2014-05-15 GnuCash IRC logs
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09:37:30 <warlord> superuser: I don't see any errors there. Try using pastebin?
09:38:02 <warlord> "make install" does cause re-linking... But I don't see any errors.
09:38:37 <warlord> Also, if you use a --prefix like /opt/gnucash then you don't need to sudo make install, you just need to sudo mkdir /opt/gnucash and then sudo chown <your username> /opt/gnucash
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09:54:13 <lmat> superuser: What do you expect ?
10:04:57 *** KaiForce has joined #gnucash
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10:24:04 <KaiForce> I have a bank account that I import transactions from to GnuCash. The balance matches, however the "Cleared" value is showing negative - I thought it used to match the "Present" and "Future" values exactly. Anyone know what I should look at?
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10:25:26 <lmat> KaiForce: You got the transactions from your bank statement, and input them to GnuCash ?
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10:45:11 <warlord> KaiForce: did you select the cleared flags?
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10:45:21 <warlord> Most likely you're missing some cleared txns..
10:48:04 <KaiForce> warlord: I scanned them visually, I guess I better do a search.
10:48:44 <warlord> KaiForce: Have you reconciled the account?
10:49:11 <KaiForce> I don't reconcile, I import all transactions as the Bank sees them.
10:49:33 <KaiForce> My bank only keeps records back so far, so this is my permanent record
10:50:14 <lmat> KaiForce: Do you write down transactions as you conduct them, or only from the bank statement ?
10:50:50 <KaiForce> I keep a stack of stuff that I pay, once it clears, it goes to the "shred" or "file" piles
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10:52:20 <lmat> KaiForce: "cleared" status is speculative. You don't actually know when it "clears".
10:52:30 <lmat> KaiForce: Marking something as "cleared" means "I think it hit the bank"
10:53:05 <lmat> KaiForce: The way you're saying "once it clears", it sounds like you mean something like "once it's reconciled", but since you don't reconcile, "once it's reconcileable" ?
10:53:35 <lmat> KaiForce: Okay, so you keep receipts and don't enter them into gnucash (yet). When you get the bank statement, you go through and enter each transaction and mark it cleared, then shred the receipt.
10:53:39 <lmat> KaiForce: Why bother marking it cleared ?
10:54:26 <warlord> KaiForce: you really should reconcile.
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10:54:35 <lmat> Given the workflow i suggested, I don't think it's necessary to reconcile (as long as the workflow doesn't change).
10:54:55 <KaiForce> lmat: I don't mark it cleared, when I import it it is (apparently) marked cleared.
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10:55:01 <lmat> KaiForce: I see Interesting.
10:55:03 <lmat> KaiForce: Sounds like reconciling may be the way to find this problem ^_^
10:59:50 <warlord> Right, reconciling gives you the final "yes, I verfiied that this transaction is on the bank statement". It means you wont miss anything.
11:00:08 <KaiForce> Ok, found it... I had a deposit from two sources I split (manually, after import) and apparently I had tagged it as "n" in Reconcile
11:00:09 <warlord> It's like the old-school end-of-month "balancing your checkbook"
11:01:19 <KaiForce> Since I started doing things this way I haven't been out of balance. I do manually track checks and scheduled payments in Excel, so I can tell to the penny where I'm at at any time.
11:01:43 <KaiForce> I messed up though, thanks for the help!
11:02:26 <warlord> KaiForce: no need to use excel for that. Indeed, that's what clearing and reconciling are for in gnucash!
11:02:50 <warlord> Reconciled is a "super-clear". Also, once you reconcile a transaction gnucash will try to prevent you from modifying it.
11:03:58 <KaiForce> warlord: I use Excel because I also track things I have coming up. Back when I had cash flow problems, I had a column for "Can" or "can't" pay. Due dates, etc... It is a good system, I'm not looking to change it.
11:09:23 <KaiForce> I use GnuCash just as a permanent record, and at tax time I can pull info I need from it easily.
11:09:35 <lmat> KaiForce: I'm a bit curious about your excel sheet :)
11:09:57 <KaiForce> lmat: I can put it out on the net
11:10:10 <lmat> KaiForce: Do you write anticipated expenses in Excel, and only actually issue a cheque (or whatever) when you have enough money?
