2015-02-06 GnuCash IRC logs
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03:27:47 <guest1> I have what I think is a complicated scenario and hopefully I can explain it well enough. My family was involved in an auto accident. We settled with the other drivers insurance. The money was sent to our lawyer who distributed the funds. Some was sent to the medical providers to pay off the remaining amounts due, some to our insurance provider to reimburse/subrogate them, the lawyer kept his fee and we got a check for the rest. So we never
03:29:41 <Infiltrator> guest1: It cut off after "So we never".
03:31:03 <guest1> So we never had most of the settlement hit our account but I need to keep track of all of it in gnucash so I can mark the medical liabilities as paid, show legal costs, etc. How do I record it? Do I setup a new account and make transfers to show where the money went? If so should it be an asset or equity or income account? If not how do I handle this?
03:33:58 <Infiltrator> guest1: I would do: Db Accounts Receivable (possible sub-account Lawyer's name) Cr Income/Legal Wins (you can think of a better name. :P)
03:34:23 <Infiltrator> Then Cr Accounts Receivable/Lawyer Dr Accounts Payable/Medical etc.
03:34:40 <Infiltrator> Then Cr Accounts Recievable/Laywer Dr Cash.
03:34:56 <Infiltrator> s/Receiv/Reciev/
03:35:48 <Infiltrator> Having said that, if you need this for taxation purposes, you need check with your local authority whether they have any special requirements.
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03:36:57 <Infiltrator> Or you could even do Cr Accounts Payable/Lawyer Dr Accounts Payable/Medical etc.
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03:37:41 <Infiltrator> And then Dr Accounts Payable/Lawyer Cr Account Recievable/Lawyer as a final netting.
03:37:59 <Infiltrator> guest1: Confused? :)
03:38:31 <guest1> yes :) but let me read through it a few times and see if I can get it
03:40:07 <gjanssens> guest1: are you using business features of gnucash (things in the business menuĂ ?
03:40:15 <guest1> I know the settlement itself is not taxable so I don't think I need to worry about taxation
03:40:35 <Infiltrator> guest1: To put it out of Dr/Cr terms, you go: we won X from a legal battle, which is now owed to us by the laywer; the lawyer payed A, B, and C, so either we now owe him (AP) or he owes us less (AR); then he pays us the actual money, which is when you change cash/bank.
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03:41:31 <guest1> No, just the basic assets / expenses / incomes / liabilities accounts for home use
03:41:41 <Infiltrator> gjanssens: In this case, I would actually use AP/Lawyer/Medical etc. and AR/Lawyer accounts as normal Liability and Asset accounts.
03:41:59 <gjanssens> That's what I wanted to point out :)
03:42:31 <gjanssens> And then I would indeed do it the same way
03:42:41 <Infiltrator> So I guess that you don't have to nest those accounts; but it makes it easier to think about if you do.
03:44:33 <Infiltrator> guest1: Ping me if you need me to explain my ramblings.
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04:42:32 <fellipe> hi all, what are the characters "p" or "n" at "o" column?
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07:11:12 <warlord> Infiltrator: w.r.t. guest1's question --- I wouldn't use A/R for that; it's not a receivable. It's just an Asset.
07:12:21 <warlord> @tell fellipe I presume you mean the "Reconciled" column (in English), the values are Not-reconciled, Cleared, and Yes-reconciled. There is also a Void marking too.
07:12:21 <gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
07:12:38 <warlord> @tell fellipe PS: It would help if you stuck around for more than a few minutes to get your answer.
07:12:38 <gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
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09:50:19 <jralls> warlord: Something's messed up with the wiki. Page requests get "Can't contact database server: Connection refused (localhost)."
09:51:43 <warlord> jralls: let me look.
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09:52:51 <warlord> Grr, had a VM I/O error -- made the file system read-only..
09:52:52 <warlord> rebooting to fix.
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12:16:02 <warlord> And there's gncbot again
12:16:03 *** warlord sets mode: +o gncbot
12:16:10 <warlord> jralls: should be back. Let me know if it's not.
12:16:18 * warlord needs new VM infrastructure.
12:18:06 <jralls> warlord: Worked part way. Now I get a wiki screen saying Database Error, the error being "145: Table './wiki/watchlist' is marked as crashed and should be repaired (localhost).'
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12:55:25 <Garret> hi
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13:03:24 <kimmo2_> warlord, what gear do you run now?
13:22:32 <jralls> warlord: The wiki is working now.
13:26:32 <warlord> jralls: Hmm, weird. I didn't do anything ;)
13:26:39 <warlord> kimmo2_: vmware-server-2
13:26:47 <warlord> on a 5+-year-old AMD-based system.
13:27:11 <jralls> The wiki engine probably rebuilds that table periodically on its own.
13:27:55 <warlord> Could be.
13:28:02 <warlord> Glad it's back up.
