2013-09-18 GnuCash IRC logs
00:12:52 *** vantage has quit IRC
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08:16:25 *** moldy has joined #gnucash
08:16:28 <moldy> hi
08:16:51 <moldy> when i want to post an invoice, gnucash prompts me for an account, and i cannot select any of my existing ones
08:16:59 <moldy> what is going on here? this is new, as far as i can tell
08:21:36 <moldy> ok, it wants an a/receivable -- but why can i not select my existing one?
08:21:48 <warlord> Wrong currency?
08:23:04 <moldy> warlord: hm, could it be related to a change in my LC_* environment settings?
08:23:50 <moldy> well, it seems gnucash is set to $ now, instead of €
08:25:51 <warlord> That could do it, especially if your customer is set to "use locale currency" and your locale currency changed.
08:26:56 <moldy> warlord: thanks, that seems to be the issue
08:27:02 <warlord> :)
08:27:04 <warlord> Happy to help
08:27:30 <moldy> warlord: can i change the currency for the invoice?
08:28:08 <warlord> Yes; to do so you need to click on the "Edit" toolbar button and re-select the Customer.
08:28:44 <moldy> warlord: ah, thanks
08:29:40 <warlord> You might want to fix your LC_* settings first (and will need to restart gnucash)
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08:54:09 <moldy> warlord: yep :)
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09:05:04 <warlord> moldy: working now?
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14:32:19 <moldy> warlord: yes, thank you
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14:44:01 <ericrathhaus> Can I use .qfx files downloaded from my bank for electronic reconciliation?
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15:23:48 *** PopularOutcast has joined #gnucash
15:25:10 <PopularOutcast> I need to schedule transactions that occur on the third Wednesday of every month and the last day of the month. I am not sure how to do this. Possible?
15:46:23 <warlord> ericrathhaus: yes
15:46:45 <warlord> PopularOutcast: I'm..... not sure
15:47:06 <PopularOutcast> ok thank you
15:48:27 <warlord> PopularOutcast: you can try asking on gnucash-user.. more people there who have used it
15:48:59 <PopularOutcast> ok thank you
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