2015-08-26 GnuCash IRC logs

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04:13:57 <jscinoz> Hi there, I'm having a problem with gnucash's budget feature, where, in the totals pane at the bottom, it is showing zero for income for all budget periods, despite values being entered for income accounts in the budget. It didn't do this in the past. How can I fix this?
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13:44:22 <dkcarlson> Hi. I just installed release 2.6.7 for windows and I noticed that the readme file that appears at the end of the install identifies itself in the last sentence as "This is the GnuCash 2.2.x README file for Windows binary packages." Perhaps there has been no change since then, but it does appear to be rather dated.
13:44:52 <dkcarlson> I mean no change to that document, not to tha program
13:46:02 <dkcarlson> Release 2.6.6 crashed during a reconcile and I am now testing to see if 2.6.7 will too.
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14:02:23 <dkcarlson_> Then I returned to the reconcile screen and noticed that the transaction was still in the transaction list.
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14:04:04 <dkcarlson> When I tried to finish the reconcile, GnuCash crashed. Is this a known bug?
14:04:36 <warlord> dkcarlson: nope
14:05:11 <dkcarlson> I can file a bug report
14:05:59 <dkcarlson> I will look for the trace to see if it has anything interesting
14:09:51 <dkcarlson> yes it has several lines marked CRIT
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14:26:54 <dkcarlson> done
14:28:08 <dkcarlson> bug 754140
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15:24:20 *** gncbot sets mode: +o jralls
15:31:28 <jralls> fell, warlord: Do either of you have a Win7 VM handy?
15:32:03 <warlord> I have a personal win7 vm but it has minimal stuff installed. What do you need?
15:33:36 <jralls> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/index.php?title=Locale_Settings&curid=1857&diff=11870&oldid=11687 changes how to set the language. Can you test it?
15:34:32 <warlord> I dont have gnucash installed on the system..
15:35:02 <jralls> That's *really* limited! ;-)
15:35:37 <warlord> Indeed. I really only use it when I absolutely, positively need to use MS Word (because LibreOffice doesn't work for one reason or another).
15:36:07 <warlord> But I can check to see if that path leads me to something that looks like it might work..
15:37:51 <warlord> Well, I have the "old style" control panel, so there is no "Clock, Language, and Region". I do have a "Region and Language" icon.
15:39:25 <warlord> I click that and it pops up a dialog "Regions and Language" where the default panel is "Format".
15:39:38 <warlord> If I change that it definitely adjusts the 'time' on my open Word
15:39:51 <warlord> But it didn't look like it changed the change (e.g. of the menus)
15:40:49 <warlord> Does that help at all, jralls ?
15:41:33 <jralls> Changed the change? Changed the language, maybe? What if you start up a program fresh? I don't think changes like that affect running apps.
15:43:41 <warlord> I dont know.. I didn't try starting any new apps after I made the change.
15:43:53 <warlord> I'll go do that.
15:44:16 <warlord> Sorry, "changed the change" was supposed to say "changed the language"
15:45:11 <jralls> Yeah, I guessed that.
15:45:20 <warlord> Nope, I changed the "Format" to "French(Canada)" and then started IE. But it didn't come up in French.
15:46:32 <jralls> OK, thanks. I'm going to rollback the wiki change.
15:46:58 <warlord> I'd rather not restart the system because I have some open documents I'd rather not have to restart for an upcoming call.
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