2013-09-30 GnuCash IRC logs
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02:49:19 <mib_e3fknh> Hallo hallo
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03:04:02 <mib_e3fknh> Kann mir jemand sagen, wann die Version 2.6 offiziell erscheint? Ich habe da im Web nichts gefunden.
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04:21:54 <ejr> (I'm new to both gnuCash and IRC.) I assume I want separate gnu cash files for Business and Personal. I'll be importing from Quicken (which has just ONE set of categories). I've handled that ("ONE") by paying for books (and other expenses) from separate checking accounts. IS there a way to import the Quicken transactions from my Bus checking account into a gnu cash file, and my the Quicken transaction
04:24:51 <ejr> ... sorry.. continuing ... the Quicken transactions from my PERS account into a gnu cash PERS file? (NB: above should read: "... Quicken transactions from my BUS checking account into a gnu cash BUS file"). THANKS!
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04:29:10 <ejr> IGNORE THE ABOVE BEGINNING WITH "IS THERE...." (b/c my Q got garbled): IS THERE a way to import the Quicken transactions from my BUS checking account into a gnu cash BUS file, and the Quicken transactions from my PERS account into a gnu cash PERS file? Or is there some other way to accomplish the separation?
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06:39:38 <ejr> AHA! I found how to export from Quicken selected accounts. That should solve my problem.
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06:48:55 <mib_baoxav> Mann. Ich verzweifele. Ich habe jetzt gnucash mindestens 5 mal übersetzt und das Ding schmiert beim starten immer wieder ab.
06:49:04 <mib_baoxav> ERROR: In procedure gnc-module-load: ERROR: SCM_STRING_CHARS does not work with read-only strings
06:49:32 <mib_baoxav> Leider haben alle google Ergebnisse, die ich gefunden habe, keine Besserung ergeben.
06:49:56 <mib_baoxav> Hat irgendjemand die 2.5.5 schon unter Ubuntu zum fliegen bekommen?
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09:14:45 <Administrator> hello everyone is here any one who has used gnucash android ? if yes then please tell me the procedure to compile it in exlipse i want to make it please give your valuable suggestion
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09:29:02 <Administrator> hello
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09:38:26 <Administrator> hello
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10:14:19 <mib_gy9d0p> Hallo. Irgendwer wach?
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10:41:21 <fell> @tell mib_gy9d0p War gerade Kaffeetrinken. Bleib demnächst bitte etwas länger im Kanal, wenn du etwas wissen möchtest.
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12:20:28 <pc1> hello
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13:41:45 <john> gjanssens: Geert, how are you getting along with your Mac build?
13:43:39 <gjanssens> john: not too well :(
13:43:46 <gjanssens> I get several errors
13:43:56 <john> At what stage?
13:44:19 <gjanssens> jhbuild bootstrap currently
13:44:26 <gjanssens> Here's the error message
13:44:32 <john> What versions of OSX and Xcode do you have?
13:44:54 <gjanssens> -- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.2.1
13:44:55 <gjanssens> -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.2.1
13:44:56 <gjanssens> CMake Error at Modules/Platform/Darwin.cmake:190 (message):
13:44:58 <gjanssens> CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET is '10.5' but CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT:
13:44:59 <gjanssens> ""
13:45:01 <gjanssens> is not set to a MacOSX SDK with a recognized version. Either set
13:45:02 <gjanssens> CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT to a valid SDK or set CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET to
13:45:04 <gjanssens> empty.
13:45:28 <gjanssens> OS X 10.6.8
13:46:26 <gjanssens> Not sure where to find the xcode version
13:46:53 <john> So Xcode 3.2? Are you using the example .jhbuildrc-custom with no changes?
13:47:36 <gjanssens> I downloaded .jhbuildrc-custom from the gnucash wiki page on building on OS X
13:47:58 <gjanssens> And I changed the module set to include gnucash-git instead of gnucash-stable
13:48:02 <gjanssens> But that's about it
13:48:15 <gjanssens> I did this before running jhbuild bootstrap
13:48:22 <gjanssens> Perhaps that's wrong ?
13:48:24 <john> xcodebuild --version.
13:49:26 <gjanssens> xcodebuild -version
13:49:27 <gjanssens> Xcode 3.2.6
13:49:29 <gjanssens> Component versions: DevToolsCore-1809.0; DevToolsSupport-1806.0
13:49:30 <gjanssens> BuildVersion: 10M2518
13:49:44 <gjanssens> So yes, 3.2
13:50:41 <gjanssens> I did restart on top of an old jhbuild install in case that matters
13:51:45 <gjanssens> Hmm, bootstrap failure is in stept "configuring cmake"
13:51:48 <john> The old might matter, but probably not. I'd forgotten about the .jhbuild-custom in gnucash-on-osx. Give me a minute to have a look at it.
