2015-02-22 GnuCash IRC logs
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11:53:59 <jralls> @tell dkcarlson Stylesheets affect only reports. Gtk Themes, on the other hand, affect the appearance of the program's GUI. GnuCash uses Gtk2, so be sure to use the right theme tool for your distro.
11:53:59 <gncbot> jralls: The operation succeeded.
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12:08:44 *** smh has joined #gnucash
12:13:10 <smh> Hello, I'm wondering if there is a report I can run in gnucash that will allow me to exclude all activity related to a particular asset. Basically I'd like to see totals for certain income and expense accounts that went through our checking account and then run a separate report showing what went through a different checking account.
12:20:16 <jralls> smh: Pick the report you want and open the options. Almost all reports have an accounts tab in their options in which you can select exactly which accounts are queried for the report. If this is something you do more than once you can save the customization with a button on the options dialog. You'll usually want to change the name of the report so that you can keep straight which is which.
12:21:07 <jralls> smh: And by "pick" I mean "run". The options dialog is available only from a tab containing the report in question.
12:22:50 <smh> thanks, jralis. my experience has been that even though i de-select one of the current asset accounts that I want to exclude - it doesn't change the totals of the income and expense accounts: they're still listing the totals. Any more direction you can offer is greatly appreciated and let me know if my question is unclear!
12:24:45 <smh> so, we sold vegetables through our farmstand and also to our members...but in both cases they're listed under the account "vegetables". money from each goes to a separate bank account, but when I deselect the 'farmstore bankd acct' the vegetable totals still reflect the same totals - farmstand+member money. hope that helps.
12:28:51 <jralls> Ah. Some reports have a second set of accounts, "filter by", but the P&L report isn't one of them. The other way to get there is to create separate accounts for "farmstand sales" and "sales to members".
12:30:56 <smh> oh, that's a great lead and yes, we'll have to try and do this differently for 2015 in terms of the seperate accts you mention - though it's also an issue for our petty cash acct vs. our checking accts so the filter by would probably be the only way to deal with it in that case - thank you. do you have a suggestion of a report to use that does have a filter?
12:37:15 <jralls> The General Ledger Report has the filter and might show you what you want.
12:38:27 <jralls> It actually produces a Transaction Report. In fact, it looks like it's just another name for the transaction report. That's a bit odd.
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12:48:03 <warlord> smh: Sounds like you want to run two cash flow reports; one for each asset account.
12:52:39 <smh> warlord: yes, perhaps that's it - except i don't really care about cashflow - just total income and total expenses for the accts in question, filtered by each asset acct
12:53:28 <smh> jralls: thanks - that report may work if i can get it to just give me totals and not a list of transactions
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12:59:10 <jralls> smh: I don't think you can directly, but you can easily copy it to a spreadsheet and delete the rows you don't want.
12:59:56 *** Hinnerk has joined #gnucash
13:00:01 <Hinnerk> hi
13:00:08 <smh> warlord: i tried the cashflow reports and they seem like they could work nicely for my specific needs if I can figure out how to roll up subaccounts into a parent in the report - any idea how to do this? (in other words - i just want to see 'vegetables' listed - and i want it to include its child accounts lettuce, tomatoes, etc.
13:00:48 <Hinnerk> has anyone created custom reports that base on income statement or balancesheet which show this and previous period in two adjacent columns?
13:03:13 <Hinnerk> seems to me it should be a fairly common request. And it seems somehow a bad balance to learn eguile / scheme and everything else just to add this one feat...
13:06:23 <smh> jralls: same question i guess for the transaction report - is there a way to roll up sub accounts to the parent account?
13:10:19 <jralls> smh: It should give you subtotals of each level in the hierarchy, but no, it won't hide the sub-accounts any more than it will hide the transactions. It's called a "transaction" report for a reason.
13:10:56 <jralls> But if you paste it into a spreadsheet you can do whatever you want to it.
13:11:10 <smh> jralls: fair point re report title;-) i'll try that with excel, thanks.
13:19:44 <warlord> smh: select the depth of accounts to display in the report options?
13:20:00 <Hinnerk> I don't like solutions a la "Paste is to Excel". I love Excel and I love Gnucash, but a report should just do in one click what I want...
13:20:28 <warlord> Hinnerk: SMOP
13:20:29 <Hinnerk> goes for smh's and my questions :)
13:20:31 <warlord> ;)
13:20:34 <Hinnerk> SMOP?
13:20:49 <warlord> Simple Matter of Programming
13:21:05 <Hinnerk> not if you don't no scheme, the interfaces etc.
13:21:22 <smh> yeah, i'm a total novice, sorry!
