2014-10-09 GnuCash IRC logs
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02:34:10 <mikee> @op
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03:13:59 <Infiltrator> warlord: Yeah. Thanks. The problem was that I wasn't returning 'options'. Still a total noob at lisp/guile.
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05:13:48 <gjanssens> lmat: it appears your recent patch uses boost features from boost 1.54, while our baseline is 1.48. (see Robert Fewell's mail on gnucash-devel)
05:15:45 <gjanssens> jralls: ^
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05:54:29 <lmat> gjanssens: Do you happen to know which features?
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05:59:35 <lmat> Did I miss anything?
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06:18:50 <gjanssens> lmat: the error is kvp-value.hpp:31:60: fatal error: boost/type_traits/is_nothrow_move_assignable.hpp: No such file or directory
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06:26:27 <gjanssens> lmat: And you didn't miss anything. I saw you disappear so I waited with my reply :)
07:30:59 <lmat> Yeah, I saw the e-mail.
07:31:02 <lmat> thanks :)
07:33:43 *** ace_suares14 has joined #gnucash
07:33:49 <ace_suares14> hello there
07:34:30 <ace_suares14> I would like to export a list of invoices (number, customer, description, amount, tax amount, date). Is this possible in GNU CASH? Couldn't find it in the existing reports
07:37:28 <lmat> ace_suares14: I don't use the business features...yet. But I think others here can help!
07:37:37 <lmat> gjanssens: What version of boost do we like? 1.48?
07:37:46 <lmat> gjanssens: I just cloned boost. I'll check out the one we like and build it locally.
07:42:18 <lmat> Oh, cool! I was just told that if I want to build boost prior to 1.56.0 without "tricks", I'll need to use the SVN repo, not the git repo that I just cloned!
07:42:36 <warlord> Infiltrator: glad you fixed it.
07:43:56 <warlord> ace_suares14: the data is there, obviously, but right now I dont think we have any reports that will feed you that information directly.
07:47:04 <gjanssens> warlord: what version of Fedora are you running again ? 18 ?
07:48:18 <gjanssens> What version of boost does it ship with ?
07:49:27 <warlord> 20
07:49:45 <warlord> 1.54.0-9
07:50:56 <warlord> sorry, gotta run. BIAB
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07:52:16 <lmat> It looks like the boost 1.48.0 was tagged in Nov. 2011
07:57:47 <gjanssens> lmat: the most conservative distros we usually look at are debian and RHEL
07:58:09 <lmat> gjanssens: Are we targeting 1.48?
07:59:09 <gjanssens> lmat: that depends on what these distros support
07:59:20 * gjanssens is looking at rhel6 as we speak
07:59:21 <lmat> gjanssens: oh boy
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08:00:32 <gjanssens> lmat: ok, forget about rhel6 - it only has boost 1.41
08:01:14 <gjanssens> jralls has a debian test environment, he may add some feedback on the boost version available there
08:02:18 <lmat> gjanssens: So our latest version is a function rather than a value...
08:03:31 <gjanssens> lmat: that's one way of looking at it :)
08:03:53 <gjanssens> fyi: rhel7 ships boost 1.53, which is considerably better
08:05:27 <lmat> gjanssens: Is boost backwards compatible?
08:06:24 <gjanssens> ...and according to https://packages.debian.org/search?suite=wheezy&searchon=names&keywords=libboost debian stable has 1.49
08:06:34 <gjanssens> lmat: no idea
08:19:10 <lmat> gjanssens: Apparently it is not a primary goal...they don't break compatibility for no reason, but if a better way is found, they go for it.
08:19:51 <lmat> gjanssens: That said, using a conservative maximum Boost version isn't helpful. If we make it a go for rhel6 with 1.41, then I with, say, 1.54 on my distro try to build, it might not work
08:20:13 <lmat> gjanssens: If someone has to go build boost, we surely don't want them having to go dig up 1.41 (this is for example!), do we?
08:20:55 <lmat> gjanssens: I think it would be best to put a forward-pointing version. If we want to make sure *someone* can build gnucash "out of the box", perhaps we can take the most up-to-date boost version from a main distro and use that?
08:21:04 <lmat> But really, building boost is dead simple...
08:22:15 <gjanssens> lmat: building most dependencies is dead simple :)
08:22:25 <gjanssens> But it raises the barrier to entry
08:22:53 <gjanssens> With compatibility, do you mean API or ABI compatibility ?
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08:23:13 <gjanssens> I'm pretty confident we don't want to support 1.41
08:23:28 <gjanssens> RHEL is usually too far behind.
08:23:36 <gjanssens> I'm not sure about debian stable
08:23:59 <gjanssens> I'd like to hear jralls' opinion about that
08:25:12 <lmat> api, not abi.
08:26:09 <lmat> I'm reading the closing statement that I have to sign today at 0400
08:27:41 <kimmo2> closing statement for what?
08:28:30 <lmat> kimmo2: new house
08:28:50 <kimmo2> ah, actual closing
08:30:07 <lmat> kimmo2: take possession in less than 5 hours
08:30:24 <kimmo2> nice
08:30:26 <kimmo2> whereabouts
08:31:27 <lmat> southern IN.
08:31:32 <lmat> Indiana United states...
08:31:53 <kimmo2> the wonderful midwest
08:32:10 <kimmo2> you a colts fan
08:32:53 <lmat> no :)
08:32:58 <lmat> I don't watch any sports.
08:33:10 <lmat> ...don't have a TV in fact
08:33:33 <kimmo2> what's there to do in indiana, except watching sports? :o
08:33:49 <lmat> I write gnucash...
