2013-04-15 GnuCash IRC logs
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01:57:01 <fuzzybunny69y> hey guys in GNUCash when you use the duplicate transaction option is there anyway to get it so that it automatically selects the same date as the transaction you are duplicating instead of defaulting to todays today?
02:20:14 <calbasi> No idea, but don't seems as useful as native behavior ;-)
02:20:29 <calbasi> doesn't seem :-p
02:20:49 <calbasi> (my English is aaaaawful :-) )
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04:22:46 <edi> Hi everyone!
04:23:00 <edi> sorry fell for not answering any more yesterday, i had to go
04:23:11 <edi> coming back to my MT940 problem:
04:23:35 <edi> Import of MT940 from my Bank (Thurgauer Kantonalbank) works, but the text is lost.
04:23:53 <edi> In the text of the transaction in gnucash, it says: not specified
04:24:07 <edi> even though there is text in the MT940 file
04:35:05 <edi> i have a simpel example here: http://pastebin.com/HEhycG0B
04:35:36 <fell> Hi, edi! Very nice, I will test it.
04:35:39 <edi> I would expect the highlightet line as the text for the transaction in gnucash, but gnucash just writes "not specified" for the transaction text
04:35:53 <edi> @fell if you want to, i can send you the original file
04:35:53 <gncbot> edi: Error: "fell" is not a valid command.
04:36:09 <edi> fell if you want to, i can send you the original file
04:36:32 <edi> i did not want to paste my private details public, so i put a lot of * in the interesting parts :)
04:37:32 <fell> Let's first test the pastebin file.
04:39:20 <fell> What is the usual filename extension of a MT940 file?
04:40:43 <edi> the files from my bank are named mt940.sta
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04:48:12 <fell> How do you open it? Action->Online or Import...?
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04:51:42 <edi> I do import, as swiss banks are not directly supported
04:52:41 <fell> OK, but the pastebin file has no amount.
04:56:24 <fell> The only importet fields are Date: 1.3.2070 and Nr: **FMSCNONREF
04:56:48 <edi> yes, i know, i removed it. is it a security risk to post the original file?
05:01:50 <fell> I am not shure. You could send it to me: frank.h.ellenberger@gmail.com, but the german secret service BND is scanning all border crossing mails. Do you have a pgp key to encrypt it?
05:02:58 <edi> yes, i have a PGP key. But I would need your public key to ecrypt it for you :)
05:03:13 <edi> or your public finger print, if i can find your key on a keyserver
05:04:05 <fell> Ah, yes. /me is looking if there is a key for this mail account...
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05:06:24 <edi> fell i could not find it on any server...
05:11:07 <fell> New key is generating ...
05:12:59 <edi> :) thanks a lot!
05:22:06 <fell> Should be on the servers now.
05:35:15 <fell> edi?
05:36:17 <edi> sorry, fell, had a telco
05:36:22 <edi> found key, sent mail!
05:36:23 <edi> :)
05:36:51 <fell> same moment the mail arrived. :)
05:39:14 <edi> perfect
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05:45:03 <fell> Which of your keybunch did you use?
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05:47:59 <fell> Ok, got it.
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05:57:05 <fell> Using GC 2.4.11 I see with date of today CHF 500,00 moving in and out with Text "Nicht spezifiziert"
05:58:09 <fell> edi, did you get a description in previous versions?
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06:02:46 <edi> hm, I did not try that with earlier versions
06:03:25 <edi> atm, I'm using version 2.4.11
06:06:47 <fell> And which text did you expect to see?
06:08:23 <fell> The lines starting with 61 are the transactions. They end with "NONREF" which could be translated to "Nicht spezifiziert".
06:08:25 <edi> I have german settings. The field "Beschreibung" is "Nicht Spezifiziert"
06:10:59 <fell> Wir können dann auch erstmal auf deutsch und hinterher für die anderen auf englisch zusammenfassen.
06:11:04 <edi> Maybe the Problem is the :NS: Tag
06:11:28 <edi> ah, ok. Ich denke, das Problem ist der :NS: Tag, der existiert in der SWIFT-Spezifikation anscheinend gar nicht:
06:11:58 <edi> http://www.ksk-koeln.de/Datenstruktur_MT940_Swift.pdf
06:13:47 <edi> obwohl, hier ist er wieder bekannt: http://www.kontopruef.de/mt940.shtml
06:18:51 <fell> wo siehst du den da, vor/in/nach :61:?
