2013-09-13 GnuCash IRC logs
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08:41:58 <warlord> @op
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10:16:51 <Harold> Hi, I am attempting to install gnucash 2.5.5; centos 6.2. I get the following error:
10:16:52 <gncbot> Harold: Sent 21 hours and 31 minutes ago: <warlord> maybe if you stick around for more than 10 minutes you might actually get an answer.. You're missing the -devel packages.
10:16:53 <Harold> configure: error: Library requirements (glib-2.0 >= 2.28 gthread-2.0 gobject-2.0 gmodule-2.0) not met;
10:18:12 <Harold> Well I am being kicked off your server. Using opera chat, it seems this is not a variable.
10:18:27 <warlord> Not my server..
10:18:42 <Harold> Don't know how to fix it.
10:18:52 <warlord> Use a real IRC client
10:19:26 <Harold> Your are absolutely correct. I am just needing some help here.
10:21:17 <Harold> Regarding the -devel package, I have install every -devel package I can find. The glib2-devel is there and has about every flavor of cpu, i868, etc.
10:22:19 <warlord> First, are you trying to build 2.5.5 so you can test it? Or are you just wanting to use GnuCahs?
10:22:53 <warlord> If you just want to use gnucash then you should just "yum install gnucash"
10:23:23 <warlord> Otherwise, I would suggest: yum-builddep gnucash
10:23:41 <warlord> This should auto-install the 2.4.x build-deps which *SHOULD* be new-enough for 2.5.x -- but possibly not..
10:24:12 <warlord> What version of glib2 do you have?
10:24:20 <warlord> rpm -q glib2
10:24:20 <Harold> I have 2.4 installed and have been using it for about 2 years.
10:24:36 <warlord> (it's possible that RHEL6 doesn't have a "new enough" glib for 2.5)
10:26:32 <Harold> glib2 2.22.5-7.elxxx
10:26:46 <warlord> Yeah, that's the issue.
10:26:56 <warlord> GnuCash 2.5 needs glib2 2-28
10:26:56 <Harold> really????
10:27:11 <Harold> I'm on it, thanks!!!
10:27:24 <warlord> Do you have to stick with RHEL on your desktop?
10:27:47 <Harold> no
10:27:48 <warlord> It's usually pretty far behind the curve in terms of keeping up with the joneses.. It's usually pretty long in the tooth.
10:27:58 <warlord> I would recommend instead you switch to Fedora.
10:28:17 <warlord> It's "close enough" to RHEL, and frankly RHEL is derived from Fedora..
10:28:58 <Harold> OK, thanks for the tip. I will do this when I have time.
10:29:42 <warlord> Until then I'm afraid you'll have to stick with 2.4
10:29:47 <warlord> ... and you should install xchat for IRC
10:30:33 <Harold> You know it tried connecting using xchat and it didn't connect to anything.
10:31:19 <warlord> You probably just didn't configure it correctly.
10:31:34 * warlord has been a happy xchat user for... a decade or more.
10:32:24 <Harold> I didn't configure it at all and the opera chat was just handy. I used to use irc years ago and haven't updated my skill set.
10:33:41 <warlord> This is pretty much the only IRC channel I use regularly. Periodically I'll connect to freenode when I need to talk to someone about other projects.
10:34:24 <Harold> That's good information.
10:34:55 <Harold> I have to check out. Thank-you for all of your help
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11:46:43 <johanp> hi all
11:46:53 <johanp> So I just tried the Android GnuCash app
11:46:58 <johanp> and I'm a little confused
11:47:27 <johanp> what happened to the whole double-entry idea... or am I just missing something?
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12:56:11 <john> warlord: Derek, re reverting changes: Yes, git reset has several modes. See http://git-scm.com/docs/git-reset.
13:20:10 <warlord> john: I probably used --hard, which I probably shouldn't have..
13:21:20 <jmd> you can always recover with git reflog
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13:28:22 <john> Yup. Nothing is ever lost until you run git gc.
13:29:07 <warlord> OH.. Hmm.. That's good to know.
13:29:21 * warlord is still a complete n00b w.r.t. git
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13:41:51 <bobby> How do I print debug statements that are included in the source code of Gnucash? I've tried GNC_DEBUG=1 gnucash, G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all gnucash, and gnucash --debug
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13:46:03 <warlord> bobby: you have to turn on debugging for the particular module you want to debug. What are you trying to get?
13:46:36 <warlord> bobby: from gnucash --help:
13:46:40 <warlord> --log Log level overrides, of the form "log.ger.path={debug,info,warn,crit,error}"
13:46:52 <bobby> warlord: debug statements in the budget source code (e.g. src/gnome/gnc-plugin-budget.c)
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13:48:37 <bobby> warlord: is that the gnome module then?
13:48:49 <johanp> anyone here interested in the Android version of Gnucash?