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14:02:38 <john> Well, it looks OK to me. I've fired up my old macbook pro on 10.6 which should be pretty close to the same environment you've got, and started bootstrap. CMake is the last module, so it will take a few minutes.
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14:07:12 <gjanssens> Ok
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14:15:18 <john> I'm wrong, cmake is 3rd. It failed for me with the same error message you got after the first round of compilation.
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14:25:26 <gjanssens> So... any idea what's causing this ?
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14:35:36 <john> Not yet. I think I've solved this before, I just need to find the solution.
14:38:43 <gjanssens> Ok. Well, I'm about to have diner anyway, so take your time :à
14:38:49 <gjanssens> :)
14:39:35 <gjanssens> On a related note, John
14:40:20 <gjanssens> If you had questions about the inner workings of gsettings, where would you ask them ?
14:40:49 <gjanssens> Preferably with an audience that's not too much contra-windows...
14:42:00 <gjanssens> The gtk-apps-devel list doesn't seem to respond to my gsettings related questions
14:42:18 <gjanssens> Either nobody knows, or nobody cares...
14:43:40 <john> Well, that's where I'd go first. You could try the gtk irc channel.
14:44:01 <gjanssens> Hmm, gtk is not glib, perhaps I should find a glib related list
14:44:45 <gjanssens> I'll check the gtk irc channel as well
14:44:49 <john> You could also try asking Tarnyko <tarnyko@tarnyko.net> directly. He's been doing most of the windows gtk work lately.
14:45:26 <john> No, glib and gtk are done by the same team. There's only gtk-devel and gtk-app-devel.
14:48:43 <john> Looks like I solved the cmake problem by upgrading to Xcode-4.2. I'll see if I can find or figure out a solution for 3.2.
14:56:20 <warlord> gjanssens: I suspect "nobody cares".. Gnome/GTK is in a Bad Shape, IMHO, and getting worse.
15:18:34 <john> I don't entirely agree about "getting worse", except for M$Win support. The only person who's working on it doesn't have commit, which seriously sucks.
15:19:55 <john> But it's built on a bad case of hubris and a seriously sucky object model which makes just about everything 100 time harder than it would be if it weren't such a science fair project.
15:30:11 <john> gjanssens: The cmake problem turns out to be a cake bug that's most easily fixed by downgrading to 2.8.9. Edit ~/Source/jhbuild/modulesets/bootstrap.modules.
15:30:53 <john> Looks like there's another problem with intltool: launchpad is too cheap to get a real certificate and wget pukes. Investigating.
15:31:44 <warlord> john: you can use wget --no-check-certificate
15:32:21 <john> Yeah, I know, but I can't tell jhbuild to do that.
15:33:04 <john> BTW, do you remember anything about the "alt_dirty_mode" thing in qofid.c?
15:33:47 <warlord> I'd have to look at the code.. IIRC there was a way to ask a QofCollection "are any of your items dirty?" and have it give me a quick answer instead of having to enumerate and check them all
15:35:18 <john> Alt dirty mode isn't that. It tells QofCollections not to mark themselves dirty when something changes.
15:38:00 <john> I guess a more global question is "do collections need to be persisted"? Certainly the GUID->object one in QofBook doesn't, since it's going to change every time an object gets loaded.
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15:41:03 <warlord> it depends what it's a collection of. The collection *itself* isn't persisted.
15:41:17 <warlord> But the contents of the collection may be. (e.g., the collection of Invoices, etc)
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15:49:59 <john> If the contents of the collection are QofInstances like Invoices, they're responsible for their own persistence via a commit_edit method.
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15:56:34 <warlord> I'm thinking about persistence in terms of an XML file..
15:57:00 <warlord> in SQL the Collection probably refers to a table.
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16:02:29 <john> There isn't one, but I guess that doesn't mean there shouldn't be. I'll study an XML file to see what's getting saved.
16:03:46 <warlord> I mean each instance of a QofCollection refers to a Table. (E.g. GncInvoice). So I'm not sure what you mean by the Collection being persisted here.
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16:12:13 <john> No, each subclass of QofInstance (e.g. GncInvoice) is backed by a table, and is responsible for persisting itself via its commit callbacks. Some classes have QofCollections as members, and those seem not to be persisted by the SQL backend.
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16:14:43 <warlord> Right, and the QofCollection is a QOF View into that collection of GncInvoice instances
16:15:06 <warlord> Think of QofCollection as a container of instances of a single type.
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16:17:05 <warlord> e.g., you have a collection of GncInvoice instances, a collection of Transaction instances, a collection of Split instances... This gives you the ability to iterate over all existing instances (of subclasses of QofInstance) in a common way.
