2015-07-06 GnuCash IRC logs
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10:30:40 <Sam2> hello, I'm trying to get a report of all sales transactions that contain sales tax
10:31:04 <Sam2> I have found the transaction report and set my sales account under "Accounts" and my sales tax account under "Filter By"
10:31:25 <Sam2> set filter type to "include transactions to/from filter"
10:31:49 <Sam2> it seems to randomly be showing some transactions, but not all
10:32:15 <Sam2> all of them are splits with the same accounts so I'm not sure why its displaying some, my date ranges are set
10:33:49 <warlord> Sam2: How about just opening up your sales tax account and running an account report from there?
10:40:02 <Sam2> I must have missed that one
10:40:14 <Sam2> its called Sales Tax Report? I'm new to GNUCash
10:43:35 <Sam2> what do you mean by "account report"? a transaction report with my sales tax account as the "account"?
10:46:52 <warlord> No, I mean what I said... OPen the Sales Tax Account, and then from that account run an "Account Report"
10:47:04 <warlord> (I admit I'm not exactly sure what information you're trying to achieve)
10:48:05 <Sam2> Reports > Account Report?
10:48:19 <Sam2> that shows "Payable Aging" for the account
10:49:52 <Sam2> I'm trying to get three pieces of information
10:50:09 <Sam2> 1. gross sales for a specifc location
10:50:17 <Sam2> 2. exempt sales for a specific location
10:50:27 <Sam2> 3. taxable sales for a specific location
10:50:57 <warlord> Sam2: you're missing the first step: Open the Sales Tax Account
10:51:12 <Sam2> yeah, I opened it
10:51:22 <warlord> That should be an Expense Account...
10:51:23 <Sam2> I see the ledger for the account
10:51:42 <Sam2> I have it as a liability account
10:51:51 <warlord> (or possibly a Liability account, depending on whether it's a "collected" or "paid"..)
10:52:00 <Sam2> collected
10:52:05 <warlord> Okay. Now, from that register go Reports -> Account Report.
10:52:05 <Sam2> trying to pay them now
10:52:27 <Sam2> I get the "Payable Aging" report
10:52:32 <Sam2> Current, 0-30 days, etc
10:53:01 <warlord> Umm... Did you, by chance, create this account as type "A/Payable" instead of "Liability"?
10:53:15 <warlord> (if you did --- that's wrong)
10:53:20 <warlord> ... you should fix that.
10:53:44 <Sam2> yes, you are right
10:53:46 <Sam2> let me fix that
10:55:37 <Sam2> ok, seeing the report now
10:55:55 <Sam2> but doesn't give me the sales number I'm after
10:56:25 <Sam2> it does by each line, but trying to avoid hand calculating it
10:56:48 <Sam2> that's why I wanted to filter my sales account to show only transactions that have sales tax splits
10:58:54 <warlord> You *might* be able to do that kind of filtering in the Transaction Report?
10:59:05 <warlord> (Have you checked the Wiki page on "GST"?)_
10:59:22 <Sam2> yes
10:59:27 <Sam2> that's my original question
10:59:34 <Sam2> it seems to have that functionality
10:59:38 <Sam2> I select my sales account
10:59:41 <Sam2> and filter by my sales tax
10:59:47 <Sam2> it shows some transactions
10:59:48 <Sam2> but not all
10:59:55 <Sam2> but I'm not sure why
11:04:55 <warlord> Date range?
11:05:03 <Sam2> set that
11:06:07 <Sam2> it shows all transactions if I leave filter by blank
11:06:21 <Sam2> but as soon as I add the sales tax account for filter by, it only shows 1 single transaction
11:08:36 <warlord> Hmm.. How is that one single transaction different than all the others?
11:13:25 <Sam2> testing a few things, it goes to a different asset account
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12:00:25 <Sam2> thanks for the help warlord, got distracted by something else, hopefully I can test some things to see why only that one transaction is showing
12:11:49 <warlord> good luck Sam2
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13:52:49 <Sam2> ok, tested the transaction report with another sales account and it acts as expected with the filter
13:53:10 <Sam2> can't figure out why it doesn't work on "direct" sales account
13:54:14 <Sam2> at a loss of what to look for, any type of log or anything I could look at?