06:19:25 <edi> direkt nach der Zeile :61:...... kommt die:
06:19:26 <edi> :NS:01Uebertrag von ****.****.**** Iten Eduard / Ref.-Nr. *********
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06:20:39 <fell> Ja genau. Das ist die von dir gewünschte Beschreibung. Aber wo siehst du die in der kontopruef spec.
06:20:42 <edi> Das ist ja eingentlich der Verwendungszweck
06:21:14 <edi> ach so. gleich nach der beschreibung für Feld :61: und den subfeldern
06:21:37 <edi> Als suchtext: "<CR><LF>:NS:"
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06:22:49 <edi> Interessant wären da dieZeilen 01/02 als Verwendungszweck oder die Zeile 17, Buchungstext
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06:33:25 <fell> http://www.bayernlb.de/internet/media/internet_4/de_1/downloads_5/0800_financial_office_it_operations_5/4200_1/sepa_5/SEPAMT940.pdf scheint etwas aktueller und ausführlicher zu sein.
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06:35:11 <fell> aber den :NS: tag konnte ich noch nirgends finden.
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06:40:13 <edi> eben, das ist nur bei kontopruef unter non-swift zu finden :(
06:41:38 <fell> Wenn „KREF+“ eingestellt
06:41:39 <fell> ist, dann erfolgt die Anga-
06:41:40 <fell> be der Referenznummer
06:41:42 <fell> in Tag :86:
06:44:47 <fell> Mit dem Link stimmt was nicht:
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06:45:00 <edi> ja, ich hab etwas mehr herausgefunden: MT940 gibts als standard-SWIFT mit feld :86: und für die Deutschen banken das NON-SWIFT mit dem Feld :NS:, da anscheinend der verwendungszweck sonst zu lange ist
06:46:15 <edi> http://www.onlinebanking-forum.de/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=3246
06:46:20 <edi> welcher link?
06:46:31 <fell> http://www.kontopruef.de/mt940.shtml: Not Found
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06:47:04 <fell> http://www.kontopruef.de/mt940s.shtml: Datenstruktur : MT940 (Swift)
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06:51:21 <edi_mobil2> und da gibs auch die non-swift variante
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07:00:52 <edi_mobil2> http://www.kontopruef.de/mt940ns.shtml
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07:10:14 <fell> Aha! Ich fürchte, da mußt die einen Verbesserungsvorschlag in Bugzilla einstellen und diese Referenz angeben.
07:12:09 <fell> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/De/Referenz#Wie_man_einen_Fehler_meldet_oder_einen_Verbesserungsvorschlag_einreicht
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07:16:18 <edi_mobil2> ich befürchte, das muss ich bei aquabanking tun, oder?
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07:32:21 <fell> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=583501
07:35:23 <fell> edi, willst du da jetzt kommentieren?
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07:39:14 <edi_mobil2> fell, eigentlich schon. da da aber seit 2009 nix passiert ist lad ich mir wohl mal den quelltext runter und schau mal, ob ich da was machen kann
07:39:37 <fell> Oops, ich sehe gerade, Markus konnte das :NS: Feld importieren, lediglich die letzten Zeilen fehlen.
07:39:58 <slidesinger> I did find a solution to the question of handling maintenance accounts: I created an asset account -- assets:maintenance:<client_name>
07:40:05 <slidesinger> I made a debit entry in the amount of the contract using income:sales:maintenance_service as the transfer account
07:40:06 <slidesinger> Now I generate invoices in the usual manner but use assets:maintenance:<client_name> as the income account. This credits the balance on the maintenance contract and easily allows for renewals at the end of term.
07:41:27 <fell> edi: ich habe gerade nachgesehen, der Ordner mt940 ist leer, also vermutlich in aqbanking integriert worden,
07:43:02 <edi_mobil2> fell ja, das hab ich irgendwo gelesen. ich muss mal da tiefer einsteigen
07:43:34 <edi_mobil2> bei NS ist eigentlich zeile 17 interessant, das ist der buchungstext
07:45:00 <fell> Vergleich doch auch mal Markus' Datei mit deiner, ob das Format wirklich gleich ist; dann haben wir eine Regression.
