2015-10-19 GnuCash IRC logs
00:01:07 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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20:22:32 *** TimboBaggins has joined #gnucash
20:27:57 <TimboBaggins> I'd like to try to build gnucash development for the first time. I've got the src tree using git. I've read all (I think) the gnucash startup development info. I'm running ubuntu 14.04 under vmware player running on win7. Am fighting through some gnucash dependancy stuff (pre 2.0 guile, no swig).
20:28:30 <TimboBaggins> Is there an easier way -- am I doing something the hard way? Would it be easier if I upgraded to ubuntu 15?
20:29:15 <warlord> TimboBaggins: apt-get build-dep gnucash
20:29:38 <warlord> then from there you can add whatever extra deps are missing.
20:31:41 <TimboBaggins> I ran that. I'm an old Unix hacker, but not so good with linux. So I'm trying to figure out the apt-get stuff. gnucash configure tells me I need swig, but I can't figure out what to tell apt-get install to get it.
20:32:58 <warlord> apt-get install swig?
20:34:08 <TimboBaggins> Dumb me. I was trying too hard ... swig-1.3. Thanks.
20:35:54 <warlord> That should be fine.
20:36:04 <warlord> Unless you're using guile-2.
20:36:08 <warlord> Then you might need swig2
20:46:23 <TimboBaggins> I'm missing the boost_date_time lib. I tried apt-get install boost and apt-get install boost_date_time.
20:47:31 <warlord> TimboBaggins: apt-cache search boost | grep -i date -- I don't recall what it's called.
20:47:37 <warlord> i dont use DebUntu
20:49:47 <TimboBaggins> Thanks for giving me a fishing lesson -- the apt-cache search.
20:57:37 <warlord> you're welcome
21:21:18 *** jeffsf has quit IRC
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