2015-03-05 GnuCash IRC logs
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00:49:47 <kimmo2_> UncleJed, hard to give a proper answer without knowing the exact legislation, but generally speaking even a pass-through business whose income is taxed as simply part of the owner(s)'s income should be kept separate
00:52:34 <kimmo2_> UncleJed, most LLC's are, after all, Limited Liability vehicles, so it kind of makes sense to keep strict boundaries between the company's assets and your personal belongings
00:53:57 <kimmo2_> UncleJed, and commingling the company funds with yours is never a good idea
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01:33:23 <buildcomplete> morning all, when I am working on a backlog of transaction, is it then possible to take all my transaction (exported to csv from bank) and import into gnucash, And Then aftter they are imported into some 'temporary' transaction account, then split it out, and is this a reasonable practice, both regarding to private economy and also regarding to business. (I expect than in the future when the accounting IS setup, I would
01:33:23 <buildcomplete> enter the transactions manually, but right now I have thousans of transactions that I would like to feed into Gnucash for later sorting)
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02:18:02 <fell> buildcomplete: It is a bad idea because the baysian algorithm would learn the wrong associations.
02:22:45 <fell> Use a spreadsheet to cut the file e.g. in monthly pieces until the importer learned most associations.
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07:41:41 <Hinnerk> hi
07:41:48 <Hinnerk> back to reports:
07:42:07 <Hinnerk> when I create my own report in scheme, it should be stored in the .gnucash folder.
07:42:20 <Hinnerk> top level or a specific subfolder?
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08:06:47 <Hinnerk> I added a report in .gnucash but i don't see it in the gui.
08:06:56 <Hinnerk> what am i doing wrong?
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09:20:18 <warlord> UncleJed: Even though it's a pass-through, it still might be better to do it as a separate file .... although if you "share accounts" it might mean more work as you may double your entries (one in your personal accounts, one in the biz accounts)
09:21:21 <warlord> buildcomplete: yes, you can import them in bulk... But you should import them directly to the proper asset/liability accounts and, during the import, map each transaction to the appropriate income/expense account.
09:21:45 <warlord> Hinnerk: did you restart gnucash?
09:21:52 <Hinnerk> yes.
09:22:17 <Hinnerk> is there any other link I have to provide?
09:22:23 <Hinnerk> could it be translation related?
09:23:53 <warlord> What do you mean, "translation related"?
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09:24:36 <Hinnerk> The name i provide is in no trnaslation file.
09:24:47 <Hinnerk> Not sure if that makes a difference.
09:24:53 <Hinnerk> hopefully not
09:25:00 <warlord> No difference. Just means it wont be translated.
09:25:38 <Hinnerk> is there anywhere where I have to tell the hui where it should go, other than in the scm itself?
09:25:46 <Hinnerk> hui=gui
09:26:05 <warlord> nope
09:26:13 <Hinnerk> well.
09:26:19 <warlord> it should auto-load. But I must admit I'm not 100% sure exactly where it needs to live
09:26:24 <Hinnerk> then I have no idea what i'm doing wrong
09:26:32 <warlord> What does your gnucash.trace file say?
09:26:42 <warlord> Did you give it a unique name and GUID?
09:26:51 <Hinnerk> yes.
09:28:07 <Hinnerk> gnucash.trace?
09:28:18 <Hinnerk> where do i find that?
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09:33:21 <warlord> Hinnerk: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Tracefile
09:38:52 <Hinnerk> it is empty (0 bytes)
09:41:31 <warlord> try reloading
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10:59:20 <Hinnerk> i did.
10:59:27 <Hinnerk> closed and opened it several times.
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11:12:38 <warlord> Hinnerk: it's working for me; What happens if you try http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/
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11:22:08 <Hinnerk> Hmm? I meant the trace file is empty.
11:24:06 <warlord> Oh, sorry.. thought you meant the website was empty
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13:33:46 <buildcomplete> I am trying to import from a csv files for a month in my bank, I have created a column for the account, a column for the dates, a column for withdravel and a column for deposit, if the transaction originally was negative, i have written the number (as negative) in the withdravel, if the original number was positiv, i have written the number in the deposit column, but the import dialog complains about the empty cells, wi
13:33:46 <buildcomplete> thdrawel/deposit, any recomendations?
