2014-03-25 GnuCash IRC logs
01:08:59 *** andi5 has quit IRC
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07:02:47 *** gour has joined #gnucash
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07:32:03 <gour> gncbot: help
07:32:03 <gncbot> gour: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.
07:32:15 <gour> help tell
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08:17:39 <gjanssens> Hmm
08:17:41 <gjanssens> @help tell
08:17:41 <gncbot> gjanssens: (tell <nick> <text>) -- Tells <nick> <text> the next time <nick> is in seen. <nick> can contain wildcard characters, and the first matching nick will be given the note.
08:17:55 <gjanssens> Thought so...
08:18:21 <gjanssens> gour: if you want to query gncbot in the public channel you can prefix your command with "@"
08:18:45 <gjanssens> Alternatively you can open a direct conversation with gncbot
08:19:06 <gjanssens> In that case you may have to pass the channel as an option to the commands, depending on what you want to achieve
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09:02:39 <gour> @tell warlord here is what i got in #opers: "our ircd software is too old for regular services, and noone has had time to do something useful about it."
09:02:39 <gncbot> gour: The operation succeeded.
09:02:53 <gour> gjanssens: thanks for the help
09:06:23 *** wol has joined #gnucash
09:09:36 <boilthreetimes> gour: you were looking for erc autojoin yesterday?
09:10:18 <gour> boilthreetimes: yes, for ERC. with Freenode & using erc-tls, it works, but not for this channel
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09:11:23 <boilthreetimes> gour: use (".*\\.poop.nl" . ("#gnucash")) instead of (".*\\.gnome.org" . ("#gnucash"))
09:11:44 <boilthreetimes> gour: or (".*\\.acc.umu.se" . ("#gnucash"))
09:13:29 <boilthreetimes> gour: so far those are the two servers that i get connected to when i try to connect with irc.gnome.org
09:25:08 <gour> boilthreetimes: i have irc.gimp.org as the server, that is not supposed to work? iow, i've the following in my config: http://pastebin.com/bp6USMAr what's wrong with that?
09:41:08 <boilthreetimes> change to your irc.gimp.org:6667 (or irc.gnome.org:6667) buffer.
09:41:30 <boilthreetimes> gour: do you have a banner line at the top of the buffer?
09:42:05 <boilthreetimes> gour: mine says 'boilthreetimes on irc.acc.umu.se:6667 (+,lag:0)'
09:43:41 <boilthreetimes> gour: so in your erc-autojoin-channels-alist, add a ("real-server-name" "#gnucash") in addition to the ("gnome.org" "#gnucash")
09:46:22 <gour> irc.eagle.y.se[irc.eagle.y.se/6667]
09:47:43 <boilthreetimes> gour: OK--try adding a ("irc.eagle.y.se" "#gnucash") to your erc-autojoin-channels-alist
09:48:28 <boilthreetimes> the problem is that the next time you connect to gimp.org (or gnome.org) it may send you to a different server, so then you'd add that server to the alist.
09:49:29 <gour> boilthreetimes: ok, i'll try but wonder why there is no such problem with freenode for which i use irc.eu.freenode.net and that's all?
09:51:55 <boilthreetimes> gour: go to a freenode server buffer. for me "freenode" appears in the server name (at the top status line) so that matches the regexp in erc-autojoin-channels-alist.
09:53:05 <boilthreetimes> gour: the gimp.org/ gnome.org server setup sends you to one of many servers which do not appear to be named after the gimp/ gnome.
09:53:18 <gour> i see...let me try it
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10:05:43 <boilthreetimes> gour: i guess one way around this would be (if gimp.org is the only parent server in your list of servers that exhibits this behavior) to build a regexp that doesn't match any of the other servers you connect to (freenode, oftc, twice-irc) and use that in the autojoin alist
10:06:24 <gour> boilthreetimes: now it worked with irc.poop.nl...still, it would be nice to have nickserv services or maybe #gnucash could move to freenode if the irc.gimp.org ops can't upgrade old software
10:09:34 <gour> boilthreetimes: i also have problem with erc-button and/ir browse-url. do those work for you?
10:12:08 <boilthreetimes> gour: i am reading about those now--i don't use them. i spend most of my time in a non-graphical emacsclient via ssh (sometimes local)
10:13:49 <gour> boilthreetimes: ahh, ok. i run X and have i3 as wm as well as running ff/chrome
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10:19:47 <boilthreetimes> gour: there seems to be some info here: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ErcButton
10:21:32 <gour> boilthreetimes: yeah, but it does not work for me..i'm not sure how the text is button-ized and clicking on the link does not open it in the browser
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10:32:18 <boilthreetimes> gour: buttons seems to work out-of-the-box for me, both in a local X emacs and in the ssh session.
