2014-04-03 GnuCash IRC logs
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12:32:37 <linas> OK: stupid accounting question of the day: finance::quote fetches prices. Is there something similar that fetches news articles?
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12:34:49 <Sirump> Good day. I upgraded to debian/testing (from stable) and got gnucash 2.6.1. There seems to be a problem with currencies. It puts a 'C' in front of everything (presumably for CAD) even though my locale is en_CA.UTF-8
12:34:55 <Sirump> any way to turn that off?
12:35:49 <Sirump> C$0.00
12:37:01 <jralls> @op me
12:37:01 <gncbot> jralls: Error: me is not in #gnucash.
12:37:10 <jralls> @op jralls
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12:38:50 <jralls> warlord, gjanssens: Looks like the daily build is broken. Can one of you check to see why?
12:39:53 <jralls> linas: Do you mean anything, anywhere?
12:40:03 <jralls> Or just in CPAN?
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12:55:33 <jralls> Sirump: I don't remember if it's available in 2.6.1, but in 2.6.2 you can use Tools>Security Editor, check "Show National Currencies" at the bottom of the dialog box, select and edit your currency, and change the "display symbol" to whatever you like.
12:57:13 <jralls> There have also been changes in 2.6.2 or 2.6.3 to make the display more locale-sensitive so that the disambiguation character is suppressed for the locale currency.
13:02:47 <Sirump> ah looks like it is there, so I'd just set CAD to be blank?
13:03:32 <Sirump> ok I set it to '$', much better now :P
13:03:53 <jralls> Out of curiosity, did blank work?
13:04:05 <Sirump> let me try
13:04:36 <Sirump> no, making it blank reverted back to 'C$'
13:05:19 <jralls> OK. Not surprised.
13:05:31 <Sirump> Another weird thing - after upgrading all of a sudden some old 2010 invice is marked as unpaid. Is there a way to find all 'orphaned' payments that are not assigned to any invoice?
13:06:12 <jralls> I don't know the answer to that. gjanssens, do you?
13:06:53 <Sirump> if I open accounts receivable and then actions -> view lots there's a scrub button, but I have no clue what that will do. Fix the problem? Make it worse? :P
13:07:30 <Sirump> kinda sound slike it will wipe it out so I didnt try pushing it yet
13:07:36 <warlord> Sirump: 2.6.1 has a bunch of bugs. You really should be using 2.6.3
13:08:09 <warlord> it wont wipe it out, but it might make it worse. gjanssens did all the new-in-2.6 AR/AP work.
13:08:10 <Sirump> ah I suppose. It didnt make it into debian/testing yet
13:08:17 <Sirump> hopefuly they wont release jessie with 2.6.1 then
13:08:42 <warlord> Dunno
13:09:40 <jralls> Seems unlikely. Jessie isn't supposed to freeze until November. They should have 2.6.4, which is scheduled for release the end of september.
13:10:23 <Sirump> ah alright
13:10:42 <Sirump> well if i could somehow find all orphaned payments I could fix it manually easily enough.
13:13:27 <warlord> I do not believe there is a good way to do that... but gjanssens would know for sure. Hopefully he'll see this soon.
13:14:58 <Sirump> ok thanks
13:15:11 <Sirump> would be nice to have since unposting an invoice will orphan any payments previously applied to it
13:15:19 <Sirump> so then you have to go looking for them manually
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13:19:12 <Sirump> ok I found it, it all of a sudden thinks the 2010 payment was short 1 cent, and thats why its now listing it as unpaid :P
13:23:20 <warlord> Hmmmmmm
13:25:44 <warlord> I wonder how that 1-cent difference got in there?
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13:30:31 <Sirump> I dont really know, it was $325 total + 5% tax = 341.25, but gnucash thinks its 341.27 I guess because it calculates tax for each line item separately and there's alot of rounding
13:31:07 <Sirump> but even more strange is in accounts receivable the invoice says its $341.26
13:31:22 <Sirump> damn pennies :P
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13:32:50 <Sirump> maybe I should just start a new file each year so it stops messing with my old numbers :P
13:34:33 <Sirump> or never upgarde! heh
13:35:09 <Sirump> what do you think is the best way to resolve this? Just add an extra 1 cent payment out of 'rounding error' or something?
13:40:28 <warlord> It shouldn't change old numbers.
