2013-12-08 GnuCash IRC logs
00:36:11 *** fell_ has joined #gnucash
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02:58:26 <gjanssens> fell: the locale symbol stuff was not backported
02:58:50 <gjanssens> I opted not to, because I fear it may break other stuff
03:36:29 *** TradeBorG18 has joined #gnucash
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04:01:58 *** fell_ has quit IRC
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11:25:26 *** gncbot sets mode: +o fell_
11:33:59 <warlord> fell_: could it be a UTF8 v ISO encoding thing?
11:34:27 <fell_> I think so.
11:34:38 *** fell_ is now known as fell
11:35:59 <warlord> fell, john: on code: default_charset
11:36:11 <warlord> er, default_charset = iso-8859-15
11:36:45 <warlord> I'm not sure what I have to do to migrate the database from iso to utf8.
11:37:29 * warlord is thinking he might just need to "start over" with yet another fresh install for code to bring the software and disk layout up to date; the /boot partition is too small to upgrade to modern fedora.
11:38:03 <fell> To convert your database to UTF-8, the easiest way is to dump the database, convert the dump into UTF-8 and then import the converted dump back into the database.
11:38:05 <fell> You can use ​iconv to convert the dump.
11:38:05 <warlord> Code started with an install of F10 and was last updated to F15; Fedora is now up to F20
11:38:27 <warlord> I have no idea how to dump/load a sqlite db
11:41:06 <fell> http://www.sqlite.org/sqlite.html #Special commands to sqlite3
11:41:36 <fell> .dump ?TABLE? ...
11:48:00 <warlord> If it were mysql I would know how to do it ;)
11:48:36 <warlord> If I just started over then it wouldn't matter -- it could just pull in the svn DB. We're not actually using Trac for anything except viewing..
12:27:56 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
12:47:00 *** h00pertron has joined #gnucash
12:47:11 <h00pertron> hi all
12:47:19 <h00pertron> linux/arch/gnome/gnucash noob here
12:48:10 <h00pertron> gnucash problem: when I schedule transactions (e.g. monthly salary), these future transactions DONT show on checking account or long range income/expense reports
12:48:30 <h00pertron> since I want to plan my total income/outgoings for next year, this is not good
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13:12:17 <warlord> h00pertron: this is correct, SXes are not real until they get posted. Reports don't know about non-executed SXes
13:12:46 <h00pertron> warlord - yeah sorry, i realise that all forward planning is what we call 'budgets'
13:13:24 <warlord> h00pertron: right, and gnucash's budgeting is.... limited.
13:13:30 <h00pertron> ah
13:13:54 <h00pertron> that's a shame
13:14:17 <warlord> There is a budget feature but I have never used it myself.
13:14:52 <warlord> I just gnucash to keep track of what I've spent so I can see where I'm spending a lot to change my behaviors.
13:17:23 <warlord> If you want more help you can ask on the gnucash-user mailing list; there are people who have successfully used the budget feature
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13:30:32 <h00pertron> seems gnucash isn't quite what i'm after
13:30:49 <h00pertron> shame as i've spent most of the afternoon trying to learn how to use it! hah
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14:12:00 <warlord> h00pertron: what are you after?
14:24:21 <h00pertron> for now I just wanted to work out my total income and outgoings for 2014
14:24:35 <h00pertron> it's easy enough on a spreadsheet
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14:36:12 <warlord> But how do you know how much you will make or spend in 2014? It's all just guesswork.
14:36:22 <warlord> (and you can do that with the budgeting feature)
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16:33:39 *** gjanssens is now known as gjanssens_
16:39:18 <fell> Ahem, warlord, did you forget the aqbanking screenshots?
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16:43:47 <warlord> fell: okay, they should be there, now.
16:44:25 <warlord> at /wiki/images/<img name>
16:45:00 <fell> thx
16:45:59 <warlord> NP. Thanks for the reminder. (I did forget)
17:22:11 <fell> Hm, I have a problem to link them. E.g. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?go=Go&search=File:assistent2.png results in http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/File:Assistent2.png
17:23:00 <fell> "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?go=Go&search=File:assistent2.png" was the first expression
17:23:26 <fell> only the part behind =
17:24:35 <warlord> fell: Why would you expect a search to find it?
