2014-10-08 GnuCash IRC logs
00:19:58 *** Coderjoe has quit IRC
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01:01:54 <gjanssens> @tell jralls that's bad news with the themes :(
01:01:54 <gncbot> gjanssens: The operation succeeded.
01:02:08 <gjanssens> @tell jralls re the .la files. If it makes it easier for you to keep the .la files in the tarballs, it's a one liner in our build scripts to correct them
01:02:08 <gncbot> gjanssens: The operation succeeded.
01:17:36 *** GabrieleV_ has joined #gnucash
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16:16:46 *** gncbot sets mode: +o jralls
16:18:10 <jralls> @notes jralls
16:18:10 <gncbot> jralls: Sent 15 hours and 16 minutes ago: <gjanssens> that's bad news with the themes :( and Sent 15 hours and 16 minutes ago: <gjanssens> re the .la files. If it makes it easier for you to keep the .la files in the tarballs, it's a one liner in our build scripts to correct them
16:18:11 <gncbot> jralls: Sent 15 hours and 16 minutes ago: <gjanssens> that's bad news with the themes :(
16:18:12 <gncbot> jralls: Sent 15 hours and 16 minutes ago: <gjanssens> re the .la files. If it makes it easier for you to keep the .la files in the tarballs, it's a one liner in our build scripts to correct them
16:21:02 <lmat> What meaneth "ich bin wie ich bin"?
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16:50:46 <jralls> @tell gjanssens Well, three lines, because we also want to strip out the *.dll.a files and all of the includes.
16:50:46 <gncbot> jralls: The operation succeeded.
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16:58:06 *** agaric has joined #gnucash
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18:41:59 <lmat> @notes gjanssens:
18:41:59 <gncbot> lmat: Sent 5 weeks, 0 days, 0 hours, and 30 minutes ago: <jralls> Geert, that message isn't about stuff not getting saved in SQL, it's about fixing user's commodity tables when they screw up and create a commodity in the 'template' namespace. As I'm sure you know, the 'template' namespace is reserved for Scheduled Transactions and it doesn't display in the commodity editor. You must have created the Au commodity in (2 more messages)
18:42:36 <jralls> lmat: Do you have an idea about how to clean those out?
18:43:33 *** lmat is now known as gjanssens
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18:44:18 <jralls> lmat: Tried that already. Couldn't figure out how to get IRC itself to take the colon on the nick.
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18:53:47 <lmat> irc.poop.nl 432 gjanssens\ "gjanssens:" :Erroneous Nickname
18:54:02 *** gjanssens\ is now known as gjanssens
18:56:23 <lmat> Sorry, I got nothin...I'm currently IRCing over telnet, and I can't seem to get anything.
18:56:30 <lmat> colon is a pretty special character in IRC...
18:56:40 *** gjanssens is now known as gjanssens\\
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19:02:13 <lmat> jralls: It eats up colons, won't accept quotes or apostrophes, and I can't figure out how to escape the colon.
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