2013-12-31 GnuCash IRC logs
01:21:31 *** fell__ has joined #gnucash
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05:14:34 <TinoDidriksen> For this import, I don't have QIF. My bank only exports to CSV, though I can probably transform that to QIF - the format looks simple enough. Still, it's an odd limitation of the CSV importer.
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06:28:48 <PaulFertser> TinoDidriksen: CSV importer wasn't even present at all just a few years ago.
06:29:27 <PaulFertser> TinoDidriksen: there's some python utility you can tweak to automate CSV to OFX conversion, it looked ok'ish but requires python knowledge.
06:29:48 <TinoDidriksen> I wrote a Perl script to convert the data.
06:29:53 <PaulFertser> Nice :)
06:30:23 <PaulFertser> I wrote a Haskell utility to convert from an absolutely insane plain-text table-imitating format used by my bank to OFX, want to see that? ;)
06:31:42 <PaulFertser> I think if you add an issue to the bugtracker the CSV importer might get fixed eventually.
06:32:23 <TinoDidriksen> But I'm more and more in doubt as to whether GnuCash can do what I want. Basically, I want to use my raw bank and CC transactions as the underlying data, then add views as to which and how much of the transactions pertain to certain areas of business. Seems this is not easy to accomplish.
06:33:17 <PaulFertser> TinoDidriksen: GnuCash is about standard bookkeeping, and if you need "analitical features" or "dimensions" you need to either emulate it or use API or use another tool.
06:35:17 <PaulFertser> TinoDidriksen: I remember seeing a nice thread regarding various ways of emulating analytical dimensions to GnuCash, including adding special corresponding "dimension account" to every transaction (so you'll have at least 3 split parts every time).
06:35:55 <PaulFertser> TinoDidriksen: another popular bookkeeping software is ledger (and its brother hledger), it might be you'll find it more suitable for your purposes.
06:37:06 <TinoDidriksen> CLI accounting? That's quite the opposite of what I want, since I also want to attach images and emails and various things to transactions/views.
06:37:38 <PaulFertser> TinoDidriksen: https://gnucash.uservoice.com/forums/101223-feature-request/suggestions/1543027-transaction-classifications <-- that's what I remember reading regarding dimensions, both pages of this discussion are useful.
06:38:03 <TinoDidriksen> The more I look at various software, the more I just want to reinvent the wheel and make my own that does exactly what I want...
06:38:12 <PaulFertser> TinoDidriksen: oh, attaching URLs was implemented but I'm not sure if it's mainlined already.
06:38:17 <TinoDidriksen> It is
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07:38:00 <TinoDidriksen> Hm, the URL helps, but it's one-way. I'd like to go from an attachment to any transactions involving that object.
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07:44:28 <warlord> TinoDidriksen: sorry -- that doesn't exist
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07:49:45 <warlord> gjanssens, john: I've restarted the tags build.
07:50:05 <warlord> ... but it didn't do anything..
07:50:36 <warlord> 2.4.14 tag build already exists; it just failed with the docs.
07:51:34 <PaulFertser> warlord: can it be done by an external query to the database? Can SQLite backend be recommended already? It might be reasonable to simply use an external utility to query it and then the GNUCash API to open the matching transactions? Or am I just dreaming here?
07:54:23 <warlord> IMHO still dreaming; I still don't think the SQL backend is ready for prime time, although I suspect it is getting closer as more people use it and test it. But I certainly wouldn't keep all my data in it.
07:54:24 <TinoDidriksen> When importing data, is there a way to pattern match where each transaction should be split to?
07:54:31 <warlord> You could use the GnuCash API, however..
07:54:58 <warlord> TinoDidriksen: not in a single import. If you turn on Bayesian matching the importer will learn from previous imports.
07:56:04 <TinoDidriksen> Hm, or I could just have my converter script do that matching and output the needed information...
07:56:38 <warlord> For QIF, absolutely!
07:56:49 <warlord> (QIF matches differently than CSV/OFX)
07:57:10 <TinoDidriksen> OFX looks fugly; haven't looked at QIF yet.
