2013-08-02 GnuCash IRC logs
01:12:15 *** shanny has joined #gnucash
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01:46:27 <warlord> hey mikee -- can you /op gncbot when you get the chance?
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02:02:59 <gour> morning
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02:21:59 *** colinkeenan has joined #gnucash
02:23:34 <colinkeenan> I've been using GnuCash on Linux for many years without any real issues. Today I can't open my file and in /tmp/gnucash.trace it says 00:54:13 CRIT <GLib> g_hash_table_foreach: assertion `version == hash_table->version' failed
02:24:16 <colinkeenan> I have extracted the file and opened it in vim to edit the xml, but I have no idea what I need to fix
02:24:29 <colinkeenan> Is anyone available to help me?
02:36:51 <colinkeenan> I will try again durring ordinary business hours. I'm in Kansas City US so I would expect to find people during the day here I guess.
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04:44:22 <gour> are the items listed in http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Roadmap (e.g. 3) & 5) going to be tackled after 2.6?
04:49:32 <warlord> gour: maybe?
05:07:33 <gour> ok...do you still considered XML as the most robust format in GC?
05:20:48 <warlord> yes
05:21:00 <warlord> and I'll still think that in 2.6, too.
05:21:08 <warlord> (and possibly even still in 2.8)
05:24:57 <gour> ok, then i'll continue using it (uncompressed) and having it under git's supervision :-)
05:28:04 <gour> i plan to tackle those soon, but wonder if the customization options available within GC are for 'standard' or' eguile' reports (invoices) and/or which one do you recommend as more easily customizable?
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05:39:33 <warlord> eguile
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08:08:00 <mikee> @op gncbot
08:08:00 <gncbot> mikee: Error: I need to be opped to op someone.
08:08:30 *** mikee sets mode: +o gncbot
08:09:40 <mikee> warlord: Oops. Didn't notice your message. Not paying attention!
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10:05:10 <_abbenormal> hello all
10:06:47 <_abbenormal> ? can this have a bar-code gen in it or can this be used with bar-coding for inventory control track product samples and billing for those samples
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12:08:52 <colinkeenan> Hello
12:13:07 <colinkeenan> I just tried opening the file again to report the error again, but now it opens. This, after staying up until 4am to recreate all the transactions from 7/25 to now. I don't know why their was a hash problem yesterday but now it works. So, nevermind my messages about 00:54:13 CRIT <GLib> g_hash_table_foreach: assertion `version == hash_table->version' failed if you have a record of that.
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20:02:58 <niranjan> Hi I am getting error CRIT <GLib> g_hash_table_foreach: assertion `version == hash_table->version' failed when trying simple_test.py from examples.
20:03:12 <niranjan> On ubuntu 12.04, everything installed from repo
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