11:10:20 <lmat> KaiForce: feel free to use dcc or whatever :)
11:12:59 <KaiForce> wow haven't DCC
11:13:08 <KaiForce> DCC'ed in ages !
11:14:12 <KaiForce> lmat: yes. If they are way out in the future (estimated taxes, for example) I put them in with a 0 amount, but a date, so when that date comes it serves as a reminder.
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11:15:50 <lmat> KaiForce: How is "can't" pay used ?
11:22:24 <KaiForce> lmat: I own a business, and when I had a personal cash flow crunch, I might decide to issue a dividend to resolve it
11:22:36 <lmat> KaiForce: interestig
11:22:49 <lmat> KaiForce: As you might guess, I would advocate using gnucash for all this ^_^
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11:23:36 <KaiForce> ok, i don't know if Chatzilla has DCC, let me check...
11:24:11 <KaiForce> ok seems simple enough, hang on...
11:26:32 <lmat> KaiForce: again ?
11:27:50 <lmat> KaiForce: I think it had stalled originally.
11:27:59 <lmat> try again ? ^_^
11:28:08 <KaiForce> ok, it could be my firewall... I have to load helpers for things like FTP..
11:28:26 <KaiForce> let me check that really quick
11:28:59 <lmat> it says you offered on port 2219, then 2222
11:30:28 <KaiForce> OK, one more time, I have a lunch meeting, will you be around later if this doesn't work?
11:31:48 <lmat> KaiForce: yup :)
11:31:56 <lmat> KaiForce: I don't think I've ever gotten dcc to work :'(
11:32:00 <lmat> KaiForce: (it says stalled again)
11:33:30 <KaiForce> I think it is on my end, there is a helper module for IRC... I gotta go now but I can try when I get back.
11:33:43 <lmat> KaiForce: okay, talk to you later!
11:33:55 <KaiForce> Thanks again, and after you see my sheet perhaps you can change my way of doing business...
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11:54:07 <warlord> KaiForce: sounds like you want to use Payables/Receivables for Can/Cant.. I'm not sure based on this.
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13:50:06 <quizzi> I just compiled gnucash-2.6.3 with aqbanking-5.4.3beta and can't use it, because I get a SIGTRAP:
13:50:09 <quizzi> Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
13:50:11 <quizzi> 0x00007ffff60a1993 in g_logv () from /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
13:50:26 <quizzi> has anyone an idea how to solve this?
13:51:03 <warlord> quizzi: pastebin 't a a bt'?
13:55:43 <quizzi> http://pastebin.com/pTAE8WBY
13:58:41 <warlord> Hmm, gjanssens -- quizzi seems to have a crash with gnc_gsettings_get_float() in the trace?
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14:03:42 <gjanssens> quizzi: the most likely cause is that gsettings can't find the gnucash specific preferences schema
14:03:58 <gjanssens> What install prefix do you use ?
14:04:08 <gjanssens> And on what system ?
14:04:30 <quizzi> gjanssens: arch linux and i use /usr as prefix
14:06:53 <gjanssens> Is XDG_DATA_DIRS set in your environment ?
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14:14:37 <KaiForce> lmat I think I might have my DCC problem resolved... I'm working but I'll check this screen to see if you are around.
14:29:44 <quizzi> gjanssens_: no XDG_DATA_DIRS isn't set
14:31:33 <lmat> KaiForce: yo
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14:38:30 <lmat> KaiForce: I'm in and out trying to set up my IRC client (sounds and stuff, not dcc ^_^).
14:44:13 <quizzi> gjanssens_: with export XDG_DATA_DIRS=/usr/share/:/usr/local/share/ it doesn't work either
14:45:18 <lmat> KaiForce: Okay, got it. I'm ready for the transfer when you are ^_^
14:52:00 <lmat> crap, missed it!
14:52:12 <lmat> KaiForce: again, again!
14:52:51 <lmat> says stalled :(
14:53:24 <KaiForce> crud... OK I will put it on web... gonna be a bit.
