2015-10-07 GnuCash IRC logs
00:47:27 <jralls> ravigehlot: If warlord's not in bed, he should be.
00:50:49 <jralls> ravigehlot: Your CC account can be type CREDITCARD or LIABILITY and it can be top-level or under a LIABILITY placeholder, entirely up to you. You'll debit expenses and credit the CC account when you make a charge and credit your payment account and debit the CC account when you make a payment.
00:53:35 <jralls> ravigehlot: If you're out of practice with formal labels, debit is the left column and credit is the right one. A debit increases the balance of an asset account and a credit reduces it. Liability and Equity accounts are reversed: A credit increases their balance.
00:55:54 *** MechtiIde has joined #gnucash
01:12:59 *** jralls changes topic to "Free GPL Personal and Small Business Accounting || Please don't ask to ask, just ask and wait! (Possibly a few hours!!) || publicly-logged channel || latest stable: 2.6.9 || www.gnucash.org"
02:01:25 <joe> yay 2.6.9
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03:15:44 *** gjanssens has joined #gnucash
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08:10:04 <gjanssens> warlord: I sent you a pm...
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09:11:02 <ravigehlot> jralls: Gotcha.
09:11:05 <ravigehlot> jralls: thanks
09:12:07 <ravigehlot> If I started my GNUCash as an XML file, can I still save it on the database? Can I switch from XML to the database?
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09:13:37 <ravigehlot> Also, my report pie and bar charts looks too squeezed. any way to fix that?
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10:54:18 <gjanssens> ravigehlot: yes you can save your data to a database at any time. Use Save As... for that
10:55:00 <gjanssens> As for the report - either reduce the period on which you report or configure the report to use a larger area
10:57:40 <gjanssens> I presume someone else already warned you that using a database will still not give you simultaneous multi-user access...
11:32:04 *** kdub has joined #gnucash
11:32:56 <kdub> looking to switch some ledger-cli files over to gnucash, any tips? seems i'm going to want to export the accounts to csv first, but having some trouble
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11:40:46 <warlord> gjanssens: thanks for the notification. xchat doesn't notify me anymore when I get PMs or notified messages. :(
11:41:54 <warlord> ravigehlot: yes, File -> Save As
11:42:28 <warlord> kdub: Does ledger-cli export to QIF? You'll have a much easier time importing QIF
11:44:19 <kdub> warlord, havent figured out how to, struggling through with sed atm
11:48:26 *** MechtiIde has joined #gnucash
12:12:54 <gjanssens> There. I'm pleased to have been able to contribute to the release of gnucash 2.6.9 :)
12:13:09 <gjanssens> I *very* minor contribution I admit... :D
12:14:26 <gjanssens> https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash-htdocs/commit/f76191b8c29857abdb8a0f746efc9889cda4af35
12:16:30 <MechtiIde> hello
12:17:02 <warlord> :)
12:18:38 <gjanssens> Hi Mechtilde
12:19:35 <MechtiIde> under v2.6 is the old Concepts Guide
12:20:07 <gjanssens> jralls: if we start to release weekly like this, will that earn us a permanent spot in SF's project of the week ? ;)
12:21:44 <warlord> :)
12:22:09 * gjanssens is checking what has been pushed to v2.6 on the website...
12:31:47 <gjanssens> Mechtilde: it appears something did indeed go wrong
12:32:22 <gjanssens> jralls only copied some files from the help section, or part didn't get committed/pushed
12:33:08 <gjanssens> I'm not sure he will be on irc today or not. I prefer waiting for his input before I start fixing it myself.
12:34:51 <MechtiIde> I only want to point to it
12:35:18 <MechtiIde> I continue translating the chapter investments
12:37:06 <gjanssens> Wonderful
12:37:36 <MechtiIde> I do my best
12:38:06 <gjanssens> You sure do :) Your work is very much appreciated!
12:38:27 <MechtiIde> The part about dividends is not so easy to understand and to adopt to German business
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12:50:41 <MechtiIde> gjanssens, di you have an idea how to fix the screenshots in the PDF
12:51:00 <MechtiIde> or soneone else here
12:52:11 <gjanssens> Mechtilde: remind me later
12:52:17 <MechtiIde> ok
12:52:19 <gjanssens> I have to go for a while
12:52:22 *** gjanssens is now known as gjanssens_afk
13:03:03 <ravigehlot> gjanssens_afk: how do i configure the report to use a larger area?
13:03:13 <ravigehlot> gjanssens_afk: yes, someone warned of that
13:03:33 <ravigehlot> warlord: XCHAT rocks...using weechat here
13:06:10 <MechtiIde> ravigehlot, did you read the description in the wiki?
13:35:43 <ravigehlot> MechtiIde: I am still on section 2.6
13:35:57 <ravigehlot> <---- I am reading the whole thing from page 1
13:36:23 <Modoc> good they fixed the bug in the last version with 2.6.9 And I did not even have to ask about it. >_<
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13:47:24 <warlord> Modoc: which bug?
13:55:24 <Modoc> Win 10 saving a new database
13:55:38 <warlord> Oh, yeah... it's not just win10
13:55:51 <Modoc> haha ok was not sure.