13:49:09 <johanp> I can't work out why it wouldn't have the double entry system
13:50:35 <warlord> bobby: look at the top of the source file(s) for the logger module name
13:51:26 <warlord> bobby: it's GNC_MOD_GUI, which is "gnc.gui"
13:51:49 <warlord> johanp: I don't understand your question or statement.
13:56:12 <bobby> wow, that's a lot of info! $gnucash --log gnc.gui=debug --logto=stdout if anyone has this question in the future
13:59:30 <johanp> warlord: ah, you joined about 30 seconds after I asked my original question :)
13:59:47 <johanp> I tried the Android version of Gnucash
14:00:02 <johanp> and it seems I'm confused about something, or it doesn't have any notion of the double entry system
14:00:13 <warlord> johanp: I think you're confused
14:00:22 <johanp> good :0
14:00:24 <johanp> :)
14:00:40 <warlord> But you'll really have to talk to Nwegi
14:01:13 <johanp> ok thx - I'll hang around for a bit
14:01:29 <warlord> He's never here -- try asking on gnucash-user
14:01:42 <johanp> :)
14:01:43 <johanp> thankyou!
14:05:02 <john> warlord: Derek, is there a reason the business copy functions don't mark the instance dirty -- thus aren't written to the DB on commit?
14:08:28 <johanp> cheers all
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14:09:39 <warlord> johey: I didn't write them, so, I don' t know. Bug?
14:10:02 <warlord> (I guess it depends to which "copy functions" you are referring)
14:11:23 <john> At the moment, I mean gncEntryCopy and gncInvoiceCopy. I'm going to treat it as a bug and add in marking the instance.
14:13:36 <warlord> I think cstim wrote those APIs
14:13:47 <warlord> I think it's safe to consider it a bug.
14:18:12 <john> Yeah. In two of three cases, a subsequent call will write the copies, so that third case is definitely a bug -- especially since it means that the invoice/bill gets written but the entry isn't.
14:18:27 <warlord> oops
14:19:46 <john> Is Christian also to blame for the poor decomposition of entry, with separate parameters for the same thing (e.g., i_account and b_account)?
14:20:08 <warlord> no, that's me.
14:20:21 <warlord> Because an Entry is "reused" for a chargeback.
14:20:57 <john> How?
14:24:57 <warlord> So it can belong to a Bill and an invoice.
14:25:16 <warlord> Well, you create a bill, the entry gets created and the b_* values get used.
14:26:08 <warlord> if it's marked for chargeback then there's a flag and it will get displayed when you invoice the customer, but the entry will have not have an X.. If you "X" it to attach it to the invoice, then it will let you fill in the i_* values.
14:26:26 <warlord> Same GncEntry, tied to both a Bill and Invoice.
14:28:38 <john> OK. Is that for direct pass-through of e.g. materials costs to the customer?
14:33:22 <warlord> Yes
14:33:34 <warlord> Although you can change the amount..
14:33:44 <warlord> i.e., you buy for $X, charge the customer $Y
14:35:04 <john> Then you're in a resale position and you need to be booking the cost as an expense and the total, not the delta, as income.
14:36:16 <john> But maybe that's orthogonal to the Entry stuff.
14:36:45 <john> But wouldn't it be cleaner in that case to *copy* the Entry and tie the two together with a reference?
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14:43:52 <warlord> That is the way it works...
14:44:28 <warlord> Would it be cleaner? Possibly.. But a decade ago this seemed... "better"
14:44:48 <warlord> Because the tie-in would allow arbitrary pointers, whereas this didnt
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14:49:05 <john> We have "arbitrary" pointers all over the place, starting with every single split everywhere.
14:49:42 <john> Oh well, there are way more important things to work on than database optimization. Like getting everything *into* the database.
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14:58:59 <warlord> :)
14:59:30 <warlord> If I were to do it again today I would've done lots of things differently. Then again if I were to do it today I'd probably use C++ instead of C..
15:38:59 <john> Well, I think C++ is coming. I agree with Christian that the less we're dependent upon glib the better, and writing GObject classes is hard to get right. Unfortunately, the engine classes get it spectacularly wrong.
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16:28:24 <warlord> the engine classes are bastardized gobject.
16:28:42 <warlord> I really wish I had decided to do QOF as C++ instead of what I did.
16:28:59 <warlord> but 12 years ago the C++ API/ABI was still a moving target.
16:40:53 <john> C++ is still a moving target. It was more stable 12 years ago than it is now: 13 years between c++98 and C++11, but only 3 to C++14. The C++ gods have decreed new standards every 3-5 years from now on. OTOH, C++11/14 compilers will (supposedly) happily compile C++98, just as current C compilers will compile K&R -- though they may bitch about some things.
16:42:52 <john> As for the engine classes, they're bastards, all right.
16:48:37 <warlord> I think the compiler/linker people have at least figured out how to do ABI stability..
16:49:04 <warlord> (although you are right, you cannot get c++98 and c++11 to interoperate -- bastards)
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20:55:12 <fell_> about the question of johanp some hours ago: checkmark Settings->transactions->double entry or whatever it is named in english
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