14:53:38 <lmat> KaiForce: no prob :)
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15:11:38 <gjanssens> quizzi: can you run gnucash with this command line parameters:
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15:11:55 <gjanssens> gnucash --log="gnc.app-utils.gsettings=debug"
15:12:11 <gjanssens> And post the trace file that is generated at the abort
15:12:31 <gjanssens> The tracefile is /tmp/gnucash.trace
15:13:47 <gjanssens> That should reveal which preference is failing
15:14:09 <quizzi> gjanssens: http://pastebin.com/w3wXsMWy
15:15:21 <gjanssens> quizzi: there you go - gsettings can't find the org.gnucash.general schema
15:16:16 <quizzi> gjanssens: how can I solve this? the previous version worked fine without any errors
15:16:46 <gjanssens> Can you check if /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnucash.gschema.xml exists ?
15:17:43 <gjanssens> quizzy: if with previous version you mean 2.4.x then that's normal - gsettings is a new dependency in 2.6.x
15:19:53 <quizzi> gjanssens: no, i meant 2.6.2
15:20:27 <quizzi> the file exists
15:21:28 <gjanssens> Hmm, that in itself is no guarantee. The schemas are compiled into gschemas.compiled in the same directory
15:22:04 <gjanssens> That happens during the make install step
15:22:32 <gjanssens> I have noticed that the gsettings rules are not 100% reliable in detecting when the compile step is required
15:22:44 <gjanssens> Did you build 2.6.2 yourself as well ?
15:23:35 <quizzi> no, 2.6.2 was a prebuilt package
15:24:23 <gjanssens> Did you uninstall 2.6.2 before installing 2.6.3 ?
15:25:31 <quizzi> yes, directly before I installed the new version
15:26:34 <gjanssens> Ok. And you ran make install with superuser permissions ?
15:27:10 <quizzi> no, i built a package with the arch linux tools and installed the package
15:28:15 <quizzi> therefor make was told to put all files in a specified directory
15:30:03 <gjanssens> At this point I suspect that this fails to run the gsettings schema compile step
15:30:31 <gjanssens> Does 'strings /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/gschemas.compiled | grep org.gnucash.general' yield any results ?
15:30:46 <quizzi> no
15:30:58 <gjanssens> That confirms my suspicion
15:31:22 <quizzi> may I now run the compilation?
15:31:33 <gjanssens> make install likely ran the schema compile step in the temporary directory
15:32:05 <gjanssens> But it should have been run in the primary schemas directory after the schemas get installed
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15:32:23 <gjanssens> you may run this now manually, but I'm afraid I don't know it myself
15:32:35 <gjanssens> It comes as a macro in the makefile
15:34:54 <gjanssens> Looks like it should be "glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/"
15:35:01 <gjanssens> To be run with superuser rights
15:35:19 <gjanssens> quizzi: can you try that ?
15:35:43 <quizzi> I'll try
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15:42:25 <quizzi> gjanssens: thanks, that worked :)
15:42:55 <gjanssens> Yay :)
15:44:46 * gjanssens learned something about gsettings today :)
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17:04:00 <KaiForce> lmat, if you are still around.... Sorry for the delay...
17:04:10 <lmat> KaiForce: yo
17:04:57 <KaiForce> I have a dropbox... let me try that! I never used it for anything.
17:05:52 <lmat> KaiForce: I've decided that dcc problem was mine, not (necessarily) yours.
17:06:02 <lmat> KaiForce: I couldn't dcc with a couple other people, but they could dcc with eachother :(
17:06:52 <KaiForce> No problem...
17:06:59 <KaiForce> link is here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nt5i1s1qieou68x/AAARJqFNFgDW_o06YscW6h60a
17:07:24 <KaiForce> not sure why Drop
17:07:36 <KaiForce> DropBox needs to have Flash on that page...
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17:09:07 <lmat> KaiForce: jackpot
17:10:14 <KaiForce> Ok, I doubt it was worth it but hey
17:10:16 <KaiForce> !
17:16:09 <lmat> ^_^
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21:11:36 <Vasistha> how do I reset gnucash and make it think it is being run for the first time?
21:12:50 <Vasistha> I deleted $HOME/.gnucash/ and $HOME/.gconf/apps/gnucash/ and also the xml file that I had created; but gnucash is still looking for that xml file!! Where on earth did it store the file location?
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