13:28:24 <warlord> I'm budgeting for some new equipment this year.
13:33:26 <bozonius> new problem. I can't seem to get the customer report to show payments against invoices
13:33:26 <bozonius> I was able to do this with another customer, but not this one.
13:33:26 <bozonius> and this customer only has one job on it.
13:33:26 <bozonius> (I should have said "an invoice" not "invoices" in my first sentence, sorry)
13:33:26 <bozonius> and, yes, I used the official ways to post and pay the invoice
13:33:27 <bozonius> the other customer has about 6 jobs on it, and I had no problems posting or invoicing, applying payments, etc
13:33:30 <bozonius> so something is different, but I don't understand what
13:33:34 <bozonius> I even tracked down the ownership of the records by their owner id's and it all looks correct.
13:33:36 <bozonius> (to me)
13:34:24 <bozonius> any help here would be great, thanks.
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13:36:58 <bozonius> This is a showstopper. I need to get this fixed by today, because I have a client tomorrow
13:39:17 <warlord> bozonius: did you by any chance unpost and repost the invoice?
13:39:51 <bozonius> yes, but that was after I started having this problem.
13:40:08 <bozonius> I don't think I did BEFORE that, though I could be mistaken.
13:40:33 <warlord> If you unpost and re-post it loses the binding from payment -> invoice. You might need to reconnect it.
13:40:43 <warlord> Try that
13:40:43 <bozonius> best way?
13:40:49 <bozonius> (ok)
13:41:04 <bozonius> I see linkage entries in the ledger
13:41:26 <bozonius> They look right, similar to the ones on the other payments
13:41:29 <warlord> Yeah, but that's not sufficient; the LOT needs to be linked; that's not visible
13:41:31 <bozonius> (other customer)
13:41:37 <bozonius> oh, ok.
13:41:49 <warlord> maybe gjanssens can explain how to do it?
13:42:04 <bozonius> how should I do this? It's only one job on the invoice, so it shouldn't be difficult for me to redo if needed.
13:42:32 <bozonius> he does not seem to be here now... :^(
13:43:29 <bozonius> you know what, after I reposted, I re-applied the payment. So shouldn't the linkage have been recreated then?
13:43:51 <bozonius> (I deleted the payment transaction from the general ledger... )
13:43:53 <bozonius> (uh-oh)
13:44:02 <bozonius> (was that a bad thing to do also?)
13:44:22 <bozonius> (sorry if it was)
13:44:57 <bozonius> Those entries I mentioned actually say "Lot Link" in the Action column.
13:45:17 <warlord> You can't go by what transactions you see in the register.
13:45:26 <warlord> They could exist but not actually be linking the lots.
13:45:38 <bozonius> ewwww
13:46:15 <bozonius> I actually deleted all the posts related to the inital attempt to do this, then redid all of it from scratch, short of starting with a new invoice
13:46:21 <warlord> In the early 2.6.x series the lot link transactions exist -- they were removed for most normal cases in later 2.6.x releases(I dont recall exactly when)
13:46:22 <bozonius> (same invoice)
13:46:32 <warlord> And you deleted the lock links?
13:46:46 <bozonius> lot links? lock links? (sorry)
13:47:15 <bozonius> I deleted the lot links entries. and the payment transaction.
13:47:33 <warlord> sorry lot.
13:47:37 <warlord> (finger typo)
13:47:38 <bozonius> I never deleted the A/R entries though... wonder if maybe I need to redo that also.
13:47:42 <bozonius> (np)
13:47:50 <warlord> yes, you need to remove the lot link txns from AT
13:47:51 <warlord> AR
13:47:58 <warlord> for that invoice/payment
13:48:04 <warlord> delete the payment
13:48:09 <warlord> then Process Payment again
13:48:24 <bozonius> No, what I mean is I never deleted the actual A/R entries I was closing in the invoice
13:48:47 <bozonius> debit cash received/credit revenue journal entry I mean
13:49:02 <bozonius> I never deleted THOSE.
13:49:09 <bozonius> I didn't think that was significant.
13:49:18 <warlord> Huh? Where are those coming from?
13:49:55 <bozonius> Well, in order to have something to close on the invoice, you have to have at least one entry indicating services rendered/goods sold...
13:50:00 <warlord> That doesn't sound like an Invoice or a Payment txn
13:50:15 <warlord> Right... That's Income -> A/R
13:50:17 <bozonius> they are entries to A/R account
13:50:37 <warlord> Yes, I know. I wrote the original A/R, A/P system. I know how it works. (Or at least how it worked through 2.4)
13:50:49 <bozonius> whooops, warlord
13:50:50 <bozonius> my bad
13:51:03 <bozonius> I meant not cash received... (headslap)
13:51:17 <bozonius> I meant debit A/R, credit revenue
13:51:20 <bozonius> so sorry
13:51:29 <bozonius> fingers get ahead of my brain sometimes
13:51:32 <warlord> Okay, you cannot delete that transaction.
