2013-06-13 GnuCash IRC logs
00:02:18 *** arrainey has quit IRC
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00:21:46 *** Linuturk has joined #gnucash
00:22:06 <Linuturk> so, how's that android app coming?
00:22:29 <Linuturk> :-P
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01:46:53 *** ErKa has quit IRC
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07:05:40 <warlord> Linuturk: which one? AFAIK he's still working on it.
07:05:53 *** warlord sets mode: +o gncbot
07:08:12 *** StuM has joined #gnucash
07:12:52 *** uXus has quit IRC
07:13:42 <warlord> fell: I've noticed a BUNCH of new accounts created on the wiki with bogus email addresses over the past couple days (I get each bounce)
07:23:51 *** uXus has joined #gnucash
07:46:20 <mikee> Hi all. My Fedora 15 is getting a bit old and I need to fix some hardware issues, so I'm going to install CentOS.
07:46:59 <mikee> So I'll be offline/quiet for a while. Hopefully I won't break my system too badly.
07:47:37 <mikee> Bye for while.
07:47:41 *** mikee has quit IRC
08:46:16 <warlord> good luck, mikee. (although I wonder why CentOS and not F18...)
09:28:46 *** fell has quit IRC
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11:49:35 <Linuturk> warlord: there's one published to the play store. that's the one I'm talking about. I'm excited for a version that mimics the full functionality of the desktop client and uses the standard .gnucash file the desktop client generates
11:50:09 <warlord> Linuturk: AFAIK, no mobile version does that
11:51:03 <Linuturk> :(
11:51:21 <warlord> And AFAIK there are no plans to do that, either.
11:51:50 <warlord> the mobile versions are all meant to let you keep track of expenses as they incur and then later import that data into the desktop version
11:52:25 <Linuturk> I guess the closest thing I can get to in regards to gnucash on my tablet is maybe forwarding an X11 session then . . .
11:52:35 <Linuturk> bummer
11:53:48 <warlord> If you want full access from your tablet, yeah.
12:00:00 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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18:02:45 *** rhowe has joined #gnucash
18:03:45 <rhowe> My accounts file (27MB uncompressed XML) has suddenly failed to be opened by gnucash. Not sure yet if Debian slipped an update in (running Debian unstable) but gnucash gives me a 700k dump when loading the file
18:04:08 <rhowe> "I/O error : Resource temporarily unavailable" followed by what looks like some kind of dump of the XML structure
18:04:09 *** Topcat has joined #gnucash
18:04:21 <rhowe> xmllint reports no parse errors on the zcat'd data file
18:05:30 <rhowe> What do I do next? Look at a downgrade and see if it suddenly starts working again?
18:06:23 <rhowe> The kernel reports no I/O errors
18:06:27 <rhowe> ah crap brb
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