2014-01-28 GnuCash IRC logs
00:01:03 *** kanru has joined #gnucash
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05:19:42 <gjanssens> fell: re the suversion wiki page
05:20:15 <gjanssens> My main motivation was to prevent people from starting in subversion still
05:20:24 *** mikee_ has joined #gnucash
05:21:04 <gjanssens> You are correct that some parts are still relevant for git as well
05:21:14 <fell> I think jralls worked on the integration of the important parts to the git page.
05:21:40 <gjanssens> Yesterday after I left then ?
05:22:18 <fell> If you has some WinDOS machine, you could test the turtoisegit section
05:22:28 <fell> yep
05:25:00 <gjanssens> Ok just read up on the irc log
05:25:04 <gjanssens> Good that is sorted
05:25:48 <gjanssens> I'll try to look at tortoisegit later
05:37:53 *** mikee_ is now known as mikee
05:37:55 <mikee> @op
05:37:55 <gncbot> mikee: Error: You don't have the #gnucash,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
05:38:07 <mikee> @op
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09:18:59 <gjanssens> warlord: I looked at setting up the git pull for gnucash-htdocs-docs on www
09:19:38 <gjanssens> But there's not much I can do before we have a working ssh keypair for the user svn-mirror
09:19:51 <gjanssens> Can you take this up with linas when he's around ?
09:20:03 <gjanssens> You'll need to get the public key via him anyway
09:20:27 *** lmat has joined #gnucash
09:21:00 <lmat> All the transactions should be present on the General Ledger, right ?
09:21:16 <lmat> I'm reviewing my mom's books, looking at the general ledger and it only shows... 2014 ? Is that a feature ?
09:24:23 <lmat> I haven't noticed this at home (with mine own accounts) I guess because I'm accounting starting 1/1/2014
09:27:12 <lmat> I've combed through all the settings and can't find anything. I changed the accounting period to start some time in 1969, closed and reopened the GL, no joy.
09:31:43 <lmat> hey, found it !
09:32:08 <lmat> "The General Ledger defaults to showing only the previous month of transactions. This is changeable by using the Date Range on the View menu."
09:32:14 <lmat> I don't see that on the view menu :(
09:35:27 <lmat> (or anywhere for that matter). warlord hate to bother you...
09:41:09 <mikee> Try View->Filter BY
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09:55:01 *** gjanssens sets mode: +o gncbot
10:00:27 <lmat> mikee: Excellent. Should I write up a patch for the documentation ? Also, if I do so, where should I put it ?
10:05:11 <mikee> lmat: You probably should. Use bugzilla linked from GnuCash web pages.
10:06:30 <mikee> lmat: The file is: help/C/Help_ch_Transactions.xml in gnucash-docs
10:06:55 <lmat> mikee: Wow, if you do more, you will have done it for me ^_^
10:07:42 <mikee> lmat: Last para of that page :)
10:17:02 <lmat> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=723173
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10:32:39 <warlord> gjanssens: you can't create it?
10:32:54 <warlord> (or do you not have shell access to the svn-mirror user?)
10:33:22 <warlord> lmat: It only shows the current month by default. View -> Filter By to select the date range you want to see.
10:33:30 <lmat> warlord: thanks :)
10:33:58 * warlord wonders why gncbot keeps getting disconnected.
10:40:39 <gjanssens> warlord: I don't have shell access to user svn-mirror
10:40:48 <gjanssens> At least not that I know of
10:41:11 <gjanssens> I have my own user account on the server (just like you by the way)
10:41:39 <warlord> Ah, okay. linas__ ...??
10:42:15 <gjanssens> BTW removing the docs history from gnucash-htdocs is pretty slow
10:42:34 <gjanssens> I (re)started this morning
10:42:57 <warlord> My gues is that it rebuilds the full tree on every "delete"
10:43:10 <gjanssens> Until now (about 9hours later) it's processing commit 1390 of 1818
10:43:30 <warlord> WOW!
10:43:44 <gjanssens> It actually traverses the tree from commit one and executes the rm command on each of them
10:44:18 <gjanssens> The first 1000 went pretty fast
10:44:27 <gjanssens> I suspect the docs directory didn't exist yet then
10:44:57 <gjanssens> The other way around went pretty fast: keep only the history of the docs directory
10:45:03 <gjanssens> That was about 10 mins
10:47:55 <gjanssens> Mental note to myself: *don't* poweroff until the process has complete...
