2015-11-01 GnuCash IRC logs

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04:05:52 <ThomasKeller> I have a cronjob, which fetches price quotes once a day
04:05:57 <ThomasKeller> gnucash --add-price-quotes=$HOME/.data-gnucash/account.gnucash
04:06:03 <ThomasKeller> every time it is run, it logs warnings to /tmp/gnucash.trace
04:06:47 <ThomasKeller> WARN <> Command line `dbus-launch --autolaunch=98dd78e5aa0e49ccadf25374d14f --binary-syntax --close-stderr' exited with non-zero exit status 1: Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed.
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12:30:07 <jralls> ThomasKeller: What OS are you running, and what version of GC?
12:32:02 <ThomasKeller> jralls: I am using gnucash 2.6.4 on Debian wheezy
12:32:19 <jralls> warlord: Yes, I know you do security for your day job though I don't know exactly what sort you do. But you haven't been an active GnuCash developer for several years. That's not in any way a slam: You certainly contribute as much as any of us in other ways.
12:34:51 <warlord> jralls: Fair enough...
12:35:44 <jralls> ThomasKeller: Then the dbus error has something to do with your GSettings setup. It's been a while since I've worried about dbus, since 2.6.0 it's not used on Mac at all, but IIRC its session is usually controlled by an active login session. Depending on where you set up your cron job, there might not a dbus session for it to connect to.
12:41:06 *** aqua___ has joined #gnucash
12:41:21 <ThomasKeller> jralls: why is it complaining "X11 initialization failed" ?
12:41:53 <ThomasKeller> the command is running from cronjob, so obviously it cannot access display
12:42:29 <jralls> ThomasKeller: Maybe because you don't have X11 running when it's trying to run the cron job? There's a special handler for that --add-price-quotes option that IIRC is supposed to bypass the GUI startup, but maybe that's gotten borked. Give me a minute to have a look.
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12:50:45 <jralls> ThomasKeller: No, I'm wrong, that's not coming from GnuCash, it's coming from dbus. I can only speculate: Something in the dbus config wants X11, your cron job runs with the machine in a non-X11 runlevel, and the combination means that the dbus daemon can't start.
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13:04:36 <ThomasKeller> jralls: why is dbus involved at all ?
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13:04:51 <ThomasKeller> does gnucash depend on dbus ?
13:06:46 <warlord> ThomasKeller: not directly, but gtk may
13:07:00 <jralls> ThomasKeller: Gnucash depends on GSettings for its preferences, and on Linux GSettings depends on either gconf or dconf, depending on the age of the distro. Wheezy, being quite old, depends on gconf, which in turn depends on dbus. I don't remember offhand if dconf also depends on dbus, but it probably does.
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14:54:57 <neena> warlord: You were right. I had the wrong currency on the report.
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15:36:44 <gjanssens> ThomasKeller, jralls: yes dconf very much depends on dbus on linux. There's no way around that.
15:37:46 <gjanssens> At least not that I know of (which is less absolute :)
15:38:02 <gjanssens> Anyway, I'm off. G'night
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17:37:21 *** tanderson has joined #gnucash
17:37:46 <tanderson> hello. has there been any progress or discussion on implementing IRR in Advanced Portfolio since this post? https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-devel/2011-January/030704.html
17:38:43 <tanderson> Frankly I found the arguments against implementing a common means of measuring performance a bit weak.
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18:04:39 <jralls> tenderson: Then provide a patch.
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18:11:44 <jralls> tanderson: Sorry, I shouldn't be quite so brusque. Rather: Not AFAIK, and no GnuCash developer participated in that thread. If you want to revive it, file an enhancement request bug, ideally with an implementation.
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18:54:04 <tanderson> jralls: well I was asking because a patch was originally provided.
18:54:38 <tanderson> jralls: obviously that patch needs to be adapted for 4 years of gnucash changes. but.