13:51:40 <warlord> That transaction is tied to the invoice.
13:51:40 <bozonius> thank goodness
13:51:43 <bozonius> right
13:51:47 <bozonius> agreed
13:52:03 <bozonius> not without removing all the subsequent related actions
13:52:08 <bozonius> first
13:52:10 <warlord> So you delete the payment, delete any Lot Link transactions in A/R... Then Process Payment again and choose that invoice... and...??
13:52:18 <bozonius> right
13:52:24 <warlord> Well, you have to unpost the invoice to get that transaction removed.
13:52:32 <bozonius> right
13:53:08 <bozonius> what I did is I went to journal, deleted the two transactions for the payment and the lot links
13:53:14 <bozonius> unposted the invoice
13:53:21 <warlord> No need to unpost/repost the invoice..
13:53:31 <bozonius> (just for good measure)
13:53:36 <warlord> k
13:53:57 <bozonius> re-applied the payment, watching VERY closely (I did this several times, so I was getting more and more careful each time)
13:54:07 <bozonius> make sure date is correct, etc
13:54:34 <bozonius> Everything looks kind of like the other customer invoice and payments
13:54:35 <bozonius> But
13:54:51 <bozonius> Run the customer report and it shows nothing
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13:55:17 <bozonius> whereas for the other customer, it shows all the history, posts and payments and all
13:55:44 <bozonius> I carefully went back to make sure that the ID's of the parent/owner records were right, and they looked OK
13:56:00 <bozonius> It's customer #3 and that appears on the records for the job, invoice, etc
13:56:02 <warlord> bozonius: I must admit... I never use Jobs
13:56:30 <warlord> I doubt it's causing the issue here...
13:56:36 <bozonius> well, I didn't necessarily expect you did. Just that you seem to be the guru around here, and you have assisted me bbefore
13:56:55 <warlord> Yeah, I saw your questions from 5am..
13:59:00 <warlord> What version are you using, btw?
13:59:25 <bozonius> 2.6.0 I think
13:59:36 <bozonius> 2.6.0
14:00:09 <bozonius> I tried to build a newer version here, but ran into compile problems or initialization problems at run time (tried 2.6.5 and 2.6.4)
14:00:33 <bozonius> Mageia 4
14:01:07 <bozonius> I could try rebuilding those again, maybe my luck will change, maybe I'll see how to fix those issues...
14:01:09 <bozonius> but
14:01:42 <bozonius> is that even likely to address the issue at hand? If not, it might not be worth the bother, but I'm willing if you think there is even a small chance
14:01:53 <kimmo2_> warlord, what would be the purpose? I know quite a few cloud start ups, if it's just regular web server with wiki and maybe some git repo with no massive bandwidth requirements, I might be able to secure you a virtual server, outside the reach of NSA, too
14:02:08 <bozonius> are those the sorts of things fixed in 2.6.x series?
14:03:49 <kimmo2_> hrm, maybe it's time to upgrade my home system, youtube reports my firefox is no longer supported
14:05:28 <bozonius> adobe has dropped support for Linux (again)
14:05:43 <bozonius> chrome can run youtube w/o problem
14:05:55 <bozonius> (it uses an older version of the flash player I think)
14:06:20 <kimmo2_> I'm not installing anything made by google in this household
14:06:23 <bozonius> assholes @ adobe
14:06:41 <kimmo2_> that, too
14:06:42 <bozonius> platform bigotry
14:06:44 <bozonius> hater
14:06:55 <bozonius> I mant he people at adobe
14:07:02 <bozonius> not you
14:07:20 <bozonius> I'm rather pleased with MOST of google
14:07:25 <bozonius> google voice sucks
14:07:32 <bozonius> I use it, but with caution
14:07:39 <bozonius> they still have work to do on that one...
14:07:44 <bozonius> calendar works great
14:07:52 <bozonius> I am O.T. here, sorry
14:09:04 <kimmo2_> OT is rather okay
14:09:20 <kimmo2_> I'm not saying google is providing bad service or anything
14:09:33 <kimmo2_> I'm just a privacy aware individual
14:09:48 <warlord> Oh, 2.6.0 is really broken. You really REALLY should update to 2.6.5
14:10:23 <warlord> It may... There have been LOTS of fixes in 2.6.x, and the lot link stuff was all new..
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14:10:40 <kimmo2_> I'm still running 2.4.11 :D
14:10:58 <kimmo2_> but I _promise_ I'll upgrade soonish
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14:11:09 <warlord> kimmo2_: it's much more than that. it hosts git, email, wiki, doc building, and other stuff too.