07:57:41 <TinoDidriksen> But oh well, it's a script, so I don't have to look at it...
07:58:30 <warlord> IMHO you'll be better off with QIF in terms of being able to script sometihng that GnuCash imports with minimal user interaction
07:58:35 <TinoDidriksen> Oh wait, yeah I looked at QIF - thought you meant QFX.
07:59:40 <warlord> QFX=OFX==SGML stuff...
08:00:03 <PaulFertser> XML too in the current version
08:01:14 <warlord> I dont know if libofx or aqb support the xml version of ofx.
08:02:15 <TinoDidriksen> As a side note, I would definitely use the SQLite backend for the grand implementation of the various meta objects to be stored. That was the first thing I looked for; wouldn't have even downloaded GnuCash if it didn't store to SQLite.
08:03:20 <PaulFertser> libofx can handle XML, that's for sure
08:03:28 <warlord> TinoDidriksen: I would not recommend SQLite right now; people are still finding corner-cases of data loss.
08:04:51 <TinoDidriksen> Silent data loss, or obvious restore from backup data loss? I have nightly backups, so I can handle if it just spits out an error and won't load some day.
08:06:47 <warlord> Silent data loss.. Unless you happen to exit and restart gnucash frequently and recheck your inputs.
08:07:16 <warlord> The error is that it doesn't commit the data to the DB
08:07:24 <TinoDidriksen> Oh, ew...
08:07:31 <warlord> yeah.
08:08:05 <warlord> Every time we find a case we fix it, of course, but there is not a complete test suite that can be used to verify the storage.
08:08:29 <warlord> So people are still finding corner cases where it's not done correctly.
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08:34:10 <gjanssens> warlord: I've removed the build marker for 2.4.14 from the tags file and restarted the build
08:34:23 <gjanssens> It should run now
08:58:23 <warlord> gjanssens: okay
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10:06:18 <lawsa> Where should I report (or how can I fix) typos in the tutorial and help ?
10:06:44 <lawsa> (tutorial PDF page 95 says "Dividens Dividends are cash ..."
10:06:46 <lawsa> )
10:07:02 <lawsa> By the way, this tutorial is nearly priceless!!
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10:11:29 <jmd> lawsa: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Bugzilla
10:13:12 <lawsa> jmd: Thanks, thanks. Should I file one bug for each typo ? Or perhaps put a few in ?
10:14:12 <jmd> I'm not a gnucash developer. But if they are simple typos like that I would put them all in one bug.
10:14:24 <lawsa> jmd: Thanks, that sounds like the right way to me, too :)
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10:33:12 <warlord> lawsa: I think you can include multiple typos in one bug report.. Even better if you can send in a patch against the gnucash-docs package.
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13:06:29 <lawsa> warlord: Thanks!
13:30:00 <lawsa> warlord: I cloned gnucash-docs and it looks a bit different than my pdf ^_^
13:30:08 <lawsa> warlord: (I downloaded the pdf today from the website).
13:30:29 <warlord> lawsa: which version?
13:30:44 <lawsa> warlord: The PDF says "Dividens Dividends are cash payments..." But the xml says <emphasis>Dividends</emphasis> are cash payments a company...
13:30:51 <lawsa> warlord: There doesn't appear to be any emphasis in the PDF.
13:30:55 <lawsa> warlord: the pdf version is...
13:31:31 <warlord> lawsa: my guess is that you pulled down an older version of the PDF
13:31:37 <warlord> and not the most recent version
13:31:44 <lawsa> I don't see a version :(
13:31:46 <lawsa> warlord: ah, perhaps.
13:32:28 <lawsa> warlord: Looks like the last edit (from the git repo) was in May. ... May 4 was a very busy day ;)
13:36:19 <lawsa> warlord: I checked out the version as of Jan 15 2012 and Oct 14 2011 and didn't find the typo in there. Oh well!
13:40:03 <warlord> I'm sure the typo came in and then was later fixed, but the version of the PDF you have was archived when the typo still remained.
13:40:12 <warlord> You should pull down the latest version, not the "2.4" version
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