2014-02-14 GnuCash IRC logs
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02:05:29 <a> Hi people, I have a problem with finance::quote, since a couple of days it does not retrieve the quotes. The last day when it worked was Febr. 11, then it stopped. Any help? - thanks
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02:58:14 <a> <a> Hi people, I have a problem with finance::quote, since a couple of days it does not retrieve the quotes. The last day when it worked was Febr. 11, then it stopped. Any help? - thanks
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03:34:44 <gjanssens_> a: see http://lists.gnucash.org/logs/2014/02/2014-02-13.html#T03:51:57
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03:42:20 <a> ok thanks for the info
03:59:14 <gjanssens> linas: Impressive !
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06:08:08 <fell> Just for easier reference, the Finance::Quote::Yahoo bug: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=93012
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06:34:31 <gjanssens> tx fell
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07:39:01 <Kevin> Hi there
07:40:57 <Kevin> I have set up a savings account. In that account I would like to make sub accounts as a sort of piggy banks. However the savings account is not just an aggregate account, because I wish to be able to make and take payments without a piggy bank. Now the thing: is it possible to have that account show the total amount on that account which is a sum of all sub accounts as well as the account...
07:40:59 <Kevin> ...itself? Right now the balance is not showing that..?
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12:07:10 <stephan48> is it possible to do chiptan optical with gnucash?
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12:09:03 <stephan48> for now chiptan manual works
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23:09:49 <bz> Hey, I'm having a problem with the update to Gnucash 2.6.1...
23:10:21 <bz> It does the "Loading user data..." thing, but then the progressmeter just starts bouncing back and forth
23:10:36 <bz> instead of moving on to generating the reports I had open before
23:10:48 <bz> And never seems to get out of that state.
23:11:32 <bz> 2.4.15 works fine, though
23:11:40 * bz just tried downgrading, to check
23:12:56 <jralls> Try closing all of your open reports while you're in 2.4, then switch back. Reopen the reports one at a time until you find the one that hangs up and file a bug about that one.
23:16:39 <bz> hmm
23:16:43 * bz will try that
23:16:50 <bz> One other question, while I'm here
23:17:25 <bz> a few days ago, getting quotes in the price editor started saying "Unable to retrieve quotes for these items:" followed by a long list of mutual funds
23:18:04 <bz> Pretty sure I haven't changed anything on this end to make that start happening, and I checked that all the funds involved are listed as "Multiple, USA" for the price source...
23:18:33 <jralls> Yeah, that's been covered pretty thoroughly on the mailing list. Yahoo changed the URL and broke Finance::Quote. There's a patch on the ML.
23:18:41 <bz> aha
23:18:59 <bz> I tried searching the web, but nothing useful came up
23:19:23 <jralls> Try setting site:lists.gnucash.org in your search
23:21:07 * bz just looks at the list archives directly
23:21:34 <jralls> Whatever works for you.
23:23:46 * bz is still failing to find stuff, both with search and looking directly, except for http://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-user/2014-February/052990.html
23:24:08 <bz> Anyway, sounds like I just need to wait until that patch gets rolled out?
23:26:03 <bz> Alrigh
23:26:10 <bz> I just tried closing all the reports
23:26:11 <bz> same thing
23:26:17 <bz> 2.6.1 says "Loading user data...."
23:26:22 <bz> progress bar goes left to right
23:26:36 <bz> Then it starts bouncing back and forth, while still saying "Loading user data...."
23:31:54 <jralls> OK. Launch from the command line with the --debug option (unless you're on a mac, which uses that option always) and then look in the trace file to see what it's doing while it's bouncing.
23:33:42 <jralls> OBTW 2.6 is notably slower than 2.4. I'm setting up to do a profiling build right now to try and speed things up for 2.6.2. You might just need to be patient, particularly if you have a large book.
23:34:01 <bz> I'm on a mac
23:34:12 <bz> And yeah, this is just a performance problem, looks like
23:34:19 <bz> It came up eventually
23:34:22 * bz times
23:34:50 <bz> I have a sample from activity monitor if that would be of any use
23:35:17 <bz> xmlParseEndTag1
23:35:23 <bz> calling sixtp_sax_end_handler
23:35:33 <bz> which then goes and calls gnc_window_show_progress
23:35:47 <bz> which then spins the gtk event loop
23:35:59 <bz> and so forth
23:36:51 <jralls> Yeah, that's the user entertainment. It's been there a long time, so I don't think it's what's slowing down 2.6 compared to 2.4.
23:37:35 * bz hopes it's not calling gnc_window_show_progress after each xml element or something. ;)
23:39:29 <bz> One thing of note
23:39:38 <bz> It's only using about 30% of a core
23:39:49 <bz> while parsing the XML here, and updating the progress UI, etc
23:40:18 <bz> ok, came up
23:40:31 <bz> so about 3.5 minutes
23:40:36 <bz> at that 30% CPU usage
23:40:52 * bz experiments some more
23:41:01 <jralls> Yeah, sounds about right.
23:41:19 <jralls> Not good, mind, just matches my experience.
23:41:31 <bz> If I click on the splashcreen to hide it, CPU usage goes to 100%
23:41:58 * bz measures time to load then
23:43:02 <bz> 35 secs
23:43:14 <jralls> Wow.
23:44:26 <bz> sampling with the splashscreen not showing doesn't show any gtk goings on; just stuff like dom_tree_to_transaction and xml parsing goings on
23:45:12 * bz tries 2.4
23:45:54 <bz> 2.4 comes up instantaneously once the "loading user data" bar reaches the right end
23:45:59 <bz> which may be apples to oranges...
23:46:42 <bz> Comes up 16 seconds after I click the icon
23:47:12 <jralls> Sounds like somebody changed the status bar to make it "more responsive" and wound up wasting a ton of cycles.
23:47:40 <bz> For the 3.5 mins vs 30s bit, definitely
23:48:02 <bz> For the 30s vs 16s bit, something else is going on
23:48:25 * bz should pull that up in a real profiler....
23:49:22 <bz> Anyway, thank you for the help on the price quote bits!
23:49:27 <jralls> That's where I'm headed. I tried using instruments yesterday without having done a profiling build, but got nothing, so I'm doing a profiling build now.
23:49:36 <bz> Do you want me to file a bug on the startup performance, or would it just be noise at this point?
23:49:59 <jralls> We've already got three. Thanks anyway.
23:50:36 <bz> No problem. And thank _you_ for one of the pieces of software I use most!
23:51:03 <jralls> You're welcome!
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