2014-12-02 GnuCash IRC logs
00:03:27 *** GabrieleV_ has joined #gnucash
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00:52:57 <jralls> fell: Please try the commit I just pushed to maint and see if it resolves your build problem re https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=740934.
00:53:49 <fell> jrall: I will do so.
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01:04:52 <jralls> Today's maint build with the report-html.scm fix works on my VM, so I've updated the bug with the URL. Now it's bedtime. G'night, all.
01:05:03 <jralls> @op
01:05:03 <gncbot> jralls: Error: You don't have the #gnucash,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
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01:13:54 <fell> Got some other error. Will try without my recent changes...
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01:58:28 <fell> warlord: editing the wiki seems not be possible until you repair the watchlist.
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02:59:14 <fell> jralls: Sorry, but your commit breaks the build without locale-tax, too.
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02:59:54 <fell> I would attach a new make.log, but can currently not reach bugzilla.
03:16:01 <fell> I don't understand the change in src/libqof/qof/gnc-numeric.c
03:16:37 <fell> Is 10000000LL a valid number?
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03:33:54 <kimmo2> sure, LL is a 64 bit integer
03:35:12 <fell> thx, kimmo2
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05:09:50 <mikee> @op
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05:46:05 <fell> Hm, barcharts don't show Umlauts.
05:57:31 <fell> ... but only, if I run LANG=C gnucashtest, whithout "LANG=C" everything is fine.
06:01:15 <fell> Not everything, entering the title "Erträge" results in "Ertr\303\244ge"
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07:41:43 <warlord> fell: repairing it now.
07:42:51 <warlord> fell: repair done
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07:55:30 <fell> Thanks, warlord!
08:00:57 <warlord> fell: is it working now?
08:02:09 <fell> dispay is ok; edit page opens too
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08:12:57 <warlord> :)
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11:38:20 <jralls> fell_: Darn, the change to gnc-numeric.c wasn't supposed to get pushed. I've reverted and redone the change without it. Please try again.
11:38:53 *** fell_ is now known as fell
11:40:03 <fell> I will try it. Good Morning, BTW
11:40:51 <jralls> fell: Good afternoon. Your results with the C locale are expected: That locale can handle only 7-bit ASCII characters. Some distros have a C.UTF-8 or similar locale for handling UTF8, perhaps you want to experiment with that.
11:46:23 <fell> Ok, made a note about the locale glitch. Research will be done later.
11:48:03 <jralls> warlord: I think the crash yesterday happened immediately after the maint build transferred from the the win32 VM. I was watching it since I wanted to test it ASAP and I tried downloading immediately after it finished, and couldn't connect.
11:48:04 <fell> Currently I try to get rid of the over 700 dirty messages we got as somebody added an ending dot to every tooltip.
11:55:47 <warlord> jralls: Nope, I think it happened before then. The upload went into /home. It was / that crashed
11:56:46 <jralls> warlord: OK.
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12:03:40 <warlord> The timestamp on the upload was 16:35, the crash definitely happened before 6
12:03:48 <warlord> er, 18:23
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12:04:03 <warlord> The crash happened around 17:53
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12:11:19 <jralls> fell: I just tested on a 64-bit Linux VM and found one more library dependency that Guile precompilation needed. That's pushed now, too.
12:12:49 <fell> OK, I am back from a call and will try that.
12:12:55 <jralls> BTW, I don't think that --enable-locale-specific-tax has anything to do with building or with txf-de.scm.
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12:15:11 <fell> It was the intension of that flag to enable txf-de.scm
12:16:26 <jralls> That's not what it says in configure.ac: "enable localized tax categories (experimental, but used by the german SKR04 account chart"
12:17:53 <fell> SKR04 uses tax keys defined in txf-de.scm.
12:18:22 <jralls> Though it is what it does in gncmod-locale-reports-us.c. But the precompilation stuff can't see that.
12:26:19 <jralls> Ah. Regardless, the way you wrote it, so that it sets a regular variable, means that it doesn't affect compilation at all. OTOH, it means that a special build is required to use txf-de. Maybe a preference setting would be better?
12:26:58 <jralls> That way users who don't want to build GC themselves would have access to it.
12:29:11 <fell> cstim wrote a proof of concept, got 2 years no response, then we used it in SKR04, but it is somehow quick and dirty.
12:29:30 <fell> http://pastebin.com/WHbiKTYp
12:36:50 <jralls> Hmm, that's a different problem. gjanssens?
12:39:49 <fell> I have to do a shopping tour. I will be back in one hour.