13:54:24 <warlord> Are the account types the same? Are the transactions formed the same?
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13:55:38 <Sam2> as far as I can tell
13:55:56 <Sam2> I have a single Sales Tax Payable account under Liabilities, so it shouldn't be the issue
13:56:03 <Sam2> under sales I have two different accounts
13:56:18 <Sam2> they are both marked as "Income"
13:56:57 <Sam2> I must be missing something
13:59:05 <Sam2> hmm, looks like it may be "guessing" the transfer to/from
13:59:44 <Sam2> on the Transaction Report config screen Display tab I enabled Other Account Name
13:59:53 <Sam2> it says (if this transaction is split, its guessed)
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14:09:04 <Sam2> so maybe it just happens to guess it correctly for one, but not the other
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14:18:59 <warlord> What asset account are you using for your sales?
14:20:06 <Sam2> not using an asset account
14:20:19 <Sam2> Income > Sales > Direct
14:20:26 <Sam2> Income > Sales > Etsy
14:20:28 <Sam2> for example
14:20:44 <warlord> That's one side -- what's the other side of the transaction?
14:20:57 <warlord> (this is double-entry accounting)
14:21:01 <Sam2> yeah, one sec
14:21:08 <Sam2> sales under Direct
14:21:20 <Sam2> debit Assets:Undeposited Funds:Cash
14:21:40 <Sam2> credit Liabilities:Sales Tax Payable
14:21:46 <Sam2> credit Income:Sales:Direct
14:21:55 <Sam2> Income : Sales : Direct
14:22:45 <warlord> Okay, that looks right..
14:23:22 <Sam2> if I do a Transaction Report for Income:Sales:Etsy
14:23:32 <Sam2> and Filter By my Sales Tax account
14:23:33 <Sam2> it works
14:23:41 <Sam2> filter type None shows everything as expected
14:23:56 <Sam2> filter type Include shows only those with sales tax (those sold within my state)
14:23:58 <warlord> Okay....
14:24:08 <Sam2> filter type exclude shows only those without sales tax
14:24:12 <Sam2> included + excluded = total
14:24:21 <Sam2> my other sales account is Income:Sales:Direct
14:24:24 <Sam2> setup the same way
14:24:40 <Sam2> but they all show up under excluded
14:25:28 <warlord> I admit I'm not 100% sure how the transaction report filters work.
14:25:43 <warlord> It's possible you MAY need to write a report yourself to get the data you want.
14:26:02 <Sam2> on the Transaction Report config page, under the Display tab if I hover over "Other account name" it says "if this is a split transaction, this parameter is guessed"
14:26:18 <Sam2> so it seems like its guessing it correctly for the Etsy sales account
14:26:24 <Sam2> but not for the Direct sales account
14:27:41 <warlord> That's separate from the filtering.
14:27:58 <warlord> But I dont know how the filtering is implemented, or how it behaves wth split transactions.
14:28:18 <Sam2> hmm, ok
14:30:04 <Sam2> perhaps I have my accounts setup incorrectly to track sales tax
14:30:29 <Sam2> I can easily see the sales tax I need to pay, but they are asking for total taxable sales
14:30:49 <Sam2> could easily calculate that by dividing by my tax rate, but figured I should be able to display that somehow
14:30:55 <warlord> Are not all sales taxable?
14:31:02 <Sam2> correct
14:31:06 <Sam2> sales out of state are not
14:31:11 <Sam2> or consingment sales
14:31:14 <warlord> Perhaps it would be better to have Income:Sales:Taxable and Income:Sales:Non-Taxable ?
14:31:23 <Sam2> yeah, that's what I'm thinking now
14:31:27 <Sam2> split those accounts out
14:32:39 <warlord> I think in the long run that will be easier.
14:33:07 <Sam2> yep, luckily just starting so not much to fix :)
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14:52:53 <warlord> good...