13:21:24 <Hinnerk> I bet for anyone having these skills already, it is less than 2h work
13:23:26 <kimmo2_> yeah, income statement and balance sheet really should have "Show period as column per month, plus total", and "Show period of length X, and Y immediately preceding periods of the same length X"
13:24:04 <kimmo2_> I once looked into the reports (Back about 10 years ago) and just gave up as I could work around with the multicolumn statement
13:24:07 <jralls> Hinnerk: It's not reasonable to expect an infinite number of infinitely configurable reports, nor is it reasonable for you to expect someone else to volunteer even 2 minutes, never mind 2 hours, to customize GnuCash to your personal preferences.
13:24:46 <Hinnerk> well, I was hopin the feature I asked for is a common one. I suspect it was just never commited...
13:25:03 <kimmo2_> jralls, report comparison to previous months/quaters/years is one of the biggest advantages of bookkeeping I'd say
13:25:05 <Hinnerk> and I don't expect to, but I dare hope for a finite subset of the infinite set
13:26:01 <jralls> kimmo2_: Use the multi-column report to make multiple-period P%L reports.
13:26:30 <Hinnerk> doens't that just produce twice the exact same report next to each other? doubling all account names?
13:26:43 <Hinnerk> That was all I was able to achieve last time I tried.
13:26:43 <kimmo2_> jralls, that's what I do
13:26:50 <Hinnerk> ouch.
13:26:52 <kimmo2_> hinnerk, that's right
13:26:58 <Hinnerk> Thst hurts my eyes.
13:27:03 <Hinnerk> Won't go that way.
13:27:09 <kimmo2_> it's not pretty but it does the job adequately
13:27:26 <Hinnerk> no. not adequately. Just better than nothing.
13:29:32 <warlord> anyways, I gotta run. TTFN
13:29:58 <smh> thanks, warlord!
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13:36:05 <smh> thanks, again jralls for your help
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13:36:18 <jralls> smp: You're welcome
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13:45:45 <jokke> hello
13:46:03 <jokke> i'm trying to set up some "saving plans" in gnucash
13:46:28 <jokke> basically i just want to set up a fixed amount of money that i want to save
13:47:22 <jokke> and then transfer money from any account to that saving plan and see the rest amount decline
13:48:22 <jokke> so basically it would be like a credit card with a initial balance
13:48:40 <jokke> but this initial balance can't come from anywhere
13:48:48 <jokke> because it doesn't exist
13:49:05 <jokke> you know what i mean?
13:51:23 <Hinnerk> like a budget?
13:52:02 <jokke> .. maybe? I just started using gnucash
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13:53:04 <Hinnerk> so there is no bank account backing this?
13:53:19 <Hinnerk> you just want to "reserve" cash, that is sitting in your bank account?
13:53:20 <jokke> but isn't a budget more like a monthly thing?
13:53:26 <jokke> exactly
13:53:33 <Hinnerk> ok.
13:53:58 <Hinnerk> so you want to set up a reserve. that's a liability, e.g. saving for a new car.
13:54:11 <jokke> okay
13:54:28 <jokke> but can it have a fixed goal?
13:54:52 <Hinnerk> So, create a monthly transaction increasing the liability "Reserve for New Car".
13:55:03 <Hinnerk> the other side of the trx is either:
13:55:26 <Hinnerk> - Assets: New Car: If you have your car in your balance sheet as an asset.
13:55:51 <Hinnerk> - Losses: Price for new car: If you consider the money spent for a car lost :)
13:56:03 <Hinnerk> then when you actually buy your car:
13:56:41 <Hinnerk> shorten your balance sheet by booking cash against reserve ofr new car (reducing both amounts)
13:57:30 <jokke> hm
13:58:38 <Hinnerk> I sometime do a similar thing when I get my bill for vacation. It is only due in several months, so I immediatley book a reserve and when it is due, i book this reserve to "short term liabs", to indicate that a cashflow is coming up.
13:59:08 <Hinnerk> the initial reserve is balanced against losses:vacation
13:59:37 <jokke> ok
14:00:01 <Hinnerk> Note that what you are trying to do is not exactly clean accouting, it's more budgeting - which gnucash isn't too strong in.
14:00:02 <jokke> it just looks in the report then, as if you'd paid for the vacation up front
14:00:14 <jokke> yeah
14:00:23 <Hinnerk> not quite.
14:00:35 <Hinnerk> the cashflow didn't happen, and the reserve reminds me of this.
14:00:56 <Hinnerk> I warns me, that I have already made acommitment to spend this money, even if it sitting in my bank account.
14:01:31 <jokke> yeah
14:01:54 <Hinnerk> hope this helps.
14:03:04 <Hinnerk> if you are just starting: Try to make things as clean as possible - it may be a bit more tedious to set up, but you'll be amazed how usefull things turn out, which you never thought of in the beginning.
14:03:30 <Hinnerk> I use it just for my personal accounts as well, not for business.
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17:09:19 <jokke> ok
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