2015-08-16 GnuCash IRC logs
01:58:44 *** MechtiIde has joined #gnucash
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07:00:50 <mart_k> Hi. For my personal finance, I want to seperate my liquid assents from my non-liquid assets. At the end of each month, I need to balance the liquids such that all the money in a asset (bank) has a destination at the liability site (e.g. general reserve). How can you setup the accounts in gnucash to match this? Currently, my ideas goes from two seperate (connected) book for the liquid and non-liquid accounts, a top-level account for liquid and non-liquid (e.g.
07:00:51 <mart_k> Liquid:Assets), or a subaccount in each group for liquid and non-liquid account (e.g. Assets:Liquid Assets)
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10:52:06 <iateadonut> hi
10:52:25 <iateadonut> i'm wondering how can i do a P/L on a project basis.
10:53:09 <iateadonut> right now i have 5 top-level accounts, the pertinent ones being Income, Expenses, and Assets
10:53:42 <iateadonut> under assets is my bank account, and when i receive money for a project, that's income, and when i spend money on a project, that's expenses.
10:54:34 <iateadonut> let's say i have a project 'build website #1'. now, i want to include certain incomes and certain expenses within that one account 'build website #1', so that I can have a P/L for the single project. how can i do that?
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19:00:07 *** Nikos has joined #gnucash
19:00:41 <Nikos> hello, im just trying out gnucash and got a question about starting balance
19:01:26 <Nikos> because im not starting my account just now is it possible to enter a Starting balance instead of an opening balance?
19:04:38 <Nikos> i want to administrate things from the past but well cant do that if the opnening balance is a deposit
19:04:49 <Nikos> well or i could change the opening deposit everytime i add things
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19:21:27 <Nikos> yep i have no idea how accounting works...
19:25:07 <Nikos> maybe i should just start at 01-01 and work on that first
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