18:55:58 <tanderson> jralls: since GnuCash dev participated in the thread, it makes a bit more sense. I may rework that change, thanks for the pointer.
18:56:03 <tanderson> *since no
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19:21:20 <jralls> tanderson: We don't accept patches on the mailing list. It's a really poor medium for code review and it's way too hard for them to just get forgotten.
19:30:32 <tanderson> jralls: got it. 8/12 hunks failed applying, to be expected for a patch made in 2011 :-)
19:31:36 <jralls> tanderson: 4 applied? That's pretty good considering the amount of work Mike Alexander has put into that report in the last couple of years.
19:32:19 <jralls> tanderson: Speaking of Mike, you should bring this up on the dev list and try to get him engaged before you put a lot of work into updating the patch.
19:32:39 *** f4lk0r_ has joined #gnucash
19:34:10 <f4lk0r_> Hi, I have a question about how to set up an interest bearing account. I have read through http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Scheduled_Transactions#Bank_Account_Interest which seems related to what I want to do, but is not quite the same.
19:34:43 <f4lk0r_> What I want to do is I want to have a principal account and an interest account that accrues daily.
19:34:43 <tanderson> jralls: ok thanks. you'll hear more from me
19:34:59 <f4lk0r_> the formula is principal * interest rate / 365
19:35:21 <f4lk0r_> but the principal might change in the future as I pay off the loan
19:35:55 <f4lk0r_> so is it possible for the interest account to take in the value of another account (the principal account) when doing the scheduled transaction?
19:36:22 <f4lk0r_> if so, how?
19:36:59 <f4lk0r_> All of the docs I saw for scheduled transactions seemed to be for fixed transactions, e.g. a fixed sum every day
19:37:22 <f4lk0r_> Is what I want to do even possible?
19:37:25 <jralls> f4lk0r_: I don't know.
19:38:21 <f4lk0r_> Ok. Do you know who would know? Should I ask on a mailing list instead of IRC?
19:39:42 <jralls> f4lk0r_: You can try asking on the mailing list, but I don't know if there's anyone who'e really familiar with the formula parser any more. Maybe warlord is.
19:40:16 <warlord> f4lk0r_: unfortunately there is no "balance-as-of-date" function
19:40:58 <f4lk0r_> Is there a way to hack around this?
19:41:01 <warlord> You can set up a default amortization table... And indeed you can change the interest rate over time.. But it just does not handle prepayment
19:41:08 <jralls> I'm inclined to believe that it doesn't know how to query. The mortgage assistant recalculates the payment from the base amount every period.
19:41:33 <warlord> f4lk0r_: what I do is have the SX code enter the transaction with the 'default' P/I split, and then I correct it manually when I get my mortgage statement
19:43:20 <f4lk0r_> Ok. so that's essentially doing it by hand.
19:43:36 <f4lk0r_> gah, that's so frustrating.
19:43:37 <warlord> not really...
19:44:10 <warlord> it's still creating the split transaction for you.. I suppose you could just use the autofill to copy previous ones and adjust..
19:44:29 <warlord> sorry. patches always welcome!
19:44:41 <f4lk0r_> haha ^_^
19:44:55 <f4lk0r_> ok. So I suppose doing a fixed principal
19:45:04 <f4lk0r_> and then making corrections when the principal eventually changes
19:45:10 <f4lk0r_> is probably the best route to take
19:45:19 <f4lk0r_> yeah?
19:45:38 <warlord> I guess it depends how often your principal changes. In my case it changes every month.
19:46:31 <warlord> Although I'm not sure how you back-compute the original principal..
19:46:36 <warlord> (which is what gets stored)
19:46:51 <warlord> i..e, every time it computes the ith period from scratch.