14:11:57 <warlord> kimmo2_: you should at least update to 2.4.15
14:12:00 <kimmo2_> but basically still reasonable IO requirements, negligible bandwidth requirements in bytes per month?
14:12:13 <warlord> it varies month-to-month
14:12:24 <bozonius> warlord: I remember now... when I try to launch 2.6.5, it tells me there is a Glib error that has to be cleared first
14:12:25 <warlord> But we're not interested in moving it.
14:12:51 <bozonius> and when I try to build 2.6.4, it chokes on some library dependency in configure step
14:12:55 <kimmo2_> oh ok
14:13:09 <warlord> bozonius: how about switching to a real distro that provides current updates? ;)
14:13:18 <kimmo2_> like my Fedora17? ;)
14:13:23 <kimmo2_> the best I have is 2.4.13
14:14:00 <warlord> kimmo2_: well, "Fedora" has 2.6.5, if you're not running a verson that was EOLed more than a year ago..
14:14:21 <bozonius> warlord: we are on a public channel, and I've pissed the mga folks already... on pretty much the same grounds
14:14:37 <bozonius> I wish we still had the old mandrake...
14:14:39 <bozonius> alas
14:14:54 <kimmo2_> mandrake ftw
14:15:12 <bozonius> Fedora 30? Fedora 36? 37? 40? 125? which week? which day?
14:15:15 <warlord> MGA?
14:15:20 <kimmo2_> I still remember mandrake 7, it was the first distro that had a working install in a sense that if I selected "ssh only, no other services", that was obeyed
14:15:21 <bozonius> mageia
14:15:33 <bozonius> yes, yes LOL I remember all that
14:15:42 <kimmo2_> I'm running fedora from like 3 years ago
14:15:46 <bozonius> 5.2 worked, 6.2 sucked, couldn't even install it
14:15:48 <warlord> bozonius: Fedora has two releases a year. Most recent is FC21. I'm running FC20 on my laptop.
14:15:53 <kimmo2_> I'm a big fan of "if it works, don't touch it"
14:15:53 <bozonius> 7.2 came back and fixed it
14:16:19 <warlord> kimmo2_: that's a good motto for a server; not necessarily a desktop
14:16:27 <warlord> For one thing, you dont get securty updates.
14:16:30 <warlord> (c.f. GHOST)
14:16:32 <bozonius> warlord: OK, I blab too much. But frankly, when I used Fedora in the past, it seemed like theonly way to get certain things fixed was to upgrade to their newest version
14:16:33 <kimmo2_> this is my server
14:16:55 <bozonius> kind of like a certain Kommerzial Zoftvare Kompanie
14:17:00 <kimmo2_> but yeah, I should probably upgrade
14:17:15 <warlord> depends on the issue..
14:17:31 <warlord> (Deban/Ubuntu is even worse about that)
14:17:40 <warlord> At least Fedora *will* update packages within a release.
14:17:48 <bozonius> true
14:17:55 <warlord> Also, Fedora is free..
14:17:57 <bozonius> well, it IS open source, so...
14:18:10 <bozonius> the community doesn't tolerate that sort of nonsense
14:18:32 <warlord> So frankly I wouldn't expect them to spend too much time backporting certain issues when they are fixed in newer versions. But it does depend on the bug.
14:18:51 <warlord> Anyways, you really should be running 2.6.5, not 2.6.0
14:19:02 <warlord> Or backgrade to 2.4.15
14:19:07 <bozonius> but isn't fedora enterprise Linux?
14:19:11 <warlord> No.
14:19:27 <warlord> Fedora is a feeder into EL.
14:19:28 <bozonius> They fork RH from it, I thought
14:19:46 <warlord> Yes, they make a fork and then do additional work.
14:19:47 <bozonius> I always thought Fedora was supposed to be sort of a lab for EL
14:19:53 <warlord> Sort of.
14:19:55 <bozonius> so it is lightweight then?
14:20:01 <warlord> It can be
14:20:05 <bozonius> I mean, I don't want to run all the servers etc
14:20:06 <warlord> all depends on what you install.
14:20:09 <kimmo2_> lightweight enough, if you choose your desktop wisely
14:20:12 <kimmo2_> I run mate-desktop
14:20:18 * warlord runs xfce
14:20:22 <bozonius> Yeah, I suppose
14:20:24 <kimmo2_> which is like the gnome2 fork
14:20:28 * bozonius runs lxde
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14:21:41 <bozonius> I want to be able to say I'd miss Mageia, but not too much. I find that their priorities and approach sometimes don't make much sense
14:22:18 <kimmo2_> what does these days?
14:22:38 <bozonius> They insist on packaging virtualbox guest additions, rather than allowing the user to apply the VB guest additions themselves. If you do, you can mess up the rest of their system, and it has, a couple times
14:22:52 <bozonius> because BOZONIUS forgets he cannot just go and do that...
