and 14 minutes ago: <jralls> I've committed a change to make the figures files dependencies for pdf, mobi, and epub, and merged maint into master. Since you changed an xml file in today's PR, those should all rebuild anyway so the effect won't be obvious.
15:29:40 <jralls> MechtiIde: Change the requirement to use the GnuCash API to write to the database? No. There's no way to encode most of the business logic in SQL.
15:33:22 <MechtiIde> to use gnucash with more than one user at the same time
15:33:57 <warlord> MechtiIde: no
15:34:29 <warlord> MechtiIde: oh, for that?? Yes, there is a desire to allow multiple simultaneous users.
15:34:55 <MechtiIde> are there some palns when it can happen
15:35:48 <MechtiIde> plans
15:36:53 <jralls> MechtiIde: Maybe the next major release, but more likely the one after that. It requires redesigning a lot of GnuCash.
15:38:35 <warlord> MechtiIde: probably not for 2.8
15:38:41 <warlord> more likely for the major release past that
15:38:45 <MechtiIde> ok
15:39:15 <MechtiIde> then I can tell the right plans if anyone ask me
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16:28:35 <scikick> I'm new to gnucash and intend to use it for managing a non-profit club's finances. We have 2 bank accounts, one for general purposes and another for a show we put on every other year. Should I have 1 file with two accounts or 2 files each with one account.
16:31:55 <warlord> scikick: IANAA, but *probably* one file with 2 accounts, but it depends if you really want to (or need to) keep the two accounts separate
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17:05:47 <scikick> I'm not sure why we have 2 separate bank accts, but we have also not been filing income taxes and are in trouble with the IRS. So I need to make sure I can find the info I need to file a 990 form at the end of the year. I'm assuming gnucash can help with that. I start out with 1 file and 2 accts and see how it flies. Thanks
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17:36:34 <jralls> scikick: Subscribe to gnucash-user and ask there. There are a few users who are managing non-profit books and will be able to help you.
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19:15:07 <Simon> can I have a stock account in another currency? it wants to use GBP (my default currency) instead of USD (the stock currency)
19:15:26 <Simon> I'd prefer to record the value in USD on the stock account side
19:20:40 <Simon> ...manually editing the transaction was a bad idea
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20:23:18 <warlord> Simon: yes, make sure the parent account of the stock is a USD account, and then the stock will be denoted in USD
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