10:48:03 <gjanssens> I did that by accident yesterday evening
10:51:39 <warlord> OOPS!
10:52:01 <warlord> After it's done can you just do a push, or is there some special push function we'll need to push the changes up to github?
10:54:19 <gjanssens> We'll probably have to force a push
10:54:31 <gjanssens> But I'm thinking of doing what we did the other day
10:54:44 <gjanssens> Move the existing repo out of the way
10:54:53 <gjanssens> Create an empty new one on github
10:54:58 <gjanssens> And push into that one
10:55:20 <gjanssens> On code, I can work on the existing repo without a problem
10:55:28 <gjanssens> Only github's should be changed
10:56:00 <lmat> what is meant by "removing the docs history from gnucash-htdocs" ?
10:56:18 <lmat> Where is the history stored ? git ?
10:58:01 <warlord> lmat: yeah. we're splitting the git repo
10:58:19 <warlord> ok
10:58:34 <lmat> warlord: That'll definitely require a force push ^_^ ... and screw up my clone :-P
10:58:52 <lmat> warlord: What's being split ?
10:58:58 <warlord> lmat: are you working in the htdocs repo?!?
10:59:23 <warlord> the pre-built gnucash-docs are being put into their own repo so that people working on the actual website don't have to pull all that down.
10:59:26 <lmat> warlord: well, probably not ^_^ I'm working on gnucash-docs
10:59:48 <warlord> right, that's a different repo (and the source of the newly-created repo)
11:00:06 <lmat> warlord: oh... So there will be a source-only repo, and every so-often, the docs there will be compiled and committed to the htdocs ?
11:00:29 <warlord> lmat: gnucash-docs is the source repo.
11:00:57 <warlord> There will be a built-repo and every so often the docs will be built from gnucash-docs (source) and pushed to this new repo..
11:01:09 <warlord> and then there's the htdocs repo, which is just the raw website (sans built-docs)
11:01:19 <lmat> warlord: fun !
11:03:48 *** mikee is now known as mikee-afk
11:04:14 <gjanssens> For completeness, the prebuilt docs repo won't be on github
11:04:27 <gjanssens> It's content appears directly on the gnucash website
11:04:51 <gjanssens> It's not meant to be cloned by non-website maintainers
11:05:00 <gjanssens> Got to go
11:05:08 *** gjanssens is now known as gjanssens_
11:07:41 <warlord> thanks, gjanssens_
11:44:07 <linas__> ola
11:45:16 <lmat> linas__: You missed it, sorry ^_^
11:45:31 *** linas__ is now known as linas
11:45:40 <warlord> Hey linas
11:46:31 <warlord> gjanssens_ had a request for you to generate an ssh keypair for the svn-mirror user on www (and send me/him the public portion). This keypair probably should not have a password on it so that it doesn't require a p/w for 'git pull'
11:47:22 <linas> gjanssens you've always had set-gid perms for svn-mirror
11:51:21 <warlord> linas: he's not here right now.
11:51:35 <lmat> warlord: You really use a 800 Mhz machine ?
11:51:46 <lmat> warlord: bravo!!
11:52:30 <warlord> But I think ssh generally requires the keys to be 'owned' by the right user, and mode 700. so they need to be created by the user. So unless he can 'su' to the svn-mirror user account I dont think ssh-keygen will work properly
11:52:50 <warlord> lmat: of course not, but I do use cpu-freq ; you hit me at an idle time.
11:53:40 <lmat> warlord: haha!! Oh
11:54:01 <lmat> warlord: Mine only goes down to 1.2 (at least the gui thingie for it)
11:54:42 <warlord> mine is automatic; I have no idea how low it'll go. I also have no idea what xchat is going to say or where it gets its "VERSION" info.
12:16:36 *** gjanssens_ is now known as gjanssens
12:17:16 <gjanssens> warlord linas I don't see how I can generate keys for user svn-mirror with set-git perms
12:17:44 <gjanssens> The keys should get into svn-mirror's homedir IIUC
12:18:08 <gjanssens> But that directory is -rightfully- read only for group members
12:35:34 *** jralls has joined #gnucash
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12:37:11 <jralls> gjanssens: Geert, why did you change the japanese link on the website back to ja_JA? The ISO 3166-1 code for Japan is 'JP', see http://www.iso.org/iso/country_names_and_code_elements.
