2014-10-10 GnuCash IRC logs
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01:55:11 <Hinnerk> hi
01:55:25 <Hinnerk> I have an account (placeholder) with many subacounts.
01:55:49 <Hinnerk> Can I find out, what the trial balance of the placeholder was on a given date, in the sense of sum of subaccounts?
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02:29:36 <Hinnerk> Also: Any news on the 2.6.4 fix for windows?
02:35:31 <Hinnerk> And: I was just messing with the setting "Account Color" - where is this color used? I failed to notice a difference
02:59:48 <gjanssens> Hinnerk: The account colors are only used if you enable it
03:00:08 <gjanssens> There are two preferences for this in Edit->Preferences->Accounts
03:00:55 <gjanssens> You can choose to use the account color in the tab of the account registers and as background in the account hierarchy
03:01:36 <gjanssens> I have no idea about your placeholder related question. Perhaps someone else can chime in for that.
03:02:25 <gjanssens> And GnuCash on Windows - the buildserver failed last night to build the new release.
03:02:41 <gjanssens> It looks like there was insufficient diskspace available.
03:03:06 <gjanssens> I'm fixing that now and will restart the build afterwards
03:03:47 <gjanssens> In my local test build the bug appears to be fixed now.
03:04:29 <gjanssens> If the installer generated by the build server also works ok, we can release 2.6.4-1 for Windows
03:18:06 <Hinnerk> the "placeholder" question is not really about placeholders.
03:18:18 <Hinnerk> it is just about account with subaccounts.
03:18:37 <Hinnerk> in this particular case, the account itself is empty except from subaccs.
03:18:44 <Hinnerk> but thx for the answers.
03:20:56 <Hinnerk> is there a way of setting the background colors of all accs of one type? e.g. all assets?
03:21:17 <Hinnerk> or to force subaccs to use the same color?
03:34:02 <gjanssens> Hinnerk: unfortunately no. You can only set one accounnt's color at the time.
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05:28:39 <ace_suares14> warlord, yes, I see... I am not using that, but XML. Guess I need to parse some XML and then make some tool to extract that information, or copy paste my 50-some invoices into a spreadsheet... guess which one is more cost-effective :-)
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05:46:58 <Hinnerk> Are the python bindings in the normal build? Or do I need to get a special one?
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05:50:52 <gjanssens> Hinnerk: do you mean on Windows ? They are not available on Windows.
05:51:05 <Hinnerk> ans eguile?
05:51:07 <Hinnerk> yes, windows
05:51:46 <gjanssens> Guile is available. The report system depends on it.
05:52:02 <gjanssens> e-guile is a template system written in guile (also used by some reports)
05:52:19 <Hinnerk> ok
05:52:37 <Hinnerk> would it be possible in the report framework, the read in some external csv file?
05:52:46 <Hinnerk> ...to...
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06:02:10 <gjanssens> Hinnerk: ...to... ?
06:02:36 <Hinnerk> ...to read in some external csv file? (typo)
06:03:45 <gjanssens> What information exactly do you want to get into gnucash that can't be imported with the current csv importers ?
06:05:07 <Hinnerk> well, I'm thinking about budgeting
06:05:27 <Hinnerk> and I would like to control my budgets externally.
06:05:42 <gjanssens> That is indeed not possible with the existing csv importers
06:08:44 <gjanssens> From what I see the budget code is wrapped in guile so it should be possible to write some guile code to import your budget data
06:09:24 <gjanssens> I'm just no sure if you can do it the same way as you would in the python bindings.
06:09:55 <gjanssens> With that I mean that you write a script which you could call instead of running gnucash.
06:10:18 <gjanssens> With guile you probably will have to create a menu extension to call form within gnucash
06:10:39 <gjanssens> But IIRC it can be all in guile, no need to touch any c code.
06:11:23 <Hinnerk> well, I don't really need the scripting feature, so that should be ok
06:21:23 <ace_suares14> kthxby!
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06:57:42 <gjanssens> jralls: I saw the build error you sent me per mail.
06:58:23 <gjanssens> I first thought this was due to a disk space problem, so I did some cleaning on the server and restarted the build
06:58:35 <gjanssens> But just now it failed again in the exact same spot.
06:58:49 <gjanssens> Needs more investigation...
07:01:49 <gjanssens> jralls: ok got the cause - the build system in picking up flex from msys-git, while it should pick one from our own mingw/msys environment
07:04:20 <gjanssens> Oh wait... we don't install it... let me fix that
07:14:41 <gjanssens> Running a lcoal test build now to see if adding bison and flex is sufficient
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07:59:26 <jralls> gjanssens: It seems strange that GOffice built fine on Monday and failed yesterday if it's a path issue.
07:59:27 <gncbot> jralls: Sent 14 hours and 9 minutes ago: <lmat> yeah, no sweat. Sorry, I was out buying a new house :-S
08:01:39 <gjanssens> jralls: maybe. I just read config.log and saw it was using bison and flex from git
08:02:05 <gjanssens> The bison test went fine, the flex test segfaulted flex
08:02:44 <gjanssens> Anyway, we had similar trouble before and the solution was then to avoid mixing git in the path
08:02:58 <jralls> Well, it makes sense that that would cause it to fail. What I don't understand is why that changed in the last two days.