10:32:52 <boilthreetimes> gour: tab and Shift-tab should traverse the buttons
10:33:43 <boilthreetimes> gour: (tab/Stab won't work on the `ERC> ' line)
10:34:13 <gour> boilthreetimes: hmm, so when you put cursor on some url, you see it buttonized?
10:34:40 <boilthreetimes> gour: no, but it recognized as a button for the tab/Stab travelling
10:35:34 <gour> boilthreetimes: ahh, ok. that works here as well, but click on those does not work
10:36:22 <boilthreetimes> gour: in my local emacs i see a green background on any buttons (www.gnucash.org, nicks) when i do a mouse-over
10:37:38 <boilthreetimes> gour: in my ssh, RET on a http button opened my w3m-emacs; in my X emacs, I got nothing
10:38:17 <boilthreetimes> gour: so i guess it's down to configuring BrowseUrl
10:41:28 <gour> boilthreetimes: thanks for help, i also see green bg on the above url, but clicking does not work. tried to configure BrowseUrl with both firefox & chromium, but no luck, but, at least, i know that's the only missing part ;)
10:42:19 <gour> anyway, enjoying emacs (again), this time i use sticky keys to avoid wrist pain
10:43:55 <boilthreetimes> gour: ha, i'm trying ed; no irc though, or anything else
10:44:45 <gour> :)
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19:49:55 <amjam> Good evening everyone!
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20:06:10 *** gncbot sets mode: +o jralls
20:42:10 <amjam> How can I delete all entries in my accounts?
20:42:14 <amjam> in all my accounts*
20:43:02 <amjam> maybe I sould say: how can I delete all transfers in all my accounts?
20:45:28 <jralls> The fastest way to delete all entries would be to export the account tree and delete theold file.
20:45:55 <jralls> What do you mean by all “transfers”, though? What do you want to keep?
20:46:09 <amjam> I want to keep nothing but my account structure.
20:46:24 <jralls> Then what I just said will do it.
20:47:37 <amjam> when you say "delete the old file" does that just mean deleting all *.gnucash files?
20:49:53 <jralls> No, that would also delete the file with the saved account tree.
20:50:56 <amjam> I see. What do you mean when you say "delete the old file" then?
20:51:07 <jralls> So supposing that you have old.gnucash and it’s various backups and logs, you’d export the account tree to ‘new’, which gnucash would make ‘new.gnucash’ for you. Then you could rm old.gnucash*
20:51:28 <amjam> what does it mean to "export the account tree"?
20:51:46 <jralls> File>Export>Export account tree.
20:51:57 <jralls> Does just what it says.
20:52:14 <amjam> gotcha.
20:52:15 <amjam> thanks.
20:54:23 <amjam> Is it a big deal if my gnucash has a "Equity:Opening Balances" while the tutorial has "Equity: Opening Balance"?
20:54:46 <jralls> No.
20:58:15 <amjam> Does anyone else experience the letters/numbers not being echo'd properly on GnuCash while using it on Mac OS X?
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20:58:41 <amjam> this happens every time I put in the date, especially. I'll write "03/14/2006" but the letters appear to lag on the screen and only properly show up when I tab to the next field.
20:59:20 <jralls> Ah, I saw that with 2.6.0, haven’t seen it since. What version do you have?
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21:00:14 <amjam> I am using GnuCash 2.6.0 built from rev 38a0d33+ on 2013-12-29
21:00:45 <amjam> I just saw 2.6.2 is out.
21:00:47 <amjam> i'll have to upgrade.
21:01:26 <jralls> You’ll like the upgrade. it’s a lot faster.
21:03:44 <amjam> When you make a split, will there always be one empty transaction line at the bottom?
21:06:56 <jralls> There will be unless you’re working on a new transaction. But you probably meant “wll there always be an empty split line at the bottom of the transaction being edited in split view” and the answer to that is yes, unless you’re entering data in the empty split.
21:07:05 * jralls has to go to dinner
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22:03:03 <kpreid> amjam: I used to get that in 2.whateverthepreviousstablewas, not sure about recently
22:03:14 <kpreid> the update lag, I mean
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22:12:01 <amjam> kpreid: glad I'm not the only one, then.
22:12:26 <amjam> For a basic 2 account transaction, does it matter what account you write the transaction in?
22:12:30 <amjam> (I'm guessing 'no')
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22:21:49 <kpreid> no
22:21:58 <kpreid> well, the amounts will be in the opposite columns
22:27:23 <amjam> thanks kpreid
22:37:47 <amjam> I think for my first project I will re-write the website's documentation.
22:37:56 <amjam> er, the website's tutorial I mean.
22:59:01 <amjam> Does it really matter if I use sqlite3 or xml as a data format?
22:59:08 <amjam> whats the advantage of using sqlite3?
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23:53:01 <amjam> Has anyone had a gas station deposit money into their checking account before?