2013-06-26 GnuCash IRC logs
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08:40:17 <TTgeek> Hi. For a sole trader, does drawings come under Assets as a negative liability?
08:41:13 <warlord> TTgeek: what does your accountant say? How would you account for it with Pen & Paper?
08:49:15 <TTgeek> Thanks for the pointer
08:54:21 <warlord> you're welcome.
08:54:26 <warlord> (sorry, IANAA)
08:56:01 <TTgeek> No probs. Do you by chance know of an IRC channel with accountancy/auditing advice?
08:56:34 <TTgeek> Googled and found some. thx
08:58:43 <warlord> Good luck. (I do not, honestly -- what did you find?)
08:59:09 <TTgeek> http://www.chatmag.com/topics/business/accounting.html
09:00:49 <TTgeek> https://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=irc+chat+accountancy&meta=&rlz=1I7SNYK_en#q=%22irc%22+chat+accountant+OR+accountant+OR+accountancy+OR+audit+OR+auditing&hl=en&rlz=1I7SNYK_en&ei=4OXKUdeNCIr40gW-3YCQDg&start=10&sa=N&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=b692cceeaf9a3b4a&biw=1029&bih=857
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09:06:37 <warlord> Thanks, TTgeek
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09:36:53 <TTgeek> Welcome
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11:12:04 <capnkirk13> G'morning all. New to gnucash IRC and gnucash itself.
11:15:26 <capnkirk13> I would like to know if there is a way when processing a payment on an invoice and based on the assett account chosen, to have a certain percentage of the payment get deducted and go to a liability account.
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11:17:49 <capnkirk13> This would be to accomodate card swipe fees: e.g. Customer pays invoice with card, I choose assett account for payment via card, invoice total minus card swipe fee gets posted to asset account, card swipe fee goes to liability account showing paid. I hope that makes sense.
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13:48:31 <b5baxter> Just changed my gnucash data to MySQL Storage. Now when I post a bill it changes the tax (GST/VAT). It appears to be changing to a previous rate. It seems like it is not reading the date properly and assuming that the date of the bill is some time in the past. Any ideas on how to fix this?
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13:50:46 <warlord> b5baxter: I believe there is an issue with Tax Tables in the SQL Backend.
13:51:04 <warlord> I suggest you revert back to XML, and re-enter anything you've done since migrating to MySQL.
13:53:36 <b5baxter> Thanks. So basically MySQL backend is unusable for business purposes currently?
13:54:25 <warlord> I wouldn't call it "unusable", but yes, there is a bug (probably not even fully reported in Bz yet) where Tax Table hierarchies don't save properly in SQL.
13:54:43 <warlord> It came up on the mailing list a week or two ago but I don't know if an official bug report was ever found.
13:54:48 <warlord> I'll note that SQL is still experimental.
13:55:01 <warlord> So honestly I wouldn't recommend it for *ANY* real data, business or personal.
13:55:49 <b5baxter> Thanks Warlord. That's understandable. Will go back to XML.
13:57:12 <warlord> And by "go back" you really mean "reopen the last XML file I used and start from there"
13:57:17 <warlord> ;)
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14:06:23 <muhoo> ok so nobody else has seen QFX imports fail to import the name field?
14:10:40 <warlord> muhoo: not if the tag is correct, no
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14:16:36 <muhoo> the tag appears correct according to the spec i found. it's like an unclosed XML tag.
14:17:18 <muhoo> also, why would gnucash be importing all tx'es as some weird expense account instead of USD-Imbalance?
14:17:50 <muhoo> is that a bug, pilot error, some corrupt data or setting, or what?
14:21:25 <warlord> Probably pilot error due to it learning from previous imports. Note: if it is importing into an Imbalance account you're piloting wrong.
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