19:47:20 <warlord> (at least I *THINK* it does -- I don't think it keeps a running "balance")
19:48:35 <f4lk0r_> well I'll give doing the scheduled transactions a shot and see how it goes. If it's too much maintenance, I'll figure something else out. I know for a fact
19:49:16 <f4lk0r_> I could write a python script to calculate this, but I'm unsure what's worth the work put in, especially when I can log into the loan holder online and see how much I owe etc
19:49:30 <f4lk0r_> I appreciate the answers. Thanks folks
19:49:43 <warlord> The code is in scheme, not python.
19:50:13 <f4lk0r_> I know- I was talking about writing a separate program
19:50:14 <warlord> The hard part about the 'balance-as-of-date' feature would be the UI --- how to select the account, but store the GUID..
19:50:25 <warlord> Eh, don't do that. Then it's never useful to anyone else.
19:50:40 <f4lk0r_> and then copying and pasting when I wanted to update the balance
19:51:51 <f4lk0r_> So, are the balances of individual accounts not accessible in scheme?
19:52:03 <f4lk0r_> are they not stored somewhere as variables?
19:52:16 <jralls> f4lkor_: A spreadsheet would be easier than a python program. But an SX with the principle hard-coded into it will work, you just have to keep the principle in sync with the account by hand.
19:53:01 <f4lk0r_> sorry, what's SX stand for?
19:53:02 <jralls> f4lkor_: The account balance is accessible from both Scheme and Python via xaccAccountGetBalance().
19:53:25 <jralls> f4lk0r_: Sceduled Transaction.
19:53:39 <f4lk0r_> ah thanks.
19:54:53 <f4lk0r_> so why can't I write a function that does something like create_scheduled_transaction(xaccAccountGetBalance(PrincipalAccountName) * fixed_interest_rate /365)
19:55:04 <jralls> f4lk0r_: Somewhat separate issue: The separation of the principle from the interest such that the accrued interest isn't subject to interest is *extremely* unusual. Are you sure about the terms of the loan?
19:55:06 <f4lk0r_> I mean that's just psuedocode for what I'd want to do
19:56:00 <f4lk0r_> yeah, I hear you on that, most loans compound interest on top of each other, but I wrote the Loan holder an email and that's the formula they gave me
19:56:24 <f4lk0r_> and I checked the numbers for what they posted on the website saying I owe and they lined up
19:56:26 <jralls> f4lk0r_: You can write such a function, but the equation parser won't understand it.
19:56:52 <jralls> f4lkor_: OK, their loss, I guess.
19:58:12 <f4lk0r_> See one of the forseeable problems of me trying to hack this functionality into gnucash would be that scheme is functional
19:58:31 <f4lk0r_> like what I'd gut reaction want to do is something like
19:59:05 <f4lk0r_> could I write scheme to create daily transactions for me?
19:59:16 <f4lk0r_> ignore SX entirely
19:59:30 <f4lk0r_> manually calculate the number using the above mentioned functions
19:59:41 <f4lk0r_> and then have scheme manually create a transaction?
19:59:52 <f4lk0r_> Is that a possible idea?
20:00:02 <warlord> f4lk0r_: there are multiple issues: 1) the GUI for entering the account, and converting it to something for storage (a GUID), and converting it an Account* object on use. 2) getting the SX infrastructure to know your function, and 3) getting the SX function to know to supply the run(post) date into your function.
20:00:26 <warlord> f4lk0r_: yes, you can create transactions in scheme
20:00:34 <warlord> (you could create transactions from python, too)
20:03:27 <f4lk0r_> hmm
20:04:31 <f4lk0r_> okay. Thanks
20:08:18 <warlord> good luck
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20:11:41 <jralls> warlord: I got a hair up you-know-where and started on non-recursive make. Recursive make might be harmful, but it does help to isolate some things, particularly with regard to default_SOURCES.
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21:29:35 <warlord> jralls: umm.. good luck on a non-recursive make.
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22:26:30 <Coqui> If I install gnucash in different platforms, can we work on the same file? Wife uses Windows 10, I use Linux. If we drop the file in the home network, Can we both access if from different OSs?