14:22:55 <kimmo2_> you know it's a broken world when a news story about kim kardashian flashing some ass generates millions in ad revenue
14:23:04 <bozonius> lol, yes.
14:23:18 <bozonius> You know it's a broken world when Kim Kardashian...
14:23:32 <bozonius> wtf is Kim Kardashian anyway? Isn't this really about her father?
14:23:46 <bozonius> She and her sisters haven't ever done... you know
14:23:48 <kimmo2_> heh
14:23:51 <bozonius> word you can't say in public
14:24:09 <kimmo2_> then again it's a broken world if sysadmins like me know about kim kardashian
14:24:18 <bozonius> not really
14:24:32 <bozonius> you can't help seeing the "news" -- it's posted everywhre, esp on the Internet
14:24:43 <bozonius> you are forgiven, OK?
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14:25:08 <bozonius> is there a newer version of gnucash I might try? repo source maybe?
14:25:21 <warlord> you can try the maint branch
14:25:27 <bozonius> wasting my time with that too?
14:25:40 <kimmo2_> are the dimensions/cost centers still in the "patched welcome" status?
14:25:47 <warlord> yes
14:27:49 <bozonius> I'm running ldconfig right now... long shot I know, probably not relevant
14:28:54 <warlord> If you build from scratch we recommend you use a configure --prefix ... like /opt/gnucash
14:29:00 <bozonius> huh. This is weird...
14:29:06 <bozonius> (thanks, I'll do that)
14:29:16 <bozonius> each time I run 2.6.5, the error moves
14:29:19 <bozonius> no joke
14:29:28 <bozonius> the first time it fails at process:480
14:29:35 <bozonius> next time at process:612 I think
14:29:41 <bozonius> each time, the line number increases
14:29:53 <bozonius> why would that be?
14:30:00 <warlord> are you sure that's the line number and not the process ID?
14:30:02 <bozonius> I'm running the same executable each time
14:30:04 <kimmo2_> after enough builds, the compile is succesful? ;)
14:30:05 <bozonius> OH!
14:30:22 <bozonius> normally, I expect that to be the line number...
14:30:32 <bozonius> I thought "process" was the source module name
14:30:40 <bozonius> makes sense then...
14:31:46 <warlord> care to run it under gdb and try to get a backtrace? (although I dont know if it'll tell us anything)
14:32:03 <bozonius> sure... give me a "few" minutes... heheheh
14:32:48 <bozonius> uhoh
14:33:01 <bozonius> tells me my gnucash binary is not in executable format
14:33:05 <bozonius> oh
14:33:07 <bozonius> .bin
14:33:10 <bozonius> wait... nvm
14:34:50 <warlord> Oh, wait, are you trying to run it out of the build dir?
14:35:13 <bozonius> (please don't hit me...)
14:35:16 <bozonius> (too hard)
14:35:32 <bozonius> I prefixed it with the env file
14:35:39 <bozonius> thinking that woudl set the environment
14:35:42 <bozonius> no?
14:35:50 <bozonius> ok
14:35:58 <warlord> Which env file?
14:35:59 <bozonius> I will reconfig it and install it to opt
14:36:15 <bozonius> (there is a gnucash-env file that sets up the runtime env)
14:36:18 <bozonius> (but nvm)
14:36:28 <bozonius> (I will do this the way you suggested)
14:36:33 <bozonius> (then try running it)
14:37:13 <bozonius> doing...
14:37:22 <bozonius> this takes a while on my old locomotive
14:37:31 <bozonius> (I think I can, I think I can...chug chug chug)
14:37:35 <warlord> :)
14:37:57 <bozonius> really really appreciate all your patience
14:41:05 <kimmo2_> chug chug chug makes me want to drink more beer
14:41:19 <kimmo2_> way to go gnupg
14:42:59 <bozonius> bless you, sir
14:43:04 <bozonius> it runs
14:43:18 <bozonius> now, I am guessing I should back up my data files first?
14:43:33 <bozonius> I'll just copy the whole directory to a backup, would that work?
14:43:44 <bozonius> wait
14:44:01 <bozonius> I'll move it to a different directory, then copy JUST the database file(s)
14:44:13 <bozonius> don't need the logs, right? or do I?
14:44:24 <bozonius> you better advise me
14:44:34 <kimmo2_> the logs are not needed
14:44:44 <kimmo2_> just the most recent .gnucash file
14:44:45 <bozonius> so just the .gnucash file then?
14:45:20 <kimmo2_> as long as you did a clean save+exit all you need is the most recent .gnucash file
14:45:24 <bozonius> wonder if I should also set aside the .gnucash directory in home
14:45:50 <kimmo2_> it's got at least the saved reports
14:46:03 <kimmo2_> so if you stay within the same major version, I'd say yes
14:46:40 <kimmo2_> oh, and it's also got the status info, that is what tabs and reports were open
14:47:37 <bozonius> what is the .gsb file?