08:34:03 <lmat> you know, two kids, got a great church out here, the usual :)
08:34:25 <lmat> What really sucks is that the 84-page PDF makes my evince document viewer go slow
08:34:33 <lmat> I tried to use xpdf (or something like that) and it didn't work either!
08:34:40 <lmat> I'm now reading it directly in gmail which works just fine.
08:35:10 <lmat> What a pity that my offline viewer can't keep up with a JS one... :(
08:35:31 <kimmo2> heh
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08:39:10 <gjanssens> lmat: I'm using okular (the kde pdf viewer). Don't know if it performs any better...
08:40:02 <lmat> gjanssens: I started to install that one, but I don't use kde, so it was going to be big
08:43:30 <gjanssens> heh
08:43:35 <gjanssens> True...
08:50:49 <gjanssens> lmat: regarding the boost backwards compatibility - are api breakages documented somewhere ?
08:51:53 <lmat> oh, by the way, while we were talking earlier, I cloned the boost git repo, found it to be incorrect, got the svn one, checked out 1.48.0, built and installed it ;-)
08:52:37 <gjanssens> jralls: after I removed the *.la files from the $_GNOME_UDIR I can build a gnucash version that has properly working account hierarchy *and* register dropdowns
08:52:39 <gjanssens> yay
08:52:46 <kimmo2> the world must be off, if a program has both a git and an svn repo, and the svn repo is the correct
08:53:21 <lmat> gjanssens: hey, hey! that's good news
08:53:34 <gjanssens> I'll just push a change to the build scripts to remove these ourselves so you don't have to fiddle with your gtk tarballs
08:53:49 <lmat> kimmo2: The offness has to do with us using an old version of a lib :)
08:54:15 <lmat> okay, now gnucash doesn't build... narrowing conversion of rand() from int to unsigned int ;D
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09:02:02 <warlord> back
09:03:44 <gjanssens> The new windows installer is a good 28Mb larger than the previous one.
09:03:54 <gjanssens> I wonder where the difference is...
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09:05:53 <warlord> translations?
09:08:00 <warlord> lmat: did you see Alex's email on -devel about std::invalid_argument?
09:15:45 <gjanssens> I have cleaned out the gnome directories on the build server and removed the cairo/glib/gtk download files to be sure they are clean for the next build
09:16:00 <warlord> ok
09:16:15 <gjanssens> And then kicked the nightly build script so we may have the new builds available later today for testing
09:16:30 <gjanssens> That's "later today" in US timezone(s)
09:16:50 <gjanssens> By the time the builds finish, I'm most likely in bed already
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09:27:18 <warlord> It's only 6pm by you.
09:27:27 <warlord> The build should be done before midnight your time.
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10:18:28 <gjanssens> At which time I'm in bed already...
10:18:39 <gjanssens> And lately the builds are slower than they used to be
10:18:43 <gjanssens> Anyway, got to go...
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10:23:00 <warlord> see ya gjanssens_
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10:47:40 <ace_suares14> warlord, thanks! I see this on github, that could maybe do it https://github.com/ixti/gnucash-invoice
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11:09:25 <warlord> ace_suares14: it still doesn't look like that program outputs everything you want. Moreover, it requires you to use SQLite
11:11:57 <jralls> lmat: Are you actively working the #include is_nothrow_move_assignable and #include stedexcept issues? 'Cause if you're not, I'll push a quick patch for both.
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11:20:01 <jralls> lmat: Looks like Debian stable ("Wheezy") has mostly boost 1.49 with older versions of some libraries as well, presumably for compatibility with some other packages. We can ignore that and assume 1.49.
11:22:05 <jralls> The reason for 1.48 was that someone asked for it over the summer, and I set it to that with the warning that I'd probably put it back to 1.50 later because there were things that we'll probably need introduced in 1.50.
11:30:32 <agaric> This probably falls into the "that's not a GnuCash question that's an accounting question, but not finding the answer anywhere... so: there's an unapproved charge by a company on our card. It occurs as a withdrawal in our bank account. So it was Expenses:Dues and Subscriptions. One phone call and 20 days later the money comes back. So i don't need an Income:Refund or something but can, and should, just have the '
11:30:34 <agaric> income' go to the same Expenses:Dues and Subscriptions ...?
11:33:03 <jralls> agaric: I'd just post a reversing transaction to whatever expense account had the original charge.
11:34:12 <agaric> jralls: both can have Assets:Checking as the corresponding account?
11:34:42 <jralls> agaric: Sure.
11:34:48 <agaric> sweet
11:34:55 <agaric> jralls: thank you!
11:35:06 <jralls> agaric: You're welcome.
11:35:11 <warlord> agaric: yes, so for the bad charge, credit Checking and debit Expense.. For the refund you reverse it: credit Expense and debit Checking
11:36:39 <jralls> lmat: According to http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3 RHEL7 has Boost-1.54.
11:37:37 <warlord> jralls: that's not surprising, since it was forked from F19 or F20
11:39:57 <jralls> Also, Debian Jessie will go stable in January, and it has 1.55.
11:43:16 <jralls> agaric: Yes.
11:44:26 <jralls> agaric: I think. I can never keep straight which direction is credit and which is debit for which account type. That's why I avoided using those words when I answered.
11:44:42 <agaric> :-)
11:45:15 <agaric> i toggle that back and forth in the interface sometimes to try to learn the real accounting terms, but usually just end up confused
11:46:34 <warlord> debit increases an asset
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12:43:07 <jralls> lmat: Not hearing back, I've pushed the fixes I discussed on the mailing list.
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17:49:36 <lmat> @tell jralls yeah, no sweat. Sorry, I was out buying a new house :-S
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