2015-04-10 GnuCash IRC logs
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08:59:07 <gour> hello, i've experienced nasty bug that although one transcaction was saved, it created mess in another account rm-ing all the previous transaction there as well as not re-creating several other one
09:00:25 <gour> fortunately, i'm keeping things under dvcs and was able to revert in the past and then by several steps of checking out past snapshots was able to come up to the one-to-last transaction
09:01:43 <gour> strangely enough, when i wanted to record the latest transcaction again and then re-launched gnucash, same thing happened, but then i has to start reverting even more in the past in order to check how far i can re-checkout to save most of my records
09:02:58 <gour> fortunately, i was able to revert to the last-1 checkout, but now i did convert via gnucash2ledger to ledger.dat and consider to switch to ledger-cli, but i'm ready to help troubleshoot the issue if someone is into it
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09:03:33 <gour> it looks like some conditions is preventing GC to correctly re-create its XML record
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09:41:33 <warlord> gour: what version of gnucash, what OS/Distro, and what GnuCash backend are you using?
09:42:22 <warlord> Also, could you be more explicit about what exactly you are doing and what exactly happens? Entering a transaction cannot "rm" any other transaction...
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09:57:32 *** fell_ is now known as fell
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10:58:51 <gour> warlord: 2.6.5 rev 23d0f79+ on 2015-01-31., Linux/openSUSE, XML
11:00:13 <gour> warlord: well, i was checking that transaction is, afaict stored in file within XML tree, but it's not applied to the tree of accounts
11:00:58 <warlord> gour: I still dont understand.
11:01:06 <warlord> you enter a transaction and.... .what happens?
11:02:46 <gour> i did enter transaction, saved, exited and when i re-opened GC i noticed that series of other transaction in another part of tree of accounts were 'gone' although looking at dvcs' diff and in the file it was recorded
11:03:34 <gour> now it's there. let me try to add that problematic transaction
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11:07:10 <gour> now i can't reproduce it...will try again
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11:11:19 <gour> too bad i didn't store state before when i was more concerned to recover :-(
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13:23:30 <warlord> fell: Sorry about that -- had a power outage, and then my vm system had to fcsk which took a long time.
13:23:32 <warlord> Stuff is coming back now..
13:23:54 <warlord> mikee, jralls_afk -- could one of you /op gncbot
13:25:12 *** fell is now known as fell_afk
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13:27:00 <fell> How can we have a power outage on the server ?
13:28:11 <warlord> The server is located in my basement
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13:31:02 <fell> I thought we had an UPS?
13:33:18 <warlord> We did. The outage apparently outlasted the UPS
13:33:28 <warlord> I haven't installed my generator, yet
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13:56:44 <MechtiIde> _("notes"), mid_sep, _("commoditym"), mid_sep, _("commodityn"), mid_sep,
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13:57:15 <MechtiIde> what dows it mean: "commoditym" and "commodityn"
13:57:43 <MechtiIde> IMO it seems the marker for translation aren't corect
13:57:46 <MechtiIde> correct
13:58:25 <MechtiIde> it is in: root/src/import-export/csv-exp/csv-tree-export.c
13:59:42 <MechtiIde> and commodity is a known word
13:59:44 <warlord> gour: Sorry..
14:01:44 <warlord> MechtiIde: maybe the mnemonic and namespace?
14:02:12 <MechtiIde> but how should it be translated
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14:09:11 <warlord> Commodity Mnemonic and Commodity Namespace?
14:09:24 <warlord> I'm not even sure how it's used in the code.
14:10:21 <MechtiIde> it is in: root/src/import-export/csv-exp/csv-tree-export.c line 157
14:13:02 <warlord> Yes, it's what I said
14:13:37 <gour> warlord: np
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15:30:20 <fell> Mechtilde: 216:Commodity Mnemonic; 222: Commodity Namespace
15:32:07 <fell> Because ao inaccurate strings in adv.. portefolio, Namespace is often translated as "Handelsplatz"
15:32:46 <fell> To late! Will mail her.
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16:07:59 <fell> Warlord: the namespace has the untranslatable defaults AMEX, NASDAQ, ... which make no sense for people outside the US.
16:08:34 <warlord> Sure they do -- people outside the US can buy stocks on the NASDAQ, AMEX, NYCE, etc
16:10:40 <fell> I overwrite them with Bonds, Funds, shares, options, Derivates
16:11:05 <fell> Getting some Risk classes
16:12:56 <warlord> okay.
16:13:26 <fell> And if I use yahoo in FQ, often I have the exchange as suffix to the ISIN
16:14:06 <fell> as symbol
16:15:36 <fell> So I am wondering, if I should a) mark the strings as translatable, b) replace them with my classes.
16:16:02 <warlord> Neither.. Just add your own strings..
16:16:13 <warlord> It's a user-editable field. It just comes with some pre-defined entries.
16:16:45 <fell> which are useless for more than 90% of the users.
16:18:32 <warlord> I dont think so..
16:18:45 <warlord> Like I said, people outside the US can buy stocks on those exchanges.
16:18:54 <warlord> So I'm not at all sure that "90%" is accurate.
16:19:22 <fell> Since we got hi and zh.po
16:19:51 <warlord> And how many real users do you think we HAVE in china?
16:20:55 <fell> Many in TW, HK and other special economic zones.
16:21:26 <warlord> I still don't think those strings should be translated; just add more entries to the predefined list.
16:24:22 <fell> IMHO the exchange is no primary criterion. Many papers can be bought on one continent and sold a few hours later on the next.
16:27:08 <warlord> If you want to fundamentally change the list I suggest bringing it up on the mailing list..
16:27:48 <fell> That was on my todo list.
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16:50:33 <fell> warlord: editing the wiki, I get a database error - probably because I opened that session before your power outage.
16:51:08 <jralls_afk> @op fell
16:51:08 <gncbot> jralls_afk: Error: You don't have the #gnucash,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
16:51:18 <jralls_afk> @op warlord
16:51:18 <gncbot> jralls_afk: Error: You don't have the #gnucash,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
16:51:38 <warlord> jralls_afk: /op gncbot
16:51:43 *** jralls_afk sets mode: +o gncbot
16:51:50 *** jralls_afk sets mode: +o warlord
16:51:54 *** jralls_afk sets mode: +o fell
16:51:55 <warlord> thanks, jralls_afk
16:52:05 <warlord> fell: I can take a look
16:52:06 <fell> thanks
16:54:29 <fell> OPening for editing doesn't work, too.
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16:59:04 <warlord> fell: I'm repairing the tables now.
16:59:41 <fell> Thanks. Estimated time?
17:11:37 <warlord> Should be done now
17:14:00 <fell> Yeah, it worked!
17:18:40 <jralls> Going down for a software update. Back in a few.
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