08:02:58 <gjanssens> I'm not even sure goffice really uses flex
08:03:17 <gjanssens> It may just be an automatic test
08:03:45 <gjanssens> I did reinstall git to clean up some old instances of it
08:04:12 <gjanssens> Perhaps the git path was not added to %PATH% before
08:04:24 <gjanssens> It is now, which did bother me slightly
08:04:52 <gjanssens> There used to be an install switch to avoid this. I wonder what changed there.
08:04:57 <jralls> It does bring up something else I've been thinking about since I made the gtk binary tarballs. I think we're building too much every time. What if we build all of the dependencies by hand and cache them, either on SF or directly on the build VM?
08:05:29 <gjanssens> Actually I would want to go one step further even
08:05:38 <gjanssens> There is a project that builds all of these
08:06:35 <gjanssens> Mingw64 uses a package repository based on slackware's pacman package system
08:06:48 <gjanssens> One of my longer term plans is to leverage that
08:07:18 <gjanssens> And stop maintaining the build scripts ourselves
08:08:02 <jralls> ISTM that would depend on MinGW64 maintaining binary packages of all of our dependencies.
08:08:12 <gjanssens> Perhaps just keep a minimal bootstrap script for a first-time setup
08:14:09 <gjanssens> My idea is to contribute the ones we are missing myself
08:14:38 <gjanssens> Or we can set up an extra repository for pacman that's gnucash only
08:15:02 <gjanssens> Where I'd like to get is that we offer some kind of gnucash-sdk
08:15:10 <gjanssens> Install it and forget about it.
08:16:12 <gjanssens> I would like to get rid of the separate directories we currently use for each dependency
08:16:24 <gjanssens> That makes it horrible to build only gnucash
08:16:47 <gjanssens> Because you have to keep up with all path additions which change from time to time as well
08:17:40 <jralls> That's sort of where I was heading with the precompiled binaries in Dependencies. We could use the MinGW package manager or the MinGW64 instead of the rather complex shell scripts.
08:17:43 <gjanssens> We install in separate directories because we don't have any package manager and it would be very hard to update only one dependency if we currently installed all in one directory
08:18:14 <tolkien> Hi all!, I have a problem with Budget Income Statement report, it has some errors in totals. Nobody knows about it?
08:18:25 <gjanssens> I htink I prefer mingw-w64's package manager
08:18:34 <gjanssens> s/htink/think.
08:18:52 <gjanssens> The one in mingw is pretty fragile
08:19:02 <jralls> Autotools is designed for replacing installations in a single prefix. I do that all the time.
08:19:23 <gjanssens> Didn't know that.
08:19:35 <gjanssens> The windows build scripts certainly don't leverage that
08:19:57 <jralls> tolkien: I don't think anyone here uses budgetting. You're probably better off asking on the mailing list.
08:20:01 <gjanssens> Mingw-w64 reuses pacman, the package manager on slackware and arch
08:20:12 <gjanssens> So it is much more mature
08:20:14 <tolkien> ok thanx.
08:20:52 <gjanssens> And there is http://win-builds.org/ which already provides quite some packages we can reuse
08:21:23 <jralls> OK. I've never used slackware, so I don't know the system. I did notice on my brief look at MinGW64 just now that they have a collection of cross-compilation environments. I may try that out, MinGW is awfully slow.
08:21:56 <gjanssens> I never used slackware either but have touched on Arch recently
08:22:15 <gjanssens> Reading http://win-builds.org/1.4.0/packaging.html they make it sound fairly easy to add packages as well
08:22:28 <jralls> Ah, win-builds. That's why I couldn't find the package list. Got it now.
08:23:42 <jralls> Hmm. Not impressed. That will get us the basic Gtk stack and not much more.
08:24:44 <gjanssens> tolkien I know there are several bugs in the budget reports. You may want to browse through https://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?product=GnuCash&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&component=Budgets and https://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?product=GnuCash&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&component=Reports to see if it's a known problem
08:25:11 <gjanssens> jralls: agreed it will take some work
08:25:14 <jralls> Not even WebKit, never mind GOffice, Boost, or the specialty stuff like OFX, AQB, etc.
08:26:32 <gjanssens> There are other package distributions http://mingw-w64.sourceforge.net/download.php
08:26:39 <gjanssens> On Fedora I'm spoiled
08:26:54 <jralls> So if you can work out how to run our own repo we can populate it ourselves.
08:27:10 <jralls> And on OSX I'm used to building everything from scratch.
08:27:40 <jralls> It takes about 2 hours on the MacPro and 5-6 on the old PPC mini.
08:28:25 <gjanssens> At least the mingw cross-compiler package comes with boost and webkitgtk
08:28:38 <jralls> That's *everything*. No binary downloads except the compiler. Takes about the same time as the limited MinGW build on Derek's VM.