12:39:33 <jralls> It's the links in docs.phtml that need to be fixed.
12:52:37 <gjanssens> jralls: that was not my intention
12:52:48 <gjanssens> But you created a softlink within a directory
12:52:58 <gjanssens> I wanted to correct that
12:53:03 <gjanssens> Let me try again...
12:54:05 <jralls> I *moved* the soft link from ja_JA (which I might have messed up in the first place a month ago) to ja_JP. I neglected to fix the links in docs.phtml to go with it.
12:54:43 <jralls> But I think we really want to clean out the soft links if that will work. It interacts with lang.php, so I'm looking at that now.
12:57:12 <gjanssens> Well when you committed we got a directory ja_JP with a ja_JA softlink in it
12:57:20 <gjanssens> was that intentional then ?
12:57:45 <gjanssens> the softlink in any case had a bad endpoint
12:58:11 <gjanssens> I have now removed the ja_JA softlink and replaced it with a ja_JP softlink pointing a the ja directory
12:58:29 <gjanssens> Feel free to remove them again when you have docs.phtml fixed up
12:58:30 <jralls> No, that wasn't right. I wanted ja_JA to *become* ja_JP.
12:59:02 <jralls> OK, thanks.
12:59:44 <gjanssens> The git filter-branch is still running by the way
13:00:01 <gjanssens> Allmost 11h straight and still about 300 commits to filter
13:00:28 <gjanssens> Before I can push a cleaned up gnucash-htdocs to my github home
13:01:04 <jralls> Wow. And this is a comparatively small repo.
13:01:25 <lmat> gjanssens: Do you run on a 800Mhz machine like warlord ? ^_^
13:02:08 <gjanssens> Small repo, but big data to remove
13:02:27 <gjanssens> The docs directory turns out to be the biggest chunk of the repo
13:02:54 <gjanssens> The filter-branch command run rm -fr docs on each and every commit in turn
13:03:28 <gjanssens> I suppose it has to do quite some internal administration to make the next commit match without conflicts
13:03:48 <gjanssens> Although it seems it's mostly IO starvation
13:04:03 <gjanssens> The process is waiting for IO most of the time
13:04:15 <gjanssens> Perhaps my disks are getting slow
13:04:38 <gjanssens> Imat: it's not an 800Mhz machine
13:05:17 <gjanssens> But it does run 7 or 8 VM's that all take their share of the IO cake
13:06:28 <gjanssens> I have to go again...
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14:34:06 <isaacd> In GnuCash 2.6.0 I can't enter transactions that only involve one account. (Is this fixed in 2.6.1?) (Obviously those transactions can't transfer money, but they're useful for making a note on a date in an account.)
14:36:00 <jralls> No, you're not supposed to be able to do that.
14:36:13 <isaacd> jralls: oh hmm. Why not?
14:39:43 <isaacd> Well, it looks like as a workaround I could make a "notes" account that never gets any money and is a party to transactions that are notes in other accounts.
14:39:54 <warlord> You should've have ever been able to do that.
14:40:17 <jralls> No particular reason AFAIK, just not a use-case that's covered. One-split transactions aren't allowed because of the way we detect the "empty transaction" at the bottom of each open register. In theory you should be able to make a two-split transaction with both splits in the same account, but then the transaction will appear twice in the register for that account.
14:40:23 <warlord> (although I guess the Scrub wouldn't have added an Imbalance account split if there were no funds transfering)
14:40:53 <isaacd> alright
14:41:02 <isaacd> the "empty transaction" is kind of weird in other ways too
14:41:17 <isaacd> like it appears in General Ledger if you have another account open
14:41:30 <isaacd> and two tabs can then be editing the same empty transaction
14:41:34 <isaacd> unless that changed in 2.6
14:42:10 <jralls> That's supposed to have changed in 2.6. I tried to fix it and it worked OK in my testing.
14:42:18 <isaacd> jralls: oh, yay :)
14:42:55 <isaacd> Anyhow: GnuCash 2.6 has either deleted or not-shown any of those old single-account transactions I made. So, in order to recover my data I'll have to use 2.4 (and possibly on a backup of my accounting.gnucash if it actually deleted the invalid transactions)
14:43:09 <isaacd> Maybe the upgrade should detect and warn you...
14:43:53 <isaacd> (or maybe I am the only one who did it, dunno)
14:44:36 <jralls> Try 2.6.1. I tweaked it a bit because it was hiding things when you made a mistake.