14:49:09 <kimmo2_> the what?
14:49:11 <warlord> gsb?
14:49:14 <warlord> do you mean gcm?
14:49:15 <kimmo2_> I have no such file
14:49:26 <kimmo2_> .gcm are the status files
14:50:40 <bozonius> it finds my .gnucash files even though I moved the .gnucash directory in my home?
14:51:13 <bozonius> where is gnucash REALLY getting its info from?
14:51:32 <warlord> dconf
14:52:07 <bozonius> ok... so how can I completely reset this? Or I could just make backups of ALL of the instances
14:52:12 <bozonius> I should do that anyway
14:52:14 <warlord> File -> New File
14:52:41 <bozonius> well, I wanted to clear it out BEFORE I fired up the program, as if this were a completely virgin install
14:52:47 <bozonius> then add the gnucash file back in
14:52:52 <bozonius> I'm big into safety
14:53:35 <warlord> dont bother
14:53:42 <warlord> You could run gnucash --nofile
14:54:44 <bozonius> ok, so do I "import" my gnucash file, or something else
14:55:15 <bozonius> I just did a straight OPEN
14:55:16 <bozonius> works
14:55:59 <warlord> right
14:56:01 <bozonius> just tried the customer report, same thing
14:56:10 <bozonius> nothing, just the formatting
14:56:29 <warlord> bozonius: go through the 'delete payments; delete lot links; process-payment' process again
14:56:29 <bozonius> so should I back out the post and the Link entries and redo?
14:56:33 <bozonius> right
14:56:35 <bozonius> ok
14:56:49 <bozonius> delete transaction from the general ledger?
14:56:59 <bozonius> (just making sure)
14:57:06 <warlord> Open A/R and do it all from there.
14:57:14 <bozonius> ok
14:57:55 <bozonius> entry is readonly; try unposting invoice first
14:58:01 <bozonius> unpost?
14:58:55 <bozonius> "This transaction is marked read-only with the comment: 'Generated from an invoice. Try unposting the invoice.'"
14:59:10 <bozonius> so...
14:59:26 <bozonius> I was able to do this from the ledger last times
14:59:32 <bozonius> is that kosher?
15:00:33 <bozonius> I'll do it that way; if that screws it up, I'll just restart gnucash with a fresh copy of the gnucash file, ok?
15:01:11 <bozonius> ah, now the ledger (2.6.5) won't let me just do that
15:01:31 <bozonius> I can delete the payment transaction, np
15:01:49 <bozonius> but not the invoice transx
15:02:57 <bozonius> unposting removes the transaction for me -- which makes sense
15:03:02 <warlord> dont delete the *invoice* transaction -- delete the *payment* transaction
15:03:04 <bozonius> (that didn't used to happen in 2.6.0
15:03:16 <bozonius> I didn't, promise
15:03:27 <bozonius> It went away by itself -- nice!
15:03:28 <warlord> you should never be able to delete the invoice txn
15:03:41 <bozonius> I'll remember that, and report if I see otherwise
15:03:58 <bozonius> 2.6.0 let me do that, and more... :^(
15:04:01 <bozonius> ok
15:04:15 <bozonius> so, now I will try reposting and repaying... or repay and repost?
15:04:27 <bozonius> does the order matter?
15:04:33 <bozonius> I am really not sure
15:04:54 <bozonius> seems like one would post the invoice then collect payment on it
15:04:58 <bozonius> so I'll try that
15:05:00 <warlord> post, then pay
15:06:04 <bozonius> ok, I posted, then tried running the customer report... still nothing
15:06:12 <bozonius> not even the invoiced transxs
15:07:20 <warlord> by chance do you have multiple AR accounts?
15:07:44 <warlord> (not named ar.. account type == A/R)
15:07:46 <bozonius> yes, I do. And I did check the pulldown to make sure I posted to the correct account before I committed the post
15:07:52 <bozonius> (yes, I know)
15:08:09 <warlord> And in the Customer Report -- did you choose the correct A/R account?
15:08:17 <bozonius> nope
15:08:21 <bozonius> now it correctly shows
15:08:22 <warlord> well.....
15:08:22 <bozonius> duh
15:08:28 <bozonius> yeah yeah yeah
15:08:31 <bozonius> LOL
15:08:39 <warlord> This begs the question..... why do you have multple AR accounts?
15:08:40 <bozonius> I need to pay more attention really
15:08:43 <bozonius> OH
15:08:51 <bozonius> because I have multiple customers
15:09:12 <warlord> So?
15:09:14 <bozonius> one main customer who has multiple jobs attached, and one for each of my other customers
15:09:24 <warlord> The whole point of invoicing is so you dont need to do that.
15:09:27 <bozonius> each of the others has one job
15:09:40 <warlord> You dont need multiple AR accounts for that.