17:25:10 <warlord> Also, why are you on en.wikipedia?
17:25:20 <fell> I did'nt there seems to be some macro expansion in my IRC client
17:26:06 <warlord> Anyways, it's not in the DB.. So mediawiki wont find it.
17:26:29 <warlord> you just have to link to the URL directly.
17:27:17 <fell> I just have "File:assistent2.png" in the double brackets
17:27:31 <warlord> Yeah, that wont work
17:27:45 <warlord> Take a look at other places that use images
17:28:58 <fell> and that will be expanded to wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/File:Assistent2.png
17:30:00 <warlord> fell: which is incorrect. You need /wiki/images/assistent2.png
17:33:00 <fell> I can external link like http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/images/assistent1.png
17:33:48 <warlord> that might be what you need to do...
17:33:50 <fell> but I don't find a way to for an internal link, so it would show up in the page.
17:34:18 <warlord> I thought it was done before... There are a bunch of AqB images in there..
17:34:27 <warlord> and some screenshots.
17:37:00 <fell> where?
17:37:49 <warlord> I dont know, I just uploaded the images. I don't know how they are used.
17:38:08 <warlord> There's AqB-getaccountsuccess.png uploaded Jan 2013
17:39:18 <warlord> search claims it is used in De/Baustelle
17:45:23 <fell> De/Baustelle&action=history says last change 03:22, 17. Apr. 2011
17:45:57 <warlord> fell: try Image: instead of File: ?
17:47:54 <fell> according http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Images_and_other_uploaded_files it is the outdated form
17:48:08 <warlord> yes, but we're running an old MW
17:48:23 <fell> and now in the link automacly replaced with File:
17:48:36 <warlord> ??
17:49:04 <fell> automaticly
17:49:08 <warlord> our wiki is automatically replacing Image: with File: ?
17:50:31 <fell> yep, I write "Image:assistent1.png" and the page gets "File:Assistent1.png"
17:51:46 <warlord> What if you write Image:/images/assistent1.png ?
17:52:09 <warlord> ... or Image:images/assistent1.png
17:57:18 <fell> Have a look at http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/De/Onlinebanking-Einrichtungsassistent
18:00:19 <fell> and edit it to see I wrote image nor File: neither Image
18:00:37 <warlord> Hmm.
18:02:03 <fell> I am wondering what would happen if you renamed /images/ to /File:/
18:02:30 <fell> or if we could set a link
18:03:38 <warlord> Let me try that..
18:04:15 <warlord> Well, it makes the link work, but mediawiki isn't inlining the image.
18:04:47 <warlord> Also, the MediaWiki:External_image_whitelist control page doesn't need to have any effect..
18:23:42 <fell> BTW http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Special:WantedFiles has 41 entries.
18:27:20 <warlord> I dont know how to deal with those without enabling uploads... Which could be a MAJOR spam thing unless there is some way to limit it to a know list of "allowed uploaders"
18:27:42 <warlord> However I think I'd prefer to wait until after I can upgrade code to a newer OS before we enable that...
18:27:49 <warlord> It's currently 2 1/2 years out-of-date
18:28:51 <fell> Eventually restrict upload to Admins or have it moderated by amins.
18:32:09 <fell> For me it is no important feature, I just see a few people wanting to contribute and get probably frustrated.
18:52:04 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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19:57:53 <warlord> fair enough...
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19:58:23 <warlord> I have several holidays coming up later this month; My plan is to work on upgrading two of my servers, code being one of them.
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23:06:06 <ilesm> hey GnuCash experts, could someone give me advice on the current best practice for writing a script to add transactions?
23:07:19 <ilesm> I'm currently on 2.4.13... is http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Python_Bindings up to date for using Python?
23:08:06 <ilesm> if I moved to SQL do I have more options? can I write to the DB directly? is there a GnuCash library to let me write to the DB?
23:08:39 <ilesm> should I move to 2.5? etc... I just need to be pointed in the right direction
23:31:57 <ilesm> I'm trying to import transactions from QFX and the built-in matcher doesn't work all the time
23:32:42 <ilesm> I can pre-process the QFX, but QFX doesn't support double-entry transactions so I can't write out to QFX
23:35:49 <ilesm> maybe reading QFX and writing out a QIF file that has the correct 'to' and 'from' accounts is the simplest approach?
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