2014-01-29 GnuCash IRC logs
00:42:16 *** YuryP has quit IRC
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06:23:34 <gjanssens> mike-afk can you op gncbot ?
06:23:46 <gjanssens> (you're our last hope :) )
06:41:35 *** mikee-afk is now known as mikee
06:42:15 *** mikee sets mode: +o gncbot
06:42:46 <mikee> Ooh, it's like being a Star Wars hero.
06:50:04 <gjanssens> @op
06:50:05 *** gncbot sets mode: +o gjanssens
06:50:31 <gjanssens> mikee: thanks and you are really a hero ;)
06:51:26 <mikee> :)
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08:14:38 *** warlord has joined #gnucash
08:14:39 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
08:30:40 <gjanssens> I had to restart the htdocs split once more (turned off the computer after all :( )
08:30:55 <gjanssens> This time I started it on a local ssd disk on my laptop
08:31:05 <gjanssens> The conversion took less than half an hour
08:31:42 * gjanssens thinks his server is having issues...
08:31:53 <gjanssens> Either the disks have degraded performance
08:32:11 <gjanssens> Or the virtualization layer is killing the io
08:32:25 <gjanssens> Anyway the results:
08:32:50 <gjanssens> The old htdocs is about 877Mb freshly cloned from github, with trunk checked out
08:33:24 <gjanssens> The new htdocs (without the docs subdirectory and its history) comes at 26Mb with trunk checked out
08:33:40 <gjanssens> I think that gain is well worth effort
08:34:14 <gjanssens> If you want to compare the results: I uploaded the reduced htdocs to
08:34:38 <gjanssens> git@github.com:gjanssens/gnucash-htdocs-test.git
08:35:06 <gjanssens> Or via https: https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash-htdocs.git
08:35:22 <gjanssens> I compared both trunk checkouts
08:35:35 <gjanssens> They are identical except for the missing docs directory
08:35:59 <gjanssens> Looking at github's statistics
08:36:16 <gjanssens> Both repos have the exact same amount of commits, branches and tags
08:36:45 <gjanssens> The reduced version has a number of empty commits but all commits are kept
08:37:30 <gjanssens> If we prefer I can prune the empty commits as well by adding the --prune-empty parameter
08:38:46 <gjanssens> And for reference these were the commands used to filter:
08:39:00 <gjanssens> (to remove the docs directory) git filter-branch --tree-filter 'rm -fr docs' --tag-name-filter cat -- --all
08:48:54 <gjanssens> (to extract the docs directory) git filter-branch --prune-empty --tag-name-filter cat --subdirectory-filter docs -- --all
08:49:11 <gjanssens> These commands have to be run on two independent clones
09:24:01 <gjanssens> Lastly the extracted docs history can be cloned here: https://github.com/gjanssens.gnucash-htdocs-docs.git
09:24:58 <gjanssens> Er, both https links have typo's... let me try again:
09:25:22 <gjanssens> https://github.com/gjanssens/gnucash-htdocs-test.git (for the reduced htdocs repo)
09:25:39 <gjanssens> https://github.com/gjanssens/gnucash-htdocs-docs.git (for the docs only repo)
09:26:17 <gjanssens> Curious math: original htdocs = 877Mb checked out
09:26:29 <gjanssens> reduced htdocs = 26Mb checked out
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09:26:57 <gjanssens> extracted docs = 585Mb checked out
09:27:01 *** lmat_ has joined #gnucash
09:27:12 <gjanssens> 585Mb + 26Mb < 877Mb
09:27:16 *** lmat_ has left #gnucash
09:28:23 <gjanssens> Probably due to the way git stores its objects internally
09:49:43 <warlord> gjanssens: sounds great!
09:50:53 <gjanssens> Yes, it looks good
09:51:20 <gjanssens> Unfortunately linas hasn't responded anymore to our ssh key question yesterday
09:51:40 <gjanssens> I really don't see how I could create an ssh key if I can't su into svn-mirror
09:52:17 <gjanssens> I'll need that step before we can continue
09:53:09 <gjanssens> linas: can you give a shout when you're around ?
09:57:52 <warlord> It's still early for him, only 8:57am. I'm sure linas will show up when he gets up.
09:59:44 <gjanssens> ok :)
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12:05:37 <gjanssens> @op gncbot
12:05:37 <gncbot> gjanssens: Error: I need to be opped to op someone.
12:05:43 *** gjanssens sets mode: +o gncbot
12:06:35 <gjanssens> heh, gncbot seems to take a lot of little naps recently
12:06:45 <gjanssens> Probably the conversations are too dull around here :)
12:06:55 <gjanssens> For a gncbot that is
12:15:26 <warlord> LOL
12:15:33 <warlord> Yeah, I noticed that. NOt sure whats up with that.
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20:26:34 <antix> so im importing a csv and the csv has arbitrary debit/credit in the same field. gnucash only lets me select deposit/withdrawal even though this column requires both
20:26:36 <antix> what should i do?
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21:21:51 <Dupoh> Is there some documentation on using gnucash to track estimated tax liability throughout the year? I found http://osdir.com/ml/gnome.apps.gnucash.user/2003-03/msg00061.html but I'm left wondering what the best place to balance such a tax liability account with
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21:25:48 <Dupoh> If I understand the concept correctly, I think I have 2 options: 1) track est. tax liability as a liability against an expense category, or 2) treat each taxable income as a split transaction where I match my tax liability with a transaction into my own accounts until the taxes are owed. I'm not sure #2 works well though
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