15:09:47 <warlord> The system keeps track of customers for you
15:10:04 <warlord> The only reason to need multiple AR accts is one-per-currency
15:10:04 <bozonius> it does allow it
15:10:08 <bozonius> oh
15:10:10 <bozonius> I see
15:10:18 <warlord> Sure, it ALLOWS it... But there's no need to do it
15:10:19 <bozonius> nice to know, thanks
15:10:27 <warlord> It will just cause you issues... like this
15:10:38 <warlord> for example you could post the payment to the wrong AR and then nothing will work
15:10:48 <bozonius> yeah, ran into that also...
15:10:52 <warlord> or you could post different invoices for the same customer into different ARs, and...
15:10:53 <bozonius> but corrected it
15:11:04 <warlord> Really, you only want 1 A/R per currency
15:11:21 <bozonius> ok
15:12:11 <bozonius> let me try making the payment now, see what happens
15:12:57 <bozonius> son of a ... you did it warlord!
15:12:59 <bozonius> thank you
15:13:11 <warlord> you're welcome.
15:13:14 <warlord> Could be the 2.6.5
15:13:16 <bozonius> so I'll just use my local (/opt) version of gnucash from now on
15:13:18 <warlord> Could be the multiple AR thing
15:13:19 <bozonius> definitely!
15:13:28 <bozonius> I don't think the latter, though, really.
15:14:15 <warlord> enjoy
15:14:22 <bozonius> I'll take your advise and try
15:14:26 <bozonius> thanks so much
15:14:30 <bozonius> really appreciate it
15:16:55 <jralls> warlord: I'm trying to set up a mirror-hook for Gramps, from SF to Github. The hook works fine if I run it when logged in to the SF shell, but dies with "ssh: connect to host ssh.github.com port 443: Connection refused" when run as a hook. I imagine that SF has set a special firewall rule for that case. Do you have any deveious ideas to circumvent that?
15:17:03 <jralls> Oops, devious.
15:21:23 <warlord> why is it trying to ssh to port 443?
15:22:07 <warlord> I doubt its a firewall rule, but it could be a local file system access issue?
15:23:34 <jralls> Even in the shell account they block port 22. Github has ssh listening on port 443 to work around that problem.
15:24:21 <jralls> How would a local file system access control cause ssh to run but refuse the connection?
15:25:02 <jralls> OTOH, another weird behavior is that the hook won't chmod a copied file and ignores umask.
15:27:19 <warlord> selinux
15:30:13 <warlord> could the hook try to connect to 443 on some other system?
15:34:07 <jralls> I suppose, though it seems odd that they'd block by host rather than by port, or any outgoing connection.
15:35:41 <warlord> true.
15:36:07 <warlord> just something to explore.
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15:47:15 <jralls> Oh, more interesting. Should have expected this: When I get a shell session it creates a set of fuse file systems with all of the places I'm allowed to go. It's likely that I'm not even on the same computer that git is on.
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16:03:17 *** Unhammer has joined #gnucash
16:03:31 <Unhammer> is there a quick way to clean up zero-valued orphan/imbalance splits?
16:03:45 <Unhammer> We tend to end up with a bunch of them as we add new things, and going through and deleting them feels rather pointless and mechanical (like something a Computer might be able to help with!)
16:04:20 <Unhammer> while at the same time, I would rather not have all those empty ones there, because I feel my eyes are now trained to ignore them since they're typically empty, meaning at some point I'm sure I'll miss one that's not actually empty
16:04:37 <warlord> Unhammer: how are they created in the frst place?
16:05:08 <Unhammer> by clicking around and trying to add stuff without really knowing accounting? :)
16:05:47 <warlord> Unhammer: then perhaps you should stop doing that? ;)
16:06:23 <Unhammer> yeah, I've pestered my girlfriend about getting a real accountant
16:07:05 <warlord> I recommend if you play around then use a test file. Then do the real thing in a real data file.
16:07:27 <warlord> In normal entry I honestly have no idea how you would get 0-value splits like that..
16:07:31 <Unhammer> really?
16:07:39 <Unhammer> I don't know how not to
16:07:49 <warlord> How the heck are you entering your transactions?
16:07:55 <Unhammer> duplicate an old one
16:08:00 <Unhammer> change e.g. the main sum
16:08:05 <warlord> Well, then, maybe dont do that
16:08:06 <Unhammer> but not the vat sum
16:08:19 <Unhammer> then fix the vat sum by seeing how much of an imbalance was created
16:08:28 <Unhammer> it's much faster than creating a new transaction from scratch
16:08:32 <Unhammer> and looking up each account code
16:08:44 <Unhammer> enormous drop-down takes forever to search through
16:08:47 <warlord> Well, first, don't hit enter, hit tab..