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12:41:09 <gjanssens> fell_afk what version of swig are you using ?
12:41:35 *** fell_afk is now known as fell
12:42:03 <gjanssens> There are several deprecation warnings at the beginning of the guild compile step concerning guile functions we're no longer using in gnucash
12:42:43 <fell> SWIG Version 2.0.10
12:43:54 <gjanssens> Ok and when did you last run a completely clean build ?
12:44:36 <gjanssens> scm_sym2var for example is not in the gnucash code anymore and should not be in the swig generated code either for recent swig versions
12:44:42 <fell> I do a rm -r build a few times per day
12:45:05 <gjanssens> Ok, definitely weird
12:45:20 <gjanssens> Can you search for scm_sym2var in your build tree ?
12:45:42 <gjanssens> Oh never mind
12:45:46 <gjanssens> I'm mistaken.
12:45:55 <gjanssens> I see it appear in my build tree as well.
12:46:09 <gjanssens> I wonder why I didn't see the deprecation warnings though
12:46:27 <fell> I am on maint mostly
12:47:23 <gjanssens> Me too for the moment
12:47:31 <gjanssens> Still something is wrong
12:48:14 <gjanssens> The swig generated code using scm_sym2var is ifdef'ed to be visible only for guile 1.8, not guile 2.0
12:48:25 <gjanssens> At least on my system
12:48:42 <jralls> rm -r doesn't clear the swig files: They go in srcdir instead of builddir. Switch to srcdir and do "git clean -fdx", then try again.
12:49:40 <fell> guile (GNU Guile) 2.0.9
12:49:41 <gjanssens> Can you look in ..../build/src/engine/swig-engine.c and search for scm_sym2var
12:49:58 <gjanssens> And check if it is wrapped properly for you ?
12:50:42 <gjanssens> In my file there's only one occurence of that function and it is surrounded by
12:50:49 <gjanssens> #if defined (SCM_MAJOR_VERSION) && (SCM_MAJOR_VERSION < 2)
12:51:00 <gjanssens> #endif
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12:51:48 <gjanssens> Which means that if your configure properly detected guile 2 this could should not end up in your swig bindings
12:53:26 <fell> git clean found a bunch files with swig in the name.
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12:55:50 <fell> Makefile:518: .deps/gmtime_r.Plo: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
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12:56:12 <fell> file not found
12:57:43 <jralls> After the clean you'll need to do the whole rm -rf * && srcdir/autogen.sh && srcdir/configure... drill.
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13:12:30 <fell> hm, still failing and yes, scm_sym2var is wrapped. But there is a guile1 on my system too, but that has to wait until I am back.
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16:19:13 <fell> Oops, I fetched jralls last commit, but didn't rebase on it.
16:20:05 <fell> Now make runs until
16:20:06 <fell> In unknown file:
16:20:07 <fell> ?: 5 [primitive-load-path "gnucash/tax/de_DE" ...]
16:20:11 <fell> again.
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16:27:03 <fell> Bedtime for me, CU tomorrow again.
16:29:27 <warlord> good night, fell
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17:04:36 <lmat_> in qofsession.cpp, at qof_session_begin, down there at line 488, that g_free could be freeing an uninitialized variable, right?
17:08:52 <lmat_> specifically, if the scheme is, say, "postgres"?
17:09:02 <lmat_> oh, it would be freeing a NULL filename...
17:09:07 <lmat_> which is a no-op
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17:19:43 <dkcarlson> Hi. I am testing the Nov 25 build of release 2.6.4 for windows. I just tried doing an OFX import and got horrible results. Since this is the first time on this computer I expected to need to train it but it wants to import all transactions to today's date and with no descriptions at all.
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17:21:26 <dkcarlson> I can show a screenprint if you want to see. Just tell me how to do that
17:26:50 <dkcarlson> I know the OFX file is good and has transactions dated between Nov 11 and yesterday. Similar files have worked fine with 2.4.13 and earlier
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17:33:29 <jralls> dkcarlson: Yup, I can replicate it in yesterday's build.
17:34:21 <dkcarlson> oops! is there a bug report already or should I create one?
17:34:26 <jralls> With a file that I just checked as good on 2.6.4 on OSX, so it's another win32 problem, sigh.
17:34:55 <jralls> Oh, let's just leave it with 738477.
17:35:04 <dkcarlson> ok
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17:49:27 <jralls> Hmm. But when I try with the GnuCash built on my own system it works OK. Bet there's a load-path issue.
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