13:36:15 <warlord> How did you map the columns in the importer? (it might want a single +/- column for deposit/withdrawal)
13:37:17 <buildcomplete> in the mapper i can specify a deposit and a withdrawal, so i mapped both columns as such, I also has a column with both (+/-) I did not map that.
13:38:26 <warlord> I have to admit I've never used the csv importer
13:39:58 <buildcomplete> mm, I changed empty valus to zeros, it looks like I am getting further now.
13:50:39 <warlord> ok
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14:34:33 <buildcomplete> hmm, it seems like i have done something wrong during the import, the liabilites seems positive, groceries are both influencing 'dining' and grocery, and most of them have are 'rebates' instead of expenses.
14:36:40 <buildcomplete> the rent have been reduced from 750 to 300, my sportsclub subscription figures like income
14:37:16 <warlord> buildcomplete: my guess is that they imported backwards do you your using -
14:39:14 <buildcomplete> yes, I use '-', but I actually changed the import so I used once column with '+/-'. labeled as expences, so that might be why, I think I need to be more systematic and note down how the effect is when using different settings.
14:41:49 <buildcomplete> I will read some more in the guide for now, but is it possible to undo the transactions? or should i create a new book?
14:43:16 <warlord> you could just revert to a backup file..
14:43:18 <warlord> or quit without saving
14:58:28 <buildcomplete> thanks, restored a backup. It seems tough like I have misunderstood something about the 'Opening Balance Account'... I modified the 'openings balance' opening balance to be... hmm sum of all my account at some point in time, but is it correct that I was supposed to use that when entering 'opening balance' on the created accounts?
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15:20:25 <warlord> buildcomplete: you can always change it -- it's just a regular transaction which is supposed to sum up everything that happened "before you started accounting".
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15:32:00 <UncleJed> warlord - thanks for the reply.
15:32:18 <warlord> UncleJed: you're welcome
15:33:29 <UncleJed> kimmo2_ thank you as well. That was my original thinking as well; keep them separate. I just didn't want to miss any synergies if they existed for that sort of arrangement. Separate will be much easier to set up I imagine as well.
15:34:54 <buildcomplete> thanks warlord, I will go through the tutorials, but now; night.
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16:25:07 <UncleJed> another question - trying to read as much of the online help i can find before i ask here...but when I schedule a transaction to pay a bill, will that transaction actually trigger an instruction to my bank to pay the vendor? I've been paying my bills from my bank, but sending the transaction instruction through Quicken for years. so will gnucash do the same thing?
16:29:20 <warlord> No
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16:29:42 <warlord> GnuCash cannot initiate real transactions, only download data from the bank
16:30:18 <UncleJed> ok - thank you. Just curious - is that in development or not on the table at this time?
16:30:24 <kimmo2_> UncleJed: there really are no synergies... If you're the sole owner or the only member of the LLC, in most US jurisdictions it's treated as a disregarded entity tax-wise but you still file that separately as Form 1040 Schedule C
16:31:01 <UncleJed> Thanks kimmo2_ - i actually have to fill out 1065 (loads of fun).
16:31:07 <kimmo2_> yay
16:32:00 <UncleJed> But thank to MS Access where I'm currently keeping my books, it get easier every year. I'm switching to gnucash for personal and might also do that with business after eval.
16:32:23 <UncleJed> (something's apparently wrong with my 's' key)
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16:32:48 <warlord> UncleJed: it wont happen because there is no open standard for how it is done, and no "test servers" that are available for one to test an implementation
16:33:14 <UncleJed> okie-doke. thanks again warlord.
16:35:13 <UncleJed> so I'm going to go ahead and set up all my billing entities as vendors so everything will clear once I download the transactions if I understand the functionality correctly.
16:42:22 <warlord> note that the importers dont deal with the biz objects
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