14:44:46 <isaacd> ok
14:44:51 <isaacd> I'll do that :)
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14:48:15 <isaacd> Are the GnuCash releases GPG-signed and/or have their SHA hashes posted in a secure location?
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14:49:20 <jralls> No, except that the Mac versions are code signed with my Apple developer certificate.
14:49:30 <isaacd> I'm on Linux
14:50:03 <isaacd> I just don't like allowing MITMs to compromise my system
14:50:15 <jralls> If you're worried that somehow SourceForge has been hacked you can check out the git repo from GitHub.
14:50:16 <isaacd> At least GitHub uses HTTPS, so maybe I'll build the Git version
14:50:53 <jralls> Sourceforge will use https too if you tell it to.
14:50:53 <isaacd> nah, I just think that WiFi in a crowded place with an insecure router isn't very trustworthy
14:51:04 <isaacd> jralls: really? How do you tell it to?
14:51:13 <isaacd> I always see it redirecting to an http mirror
14:51:58 <jralls> Ah, yes, it will do that from the downloads page.
14:52:31 <isaacd> is there a way to do the download over HTTPS? the mirrors I've tried don't support it
14:52:39 <isaacd> on sourceforge
14:53:17 <isaacd> which is normal for mirrors, of course
14:53:49 <isaacd> but if sourceforge wanted, they could at least serve hashes of their downloads over HTTPS, but I haven't found such a feature
14:53:54 <isaacd> anyway, building from GitHub
14:54:57 <jralls> Try curl with https://downloads.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/gnucash/stable/gnucash-2.6.1.tar.bz2
14:55:26 <isaacd> jralls:
14:55:26 <isaacd> < HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
14:55:26 <isaacd> < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
14:55:26 <isaacd> < Location: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/gnucash/gnucash%20%28stable%29/2.6.1/gnucash-2.6.1.tar.bz2
14:55:59 <isaacd> (I used curl -v to show that header)
14:57:01 <jralls> Oh well. Maybe I should add a hash file with sha256s like Gnome does.
14:57:33 <isaacd> jralls: well, if you find a server to put the hashes on that does HTTPS, that would be great :D
14:57:36 <jralls> I think if I call it "README" SF will even display it on the download page.
14:57:43 <isaacd> ooh
14:57:47 <isaacd> neat
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14:59:34 <isaacd> is it: ./autogen.sh; ./configure; make -j3; make install
15:00:14 <isaacd> Maybe that's not it
15:00:20 <jralls> Maybe. Depends on what options you want and how many cores you want to use.
15:00:20 <isaacd> "gnc-backend-dbi.c: In function 'gnc_module_finalize_backend_dbi':
15:00:20 <isaacd> gnc-backend-dbi.c:1946:5: error: 'dbi_shutdown' is deprecated (declared at /usr/include/dbi/dbi.h:171) [-Werror=deprecated-declarations]
15:00:20 <isaacd> dbi_shutdown();"
15:00:42 <isaacd> I set --prefix and used all my cores, no other options
15:00:49 <isaacd> got that error
15:00:52 <isaacd> I'm using Arch Linux
15:00:58 <isaacd> also some other similar errors
15:01:02 <isaacd> building from git
15:01:04 <jralls> Your distro is using libdbi 0.9, gnucash is written for 0.8. You can ignore the deprecation warnings
15:01:16 <isaacd> but they're errors. Do I need to set -Wno-error?
15:03:00 <jralls> pass --disable-error-on-warnings to configure.
15:03:17 <isaacd> `export CFLAGS=-Wno-error` before running configure and make also seems to have worked
15:04:21 <jralls> They do the same thing, but it's better to put the CFLAGS after the configure invocation and without the export. That gets it into config.status. I've been summoned for lunch BIAW.
15:04:29 *** jralls is now known as jralls_afk
15:04:47 <isaacd> ah okay
15:06:30 <isaacd> Git version results: it shows all the invalid single acct transactions, and does let you create single acct transactions, it just complains when you create or edit them them ("Save the changed transaction?" dialog, where "Record Changes" saves it and "Discard Changes" discards the addition or change)
15:08:05 <isaacd> So: actually pretty okay? except that I'm not sure why this dialog box
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15:21:19 <warlord> Because you don't have a "balanced" transaction
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15:34:54 <isaacd> warlord: "balanced" means that the credits and debits add up to zero? or?
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