2014-02-08 GnuCash IRC logs
00:21:39 *** fell has joined #gnucash
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01:05:40 <fell> mikee, warlord: can you /op gncbot?
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06:51:53 <gjanssens> @op
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07:08:30 *** fell_ is now known as fell
07:08:36 <fell> @op
07:08:36 <gncbot> fell: Error: You don't have the #gnucash,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
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14:47:09 *** jonkri has joined #gnucash
14:48:55 <jonkri> If I have an expense account of €100, and all these expenses has been payed from a bank account in a different currency (at different dates with different exchange rates), is there some way that I can get how much has actually been payed in the currency of the bank account?
14:50:23 <jonkri> Perhaps there is a way that I can filter the bank account based on which expense account was used?
14:57:45 <warlord> jonkri: um, look at your bank statement, which should show you the amounts in the bank's currency
14:58:26 <jonkri> warlord: The bank account in GnuCash has the bank's currency. The problem is that I don't know how to "look up" the bank's currency from the perspective of the expense account.
14:59:01 <jonkri> Sure, I can manually get the ID of the transaction in the expense account, click on the bank account, find it, and make a note of it, but I'd rather see all the expenses in the expense account in the corresponding currency of the bank account.
14:59:46 <warlord> jonkri: Huh?
15:00:02 <warlord> Don't do stuff from expense accounts... do it from Asset and Liability accounts.
15:00:43 <jonkri> Sure, okay, but it's too late for that now. :) I'm just trying to get a good overview of what I have payed in different currencies over 2013 in my bank accounts currency.
15:03:06 <warlord> jonkri: Go look at your bank statement for those transactions.
15:03:28 <jonkri> So I have to do them one by one, manually? There's no way GnuCash can produce such a list/mapping for me?
15:04:07 <warlord> A mapping of what?
15:04:36 <warlord> Yes, of course you need to enter each transaction manually; gnucash cannot read your mind.
15:04:57 <warlord> Besides, when you enter the transaction you should be entering the exchange rate for that transaction.
15:04:59 <jonkri> From the value in the expense account to the corresponding value that was used in the bank account to pay for it.
15:05:11 <jonkri> That's not what I mean.
15:05:47 <jonkri> I did enter the exchange rate, and GnuCash made sure that the expense account value was properly translated to the currency in my bank account.
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15:06:12 <jonkri> And since GnuCash then should know what the corresponding value is, it shouldn't need to read my mind. :)
15:07:09 <warlord> then what is your question?
15:09:36 <jonkri> Given a list of expenses from the expense account view, which all have been payed from my bank account using a currency conversion, is there a way I can produce a list of the "converted" values, that is the values that were actually drawn from my bank account?
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15:10:44 <warlord> Sure, open if your bank account.
15:11:54 <jonkri> That gives me those converted values, and lots of other values. How can I filter out the other values?
15:12:08 <warlord> If you want to limit it to specific bank account and expense account you could do it via a 'Find Transaction'
15:13:33 <jonkri> What should my filter be? I've tried "All accounts" and "Account" and selected the expense account, but no hits shows up.
15:14:29 <jonkri> Aha, I think it needs to be Payable.
15:14:39 <warlord> jonkri: from the CoA you need to choose: [All Accounts] [matches all accounts] ...
15:14:55 <warlord> and then choose the two ends of the transaction
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15:17:42 <jonkri> Now I get all the transactions between the accounts, but the values are still in the currency of the Payable/Expense accounts, while what I want to see is the value of the bank account.
15:19:06 <warlord> Sorry, there's no way to view the Bank account and just limit it to the transactions to a particular expense account. You need to do it one-by-one. GnuCash will always show you the amounts in the "current" account view.
15:19:27 <jonkri> Ah, too bad. Well, thanks anyway!
15:22:08 <warlord> For each transaction in the expense account you can click on 'jump' to find it in the other account.
15:23:47 <jonkri> That helps, but doesn't solve the problem, unfortunately. For example, I have things like four Google Apps accounts that have been running for the whole year... That's 48 transactions. And that's just part of it.
15:24:38 <warlord> I still dont understand what you're trying to do.
15:24:40 <warlord> or why.
15:24:44 <jonkri> Maybe I can do it the other way around, like... Filter out these transactions.
15:25:26 <jonkri> I just need to know what I have spent, in my native currency.
15:25:50 <jonkri> Anyway, I'll find a way. Worst case, I'll write some SQL or something. :)
15:28:00 <warlord> jonkri: Was this spent using Cash or Checks or...??? I'm trying to understand why you even have foreign-currency expense accounts.
15:28:30 <jonkri> I was probably using GnuCash wrong. These are credit card payments.
15:28:42 <warlord> For example, when I travel international I always convert all my expenses back to USD. My credit cards do this automatically. And when I get and use cash I do that myself as well.
15:28:43 <jonkri> Google charge me €4, and it ends up being something like 25 SEK.
15:29:10 <warlord> Then just record it as 25 SEK, and put '€4' in the description
15:29:29 <jonkri> But the thing is that I need to know how much I have bought from Google.
15:29:34 <jonkri> Like, from Ireland.
15:29:37 <jonkri> For VAT purposes.
15:29:52 <warlord> But do you need to know that in € or in SEK?
15:29:54 <jonkri> Well, I guess I could filter by company then.
15:29:56 <jonkri> SEK.
15:30:05 <warlord> Right, then you can filter by company..
15:30:12 <jonkri> Should have done that. :) Cheers. :)
15:30:40 <warlord> just like me, you don't need to know the € values (except as ancillary data, which you can put in the description)
15:31:13 <warlord> never too late to fix it
15:31:55 <jonkri> When I search for transactions in my bank account that are from the SEK Payable account, I don't get like a sum at the bottom.
15:31:59 <jonkri> Like, the total number.
15:32:09 <jonkri> Is there a way I can get that?
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15:35:21 <warlord> Run the Account Report on the Search Results
15:36:56 <jonkri> Thanks. :)
15:38:52 <warlord> You're welcome
16:01:41 *** Yawar has left #gnucash
16:08:25 <warlord> BIAB
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