16:17:32 <warlord> It's also used,as you've already said, as a way to map from GUID back to the object
16:18:06 <john> Yeah, that's the way the one in Book works, so clearly no need to persist it.
16:18:10 <warlord> If we were 100% SQL based then we wouldn't need the QofCollection because we could just query the database for "<object> where <guid>=...."
16:18:24 <john> Is that also the case for all of the others?
16:18:25 <warlord> I don't understand what you mean by persisting the Collection
16:19:04 <john> persisting = storing in the database, whether it's XML or SQL.
16:20:26 <john> Even if we're 100% Sql based we'll still want an in-memory directory of what GUIDs are already loaded.
16:20:29 <gjanssens> (got sidetracked)
16:20:49 <warlord> Where are these objects persisted?
16:20:51 <john> Geert, I thought you went to have dinner.
16:21:09 <gjanssens> john, for cmake is that exactly 2.8.9, or did you specify a micro version as well
16:21:21 <john> Derek, see http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/SQL
16:21:37 <gjanssens> Heh, I went to have diner, and then the wife came home from her weekend
16:21:44 <gjanssens> with friends...
16:21:46 <john> Geert: There is no micro for 2.8.9 AFAIK.
16:24:39 <warlord> john: what about it? I don't see any reference to "collection" on that page.
16:25:17 <john> Exactly.
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16:25:56 <warlord> john: I still don't understand your point. Collections are purely in-memory helpers.
16:26:01 <john> You see accounts, book, invoice,… all of the QofInstance subclasses. No collections.
16:26:12 <warlord> Right...
16:26:22 <warlord> That's exactly how it is supposed to be. A collection isn't an object.
16:26:23 <john> The QofInstance subclasses are persisted into the tables, but the collections aren't.
16:26:33 <warlord> Collections aren't "objects"
16:26:44 <warlord> (in the same sense that a Transaction is an "object")
16:27:13 <warlord> Collections are purely metadata; a way for QOF to maintain GUID->QofInstance in O(1) lookups.
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16:27:49 <warlord> (and a way to enumerate and iterate over all QofInstances of a single QofInstanceType)
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16:28:24 <john> Well, I guess that depends. I mean objects in the sense of a structure containing data members and functions that operate on those data.
16:29:43 <john> >purely metadata: Well, lots of stuff is metadata; that doesn't mean it doesn't need to be kept from one run to the next. Book's collection clearly doesn't, but is that true for everything that has a collection?
16:29:46 <warlord> That's not how I am using the word object here.
16:29:57 <warlord> Yes
16:30:06 <warlord> Collections do not get persisted.
16:30:11 <john> OK, what do you mean by object?
16:30:30 <warlord> Somrething like a Transaction, a Split, a Tax Table..
16:30:35 <warlord> Those are real objects.
16:30:46 <john> >do not get persisted: OK, good. If they are in the XML back end I'll fix it.
16:30:46 <warlord> A QofCollection is purely a container to reference real objects.
16:30:54 <warlord> They are not.
16:32:28 <john> Sorry, lost your thread. What are not?
16:33:40 <warlord> Collections are not persisted in XML... Because they should not be "persisted"
16:33:49 <warlord> (and never should be)
16:34:56 <john> Hmm. I saw something last week when I was working on that SX already-done bug that suggested otherwise.
16:35:30 <gjanssens> Bootstrap ran succesfully with cmake 2.8.9
16:35:50 <warlord> john: zcat ~/Private/GnuCash/Personal-2007 | grep -i coll returns nothing.. And I do use SXes
16:36:19 <gjanssens> jhbuild build fails in libxml2 (step 6)
16:37:12 <gjanssens> (the build part, configure ran succesfully)
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16:37:40 <john> Yay. The next issue is that libxml2 doesn't want to build unless python is in the modules list.
16:38:09 <john> I see you found that while I was typing.
16:38:19 <gjanssens> :)
16:39:19 <gjanssens> I'm really a novice what jhbuild is concerned :(
16:39:45 <gjanssens> Can you give me a little more detail on how to add this ?
16:40:09 <gjanssens> But I'll have to continue this tomorrow anyway. It's getting late here.
16:40:31 <gjanssens> You can leave furhter instructions here on irc if you like
16:40:37 <gjanssens> I'll check the logs tomorrow.
16:40:39 <john> I was just getting to that. ;-) Just add it to the list in modules=[…]
16:41:43 <john> If you can get that done and fire up the build, I'll write up anything else and email it to you.
16:42:24 <gjanssens> Python is building...
16:42:39 <gjanssens> Thanks
16:42:40 <john> OK, g'night.
16:42:48 <gjanssens> Bye
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