08:28:49 <jralls> On a 10-yera-old computer.
08:29:09 <gjanssens> (My last comment was about mingw64 packages on Fedora)
08:29:31 <gjanssens> Yes I will look into maintaining our own repo
08:29:40 <jralls> Darn, you had me excited for a moment.
08:29:56 <gjanssens> But I can't promise when :(
08:30:22 <jralls> Roger. Speaking of which, it's time for me to go grocery shopping. Back in a while.
08:30:25 * gjanssens has got a pile of other work on his desk (not gnucash related)
08:30:30 <gjanssens> Ok
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10:21:48 <gjanssens> jralls_afk: re goffice as dependency
10:22:19 <gjanssens> It may be an easy one to replace using boost
10:23:01 <gjanssens> only lib/stf depends on it, which in turn is only used by csv-imp
10:23:25 <gjanssens> I found that boost also has classes for csv and fixed format import
10:23:51 <gjanssens> Though boost uses a different dialect of csv unfortunately
10:24:16 <gjanssens> I have no idea how easy it would be to supply our own parser into the boost objects
10:24:32 <gjanssens> Anyway, got to run for now...
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11:02:32 <jralls> @op
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11:14:05 <gjanssens> The build server is currently in isocodes
11:14:11 <gjanssens> Still a while to go...
11:14:36 <jralls> OK. Sigh.
11:15:05 <jralls> Which boost library were you thinking of for CSV import/export?
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11:25:02 <jralls> This StackOverflow item has some interesting comments: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1120140/how-can-i-read-and-parse-csv-files-in-c
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11:32:19 <gjanssens> jralls: re boost4csv, I would think the tokenizer class comes pretty close
11:32:40 <gjanssens> http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_54_0/libs/tokenizer/
11:33:10 <gjanssens> The tokenizer function "escaped_list_separator" claims to parse "a superset of the csv format"
11:33:42 <gjanssens> There's even a tokenizer function for fixed with organized documents (which gnucash also accepts)
11:34:10 <gjanssens> Unfortunately that "superset of the csv format" is not exactly compatible with csv
11:34:11 <jralls> gjanssens: Have a look at the stack overflow question I posted. There are apparently some wrinkles. boost::spirit might work better and might also be generalizable for all of the import formats.
11:35:01 <jralls> By which I mean that each importer would need to supply only the EBNF of its format.
11:36:44 <jralls> We'd still need to duplicate the configuration dialog from GOffice, the one where you set the delimiter, whether strings are quoted, and assigning each column to a transaction/split field.
11:37:10 <jralls> Or just steal it, the way we took the register from Gnumeric.
11:38:17 <jralls> Maybe for maint we should just do that. It's kind of silly to link all of libgoffice just or the CSV importer.
11:38:39 <jralls> Oops, s/just or/just for/.
11:43:02 <gjanssens> The wrinkles are exactly the ones I was about to mention. Saves me the typing :)
11:43:58 <gjanssens> boost::spirit may indeed be an interesting approach. IIUC that would allow much of the importer code to be shared between various importers
11:44:29 <gjanssens> And make it easier to add new ones (like for example one for budgets which Hinnerk inquired about earlier today)
11:44:36 <jralls> Yeah, that's my hope. In particular to make it easy to move the QIF importer out of Guile.
11:45:01 <gjanssens> Good goal also !
11:45:39 <gjanssens> I wasn't aware the importers are reusing a goffice dialog to configure the delimiter and quotes
11:45:57 <gjanssens> I thought Robert Fewell wrote his own assistants for that.
11:46:18 <gjanssens> Where did you see this ?
11:46:25 <jralls> Not so sure that it would help as much for importing budgets or business objects; they'd need a different backend to connect to the engine.
11:46:56 <gjanssens> Oh well, there's always dreaming. Thanks for the reality check ;)
11:48:33 <gjanssens> Or are we calling the goffice dialogs from scheme ?
11:48:59 <gjanssens> Hmm, got to go again...
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11:49:05 <jralls> Oh, OK.
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12:33:31 <jralls> gjanssens: We're using a single object from GOffice, a GOEncodingSelector, to pick the text encoding for the file. It's main added value seems to be a list of encodings. I think we can just copy the class into gnucash/lib, add go_guess_encoding() to the file, and drop the GOffice dependency. What do you think?
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14:03:16 <gjanssens_> jralls: I'd say go for it
14:03:42 <gjanssens_> I'm all for reducing external dependencies
14:03:56 <jralls> OK. Heh, I thought you'd be in bed by now. ;-)
14:04:18 <jralls> The VM is on Ktoblzcheck. Still several hours to go.
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14:04:38 <gjanssens_> I'm signing off now :)
14:04:43 <gjanssens_> See you later
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17:52:41 <lwells> How do I remove a file that I have previously associated with a transaction?
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19:11:50 <lwells> Also, what happens if/when the file location is changed. Can you associate more than one file per transaction?
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20:03:41 <warlord> lwells: you mean the URIs? No, it's 1 per. and to remove it I think you just clear it out (i.e., re-assign it)
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