13:40:40 <warlord> post invoice transactions shouldn't change
13:41:00 <warlord> (the reports, however, may change, which could affect what you see)
13:41:04 <Sirump> could be something just odd about this one, because it seems to be the only one affected
13:41:14 <warlord> And yes, the code computes tax on each item and then sums.
13:42:26 * Sirump double checks
13:43:43 <Sirump> Ok if I look in view/edit invoice, it says total $341.27. If I look under accounts receivable and find the "I" entry for it, it says $341.24. The payment was actually $341.25, so they overpaid by 1 cent.
13:44:06 <Sirump> (according to AR)
13:44:36 <Sirump> maybe 2.4.x just silently applied the 1 cent to future invoices and 2.6 doesnt do it anymore
13:45:42 <Sirump> but I'm not sure why the 'AR' and 'view' balances dont match
13:46:30 <Sirump> the subtotal is the same, but the tax is different by 3 cents
13:50:11 <warlord> Hmm, view/edit should show the same as the posted invoice...
13:51:28 <Sirump> does view/edit redo the calculations every time you open it, or does it use stored values? If it recalculates, then maybe 2.6.1 gets a slightly different answer than whatever version I used in 2010..
13:51:48 <Sirump> or its just 'view' really I'm not editing it
13:59:26 <warlord> Sirump: I am pretty sure that 'view' recalculates..
13:59:33 <warlord> So perhaps you did hit a rounding bug.
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14:58:26 <linas> jralls, anything anywhere, any language. I'm vaguely thinking of creating a finance::news similar to finance::quote if I can't find one.
15:01:24 <warlord> linas: isn't that called "RSS"?
15:04:31 <linas> Huh?
15:05:06 <linas> No, I mean getting date/timstamped press releases for specific ticker symbols
15:05:24 <linas> like all news storied for IBM for yesterday
15:05:58 <linas> if there's RSS somwhere for that, that's great .. I don't know
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15:13:47 <Sirump> linas: google finance has rss for that
15:14:00 <Sirump> but there's alot of junk/repeated stories though :P
15:14:47 <linas> Hmm. OK, thanks. I'm starting at square zero here...
15:14:58 <Sirump> eg if you look up hasdaq:fb, there's a button '
15:15:10 <Sirump> 'All news for Facebook Inc >> Subscribe (rss)'
15:24:17 <gjanssens> I only see now that I'm referred to several times today. Unfortunately I won't have time to answer now. I'll come back to it later (maybe only tomorrow)
15:32:54 <warlord> gjanssens: thanks
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15:41:42 <jralls> warlord: Derek, can you check the build server and see why the daily build hasn't run since Monday?
15:49:38 <warlord> jralls: sure.. hold on.
15:56:08 <warlord> error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
15:56:14 <warlord> packaging/win32/build_package_git.sh
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15:56:22 <warlord> Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.
15:56:24 <warlord> Aborting
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15:58:44 <warlord> Aha, git diff says:warning: CRLF will be replaced by LF in packaging/win32/build_package_git.sh.
15:58:52 <warlord> The file will have its original line endings in your working directory.
15:58:59 <warlord> So.... is there a line-ending issue?
16:00:25 <warlord> I just forced a checkout of that file.
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16:01:31 <warlord> "Deletion of directory 'packaging/win32' failed. Should i try again? <y/n>
16:01:36 <warlord> ...??? Uhh...???
16:01:47 <jralls> Maybe, although I renamed build_package_git.sh to build_package.sh on Tuesday, since we're no longer using SVN. But I made a change before that, maybe I messed up the line endings in the process.
16:02:49 <warlord> Oh, you changed the file names?!?
16:03:44 <warlord> THat takes multiple builds to correct because the script is what runs the 'git pull' and, as a result, will fail after that because the running script is looking for the old names.
16:05:21 <jralls> Yeah. But git shouldn't have any trouble with that. Everything looks OK in my Mac repo. I did the work in my Win7 VM.
16:05:43 <warlord> Okay, one more run and lets see what happens.
16:07:29 <jralls> what does `git config core.autocrlf` say?
16:07:39 <warlord> Looks like it is building now.
16:07:55 <warlord> true
16:08:32 <jralls> Which is the right answer for Win32.
16:08:48 <warlord> anyways, it is building now.
16:09:24 <jralls> And it wrote a "starting" note on code. Yay!
16:09:56 <warlord> yeah, i saw that
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