16:08:59 <warlord> or use the up/down arrow keys
16:09:11 <warlord> That will show you the remainder without creating the Imbalance account entry.
16:09:27 <warlord> If you DO get the Imblanace account entry, just be sure to clear out that field.
16:09:53 <Unhammer> oh, enter
16:10:33 <Unhammer> yeah tab never gave the number, thus I used enter, but up/down is better
16:10:44 <Unhammer> (though not on home row :/)
16:11:12 <Unhammer> ideally it'd just updated as I changed the number at all though, hm
16:11:29 <warlord> It will, but you have to leave the row to do so -- you could tab until you leave the row.
16:12:10 <Unhammer> I think the Orphan appears when I try to copy the difference that shows up, and hit cut instead of copy
16:12:20 <Unhammer> then suddenly I get an empty orphan
16:12:24 <Unhammer> or even several
16:12:33 <warlord> orphan appears if you delete the account but not the amount.
16:12:35 <Unhammer> which seems rather pointless
16:12:43 <Unhammer> nono
16:12:49 <Unhammer> the remaining thing
16:13:00 <Unhammer> the one that appears when you do up-arrow
16:13:14 <Unhammer> if you select that and cut, then suddenly an empty orphan appears
16:13:28 <Unhammer> or, select the amount, cut, and click on whatever other field
16:13:52 <Unhammer> the confusing part is that the orphan doesn't have anything in it, so it doesn't seem to make sense
16:14:01 <Unhammer> that it should appear
16:14:22 <warlord> you need to arrow away again ...
16:22:18 <bozonius> check and repair general ledger crashes gnucash
16:22:21 <bozonius> 2.6.5
16:23:23 <bozonius> I reverted to an earlier gnucash file by saving the then-current file and copying an older .gnucash file over the current one, restarted gnucash
16:23:34 <bozonius> was that a very bad thing to do, kinda bad, or ok?
16:25:06 <bozonius> then tried to run the check-and-repair bit, and it crashed.
16:25:33 <bozonius> I saw this a couple times also with 2.6.0, but not this consistently; I can redo this and it happens every time.
16:26:04 <warlord> well, why are you running check&repair?
16:26:19 <warlord> (granted, the program shouldn't ever crash, so you should file a bug regardless)
16:26:21 <bozonius> just to ensure that the file was truly intact
16:26:40 <bozonius> since I had copied it from an older one
16:27:08 <warlord> copying from 2.6.0 to 2.6.5 is just fine.
16:27:17 <warlord> I started my data file on 1.8.
16:27:20 <bozonius> well, this was actually both 2.6.5
16:27:31 <bozonius> (but nice to know, thx)
16:29:17 <Unhammer> warlord, http://filebin.net/mm4f420hxv/out.ogv this is what I meant; cutting the difference amount (is there a term for that?) makes an empty orphan pop up
16:31:41 <warlord> Unhammer: how are you "cutting the difference amount"?
16:31:51 <Unhammer> ctrl+x
16:32:26 <Unhammer> i know I should be doing ctrl+c but when there's a frillion of these things to enter I sometimes make mistakes ;)
16:33:49 <warlord> Don't use ctrl-x
16:33:54 <warlord> use ctrl-c..
16:34:33 <warlord> actually, don't even do that.
16:34:38 <warlord> Change the 126 -> 90
16:34:39 <warlord> Down array
16:34:42 <warlord> arrow
16:34:45 <warlord> then *TYPE* in 36
16:34:51 <warlord> then down arrow again.
16:34:52 <warlord> VOILA
16:34:53 <Unhammer> 129,37
16:35:01 <Unhammer> 1052,19
16:35:10 <Unhammer> it's 23.30 in the evening
16:35:22 <warlord> yeah, 16:35 here
16:35:23 <Unhammer> tax people have sent a letter complaining about lateness
16:35:28 <Unhammer> kid been screaming all day
16:35:56 <warlord> The orphan gets created because the split still exists
16:36:08 <Unhammer> I'll stick to copy-pasting :)
16:36:16 <warlord> Copy-paste works, dont cut
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19:04:19 <Z-Chymera> Hi guys, I am having issues with my gnucash trading account - for some reason, all m currency conversions end up under Trading CURRENCY as negative values
19:04:27 <Z-Chymera> is this suposed to happen this way?
19:04:31 <Z-Chymera> what does this mean?
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20:20:27 <warlord> Z-Chymera: yes, it's a balancing account.. so any debits into your real accounts become credits into the trading accounts, and vice-versa.
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21:19:15 <Z-Chymera> warlord: so what does it mean, that I have a huge minus value in the trading section? shouldn't the money which I "spend" when putting mony from an assets account in CHF to an expense account in EUR be accounted for in the expenses section? why does it also have to show up under trading? and why then just the transactions where there is a currency conversion?
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22:46:19 <Infiltrator> warlord: Fair enough.
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