13:55:54 <warlord> I'm pretty sure it was on all windows versions
13:56:00 <Modoc> ok
13:56:12 <Modoc> My mom is running Quicken 99
13:56:28 <Modoc> and I am looking for a new program for her that will use the old files
13:56:32 <warlord> my condolences
13:57:28 <Modoc> she knows how to use the program. So its all good to me. Just looking for something that I think she will be able to use without much of a problem
13:57:42 <Modoc> She just usses it like a check book.
13:58:11 <warlord> right.
13:58:14 <warlord> gnucsah might be "too much"
13:59:38 <Modoc> thats why I am looking at it. Q99 will not run in 10. But I think if its set up simple then it may work just need the leger side I think. I am doing to set it up and see what she thinks.
14:00:23 <warlord> Just leave the checking account register tab open :)
14:00:49 <Modoc> yeap thats my thinking.
14:01:26 <Modoc> douse not matter the power if it can be mande to look simple.
14:01:31 <Modoc> made even
14:01:36 <warlord> right...
14:02:12 <Modoc> and thanks for your time.
14:03:47 <warlord> you're welcome
14:05:58 *** gjanssens_afk is now known as gjanssens
14:06:28 <gjanssens> ravigehlot: for the report: Report options->Display->Width/height
14:06:51 <gjanssens> ravigehlot: re the warning - ok, just wanted to avoid any surprises
14:07:41 <gjanssens> Mechtilde: did you explain the pdf screenshot issue here before ? If so can you point me to the previous conversation
14:07:56 <gjanssens> That would save you from having to explain it all again
14:08:25 <MechtiIde> it was one one sentence:
14:08:28 <MechtiIde> gjanssens, di you have an idea how to fix the screenshots in the PDF
14:08:37 <MechtiIde> no more
14:08:52 <gjanssens> then what is the problem ?
14:09:14 <MechtiIde> As I looked into the latest PDF I saw that many esp. of my screenshots are to big
14:09:22 <MechtiIde> for the paper size
14:09:50 <gjanssens> ah, ok
14:09:51 <MechtiIde> so hw should I format the images that they fit the paper size
14:10:14 <gjanssens> I have to dig a bit in my history, I'll come back to this
14:10:51 <MechtiIde> it has time
14:19:56 <gjanssens> Mechtilde: the pdf generator reads the "print size" from your images. This relates to the pixel size and resolution
14:20:22 <gjanssens> All your images appear to have a resolution of 72dpi (which is default for screenshots)
14:20:45 <gjanssens> You can post-process the screenshots to alter this
14:21:04 <MechtiIde> I saw sometimes there was an additional value for width of the screenshot
14:21:04 <gjanssens> For example in a program like GIMP (Gnu Image Manipulation Program)
14:21:26 <gjanssens> That may fix it as well
14:21:48 <MechtiIde> but which value do I need?
14:22:11 <MechtiIde> I have no experience to work with gimp
14:22:26 <gjanssens> But more likely that will restrict the area in which the images will be printed
14:22:27 <MechtiIde> and so much screenshots to manipulate
14:22:56 <gjanssens> If the image wants more space (because of the print size) I suspect it will simply be cut off.
14:23:39 <gjanssens> The work to do in Gimp is easy, and I think I went through that once as well as we introduced pdf as output format
14:23:57 <gjanssens> Do you have experience with other photo manipulation programs ?
14:24:03 <MechtiIde> no
14:24:25 <gjanssens> Ok, then here's what needs to be done:
14:24:40 <gjanssens> For each image you find is printed too big
14:24:46 <gjanssens> - open it in gimp
14:25:12 <gjanssens> - go to Image->Print Size
14:26:24 <gjanssens> - adjust the width/height such that the image fits on an A4 page. As you adjust these dimensions, you'll notice the resolution will change as well
14:26:39 <gjanssens> IIRC, I always went for a resolution of at least 90dpi.
14:27:28 <gjanssens> Oh, small pitfall here: make sure the width and height are displayed in mm/cm/inches and not px
14:27:47 <gjanssens> Otherwise it will try to adjust the pixel size, which is not what we want here.
14:28:41 <gjanssens> Second pitfall: be sure the width and height are chained together (with the small chain symbol to the right of them). This ensures the dimensions will change proportionally.
14:29:19 <gjanssens> - last step, when the size is adjusted to your satisfaction, save your changes
14:29:30 <gjanssens> You do this via File->Overwrite <yourfilename>
14:29:33 <gjanssens> That should be it
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14:30:30 <MechtiIde> thanks I will try it
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16:06:52 *** black_flag_022 has joined #gnucash
16:11:54 <black_flag_022> I have seperate business and personal books in Gnucash, and take drawings from the business by moving money from an account of type "asset" (my business checking account) to an account of type "Equity" ("owner's drawings"). This is fine, however my question is how to account for this in my personal books? Most places I've read seem to suggest a transaction from an account of type "Equity"
16:11:56 <black_flag_022> ("Company drawings") to an account of type "Asset" (my personal checking account). But then the books look weird, since my income is zero even though my equity increased. Shouldn't I be making a transaction from an account of type "Income" to my personal checking account instead?
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16:29:09 <ravigehlot> gjanssens_afk: thanks!
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22:03:02 <ravigehlot> On my balance sheet, what is the column R for? I see that I can switch between c and n but I don't know what those mean
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22:40:34 <ravigehlot> I am balancing 1 year's worth of transaction. The best way to do it is to set up the accounts using the account hierarchies and then import all transactions. Once that is done, Ctrl+F and search for one of a kind and balance it
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