2015-03-18 GnuCash IRC logs
01:12:52 *** O01eg has quit IRC
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08:32:50 <Hinnerk> hi
08:33:11 <Hinnerk> I have an issue to customize the balance sheet report through options.
08:33:32 <Hinnerk> I would like to see all accounts up to level 3, except short term liabs.
08:33:43 <Hinnerk> now: I guess I need to select level 2
08:33:53 <Hinnerk> and add accounts manually though the options menu.
08:34:12 <Hinnerk> but the tool tip on account selection says: report account, if it is within the reuired level.
08:34:32 <Hinnerk> so should I rather select all account and then deselct the ones i don't care about?
08:34:44 <Hinnerk> That did not seem to work either (with level 3 of course)
08:34:57 <Hinnerk> The results looked a bit strange in between....
08:37:58 <Hinnerk> ah, i got it.
08:38:10 <Hinnerk> it is a bit confusing the the account selection.
08:38:27 <Hinnerk> I'm never quite sure if the default is all selected or deselected.
08:38:50 <Hinnerk> It is also not nice that giving focus to the account selection immediately selects an account, removing all other selections.
08:39:03 <Hinnerk> You should always give focus with CTRL+Click.
08:50:08 <Hinnerk> oh.
08:50:21 <Hinnerk> actually I haven't managed to get what i wanted.
08:50:37 <Hinnerk> now subaccounts are being ignored. short-term liabs is zero.
08:50:47 <Hinnerk> when it should be the sum of its subaccounts.
08:50:56 <Hinnerk> but I don't want to see those subaccounts.
08:51:07 <Hinnerk> not individually anyway.
08:51:19 <Hinnerk> but the total of course needs to be part of the b/s.
08:52:07 <Hinnerk> I don't think you should be able to change the sum of the b/s by adding or removing accounts to be shown...?
08:52:24 <Hinnerk> there is quite some danger in doing that.
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09:11:01 <Hinnerk> -> see mailing list.
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10:40:01 <lastmikoi> hello there
10:43:34 <lmat> lastmikoi: yo
10:43:36 <lmat> wo
10:47:37 <lastmikoi> I would like to get some insights, indeed I have a liabilities account where I enter every transactions I make with my payment card, and at every month's end the sum of all those transactions gets "pushed" to my main checking account
10:47:57 <lastmikoi> currently I manually create a transaction between those two accounts and everything is fine
10:48:55 <lastmikoi> but I wondered if it was possible to have this transaction being created automagically, and have it updated every time I add a transaction to the card's account
10:49:40 <lastmikoi> (so that I would able to have a more accurate "projected minimum")
10:49:51 <lastmikoi> (I would be able to*)
10:51:51 <lmat> lastmikoi: I don't know of a way.
10:52:13 <lmat> lastmikoi: And it's not so great anyway because I'm never sure exactly which transactions will have "cleared" with the credit card company when the bill is issued.
10:53:02 <lastmikoi> yeah it's not really a credit card that's why
10:53:40 <lastmikoi> it's a french "Carte bancaire", so it's managed by the same bank as my checking account's
10:54:32 <lastmikoi> (and thus is more predictible, as every transaction made before a precise day will be on the bills, and those after will be on the next)
10:55:06 <lastmikoi> (but there is no such bill, it's just a commit of every transactions into the checking account)
10:55:46 <lmat> lastmikoi: Yes, there's a way to do it. As far as I know, it will require a custom plugin (python or scheme I guess) which, again -- to my knowledge-- doesn't exist.
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11:03:15 <lastmikoi> fair enough, I'll take a look onto python plugin development then, thanks !
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15:15:50 <ArtGravity> gnucash feature requests
15:15:54 <ArtGravity> whioops
15:16:00 <ArtGravity> meant to send that to the search engine
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15:41:38 <kimmo2> artgravity, "patches welcome"
15:42:09 <ArtGravity> :)
15:42:19 <ArtGravity> Maybe I will have the skills one day
15:43:13 <kimmo2> I have the skills, but I've lacked the time for the past 15 or so years
15:48:17 <ArtGravity> If I knew how, I would add the option to set a beginning and end date on an account report and submit a patch. :)
15:51:57 <kimmo2> you mean Account Summary? or what?
15:52:29 <ArtGravity> possibly
15:52:48 <ArtGravity> Reports::Account Report from the menu when viewing an account
15:54:53 <kimmo2> ah there
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20:32:45 <warlord> ArtGravity: you can absolutely do that -- you just have to set up the begin/end dates in the register before you run the report.
20:33:27 <ArtGravity> I'm sorry if it is a dumb question, but how do I do that?
20:33:37 <warlord> View -> ...
20:34:06 <ArtGravity> + Filter?
20:34:09 <warlord> from there you can set the date range,
20:34:14 <ArtGravity> Awesome!
20:34:15 <warlord> filter on the reconcile flags...
20:34:17 <warlord> ...
20:34:31 <warlord> and THEN run the report (which basically is just a way to print the register)
20:35:27 <ArtGravity> That is fantastic!
20:36:59 <warlord> Enjoy
20:37:02 <ArtGravity> I don't like to close the books, sine the reporting options are configurable. This is perfect for when my accountant asks for details in a particular account for the tax year.
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20:39:52 <warlord> Yes
20:40:05 <warlord> Even though I wrote the Close the Books feature, I've never used it
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