14:53:06 <warlord> You could do it from the sales tax account to make it a bit easier ;)
14:54:29 <Sam2> sales tax account I already have split
14:54:40 <Sam2> I only record taxable sales there
14:54:58 <Sam2> one for direct sales (vendor license A) and one for craft fair sales (vendor license B)
14:55:19 <Sam2> the problem I'm running into is explicitly listing sales total
14:55:55 <Sam2> like I said, I could just take my tax liability and divide by tax rate to derive it
14:57:00 <Sam2> so what I would need to do is split my Income:Sales:Etsy into Income:Sales:Etsy:SalesTax (for in state sales) and Income:Sales:Etsy:NoSalesTax (for out of state)
14:57:02 <Sam2> or something
14:57:38 <Sam2> the filtering seems to work for every other combination
14:57:44 <Sam2> just this one specific case
14:59:55 <Sam2> I would have to mirror my income accounts to match sales tax ones
15:01:31 <Sam2> I'm running 2.6.4 (latest version in debian jessie) so my try a newer version just to test it
15:27:51 <Sam2> 2.6.7 has the same behavior
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15:37:50 <warlord> Sam2: that's my point. From the Sales Tax side it will only give you the transactions that have sales tax.. So from there you can easily move them into a different account, one-by-one.
15:38:20 <Sam2> yeah, that is a solution
15:38:20 <warlord> It will make it easier for you to change the account from "Sales" to "Taxable Sales"
15:38:36 <Sam2> just trying to figure out why the filter isn't working
15:38:40 <Sam2> only for this specific case
15:38:47 <Sam2> wanted to see if it was fixed in 2.6.7
15:39:37 <warlord> Probably not; I dont recall any changes to the reports.
15:40:05 <Sam2> yeah, its not, I just tried in 2.6.7
15:40:15 <Sam2> filter works as intended for other accounts and filter accoutns
15:40:20 <Sam2> just this one direct sales income account
15:40:53 <warlord> There must be something different about this account, or the transactions in it.
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15:53:08 <Sam2> has to do with splits
15:53:14 <Sam2> just added two new transactions
15:53:50 <Sam2> Test123 as debit to Income:Sales:Direct and credit to Liabilities:Sales Tax Payable
15:53:53 <Sam2> it shows up fine
15:54:49 <warlord> But that's either an imbalanced transaction or it's just wrong (because I doubt that 100% of the income is payable sales tax)
15:54:54 <Sam2> Test456 with debit to Assets : Undeposited Funds : Cash and credit to Income : Sales : Direct and Liabilities:Sales Tax Payable
15:55:09 <Sam2> Test123 shows up in the report
15:55:12 <Sam2> Test456 does not
15:55:20 <Sam2> yeah, Test123 is not valid
15:55:28 <Sam2> well, its valid, but not logical
15:55:50 <Sam2> but why does Test123 show up on the report and Test456 not show up?
15:58:37 <warlord> Honestly, I dont know. Could you create a test data file with, say, 3 accounts and see if you can reproduce it? Then you'd have a data file you could easily share (either via email or in a bug report)
15:58:50 <Sam2> yeah, trying that now
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16:10:08 <Sam2> yeah, it is repeatable
16:10:19 <Sam2> will submit a bug with the datafile
16:10:36 <Sam2> thanks for you help
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19:59:50 <ron_frown> any I'm curious which banks gnucash works with, and if its possible to add something like a new bank to the list
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20:30:42 <ron_frown> my bank lets me download ofx files manually
20:30:47 <ron_frown> but no automation
20:31:40 <jralls> ron_frown: In that case just download the ofx files and then use File>Import>OFX/QFX... to import the file. No bank setup needed.
20:31:56 <ron_frown> yeah
20:32:01 <ron_frown> I want to have it more automated
20:32:06 <ron_frown> balls
20:39:24 <jralls> ron_frown: Well, to have it more automated you have to switch to a bank that supports ofxdirect. Note that GnuCash doesn't support OFX WebConnect because it's Intuit proprietary and they won't release the protocol for Free use.
20:39:45 <jralls> Gotta go make dinner now.
20:39:49 <ron_frown> k
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