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07:48:42 <fell> Daß da nichts passiert ist,liegt daran, daß Christian viel mehr Komponenten betreut als er Zeit hat.
07:49:13 <warlord> Antisoche: No, you cannot auto-create A/R OR A/P entries.
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07:50:36 <fell> Good morning, warlord! How are you today?
07:50:53 <warlord> Antisoche: and yes, you CAN pay *a* specific invoice.. You just select that invoice from the process-payment screen and it will get put at the front of the fifo. What you cannot do is pay multiple specific invoices at once.
07:51:56 <edi_mobil2> fell werd ich prüfen. und für christians situation habe ich volles verständnis. deshalb will ich ja erst mal selbst schauen ;-)
07:51:57 <slidesinger> warlord: a question related to that... if you partial pay a specific invoice, does it keep a running tally?
07:52:45 <slidesinger> Correction: a visible running tally.
07:53:11 <slidesinger> Or does it simply adjust the balance
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07:56:18 <warlord> slidesinger: it depends. The invoice *itself* is not modified. However you can get the tally by looking a the invoice's Lot Balance.. And some of the invoice reports will allow you to "include payments"
07:57:32 <slidesinger> Right. That's straight forward enough. Thanks.
07:58:38 <fell> Edi, the regression could probably be https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=669707, but both reporter didn't attach much useful information.
07:59:12 <slidesinger> As you can see above, I figured out how to deal with the issue we were discussing last night, thanks to my accountant friend. He told me to figure out where it should show up on the balance sheet and put it there.
08:00:18 <warlord> LOL. Okay.
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08:16:50 <slidesinger> Yeah, he does keep hammering me over the head with that balance sheet.
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08:48:59 <fell> fuzzybunny69y: could you try to adjust the settings of your IRC client?
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08:55:12 <fell> fuzzybunny69y: could you try to adjust the settings of your IRC client?
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08:55:48 <edi_mobil> fell, which version of aqbanking is integrated in gnucash 2.4?
08:56:38 <fell> Only in windows, it is packaged with GC
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08:58:17 <edi_mobil> ah, thanks
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09:57:35 <fell> Abstract of the german discussion above: In Gnucash 2.4.11 while importing MT940 files, the non-SWIFT description field :NS: is not recognized, while in from bug 583501 we know, in 2.2.9 the first 14 lines were imported.
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10:31:15 <Antisoche> warlord, slidesinger: Thanks for the corrections. re: auto-A/P;A/R, I was thinking of 'Scheduled Transactions', which I've not used.
10:31:33 <warlord> Yeah, SXes cannot affect A/R or A/P
10:31:41 <warlord> (they don't handle the business metadata)
10:32:51 <Antisoche> Would it be possible for the 'Process Payment' dialog's 'Select Invoice' option to work like the 'Reconcile' window? That seems like it'd be almost ideal (save for partial payments)
10:33:54 * Antisoche regularly gets checks for "Invoices 1, 3, and 8", etc.
10:35:19 <Antisoche> "Would it be possible" as in, does that make sense?
10:35:36 <warlord> Antisoche: anything is *possible*. But it would require significant changes to the existing payment code to do that.
10:36:10 <warlord> The code works in a FIFO for the customer. The API was extended to provide a single invoice to put at the head of the fifo..
10:36:41 <warlord> It could be extended again to provide a list of invoices to put at the front of the fifo..
10:37:28 <Antisoche> What I'm thinking is that I'd like to type in "1,3,8" and have the FIFO ordered that way. Can I find and select multiple already?
10:37:44 * Antisoche needs to open his other ledger...
10:39:09 <warlord> No
10:39:56 <Antisoche> Okay, forget the 'reconcile' comment ... If I could just select multiple from the search criteria that'd be nice. 'Reconcile's amounts display would be the next nice-to-have
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10:55:44 <warlord> Antisoche: patches always welcome!
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10:57:12 <Antisoche> yup.
10:57:50 <Antisoche> I think part of my brain broke trying to write a report in scheme though. And then the next update broke my report. :-(
10:58:12 <Antisoche> But that was long ago on a now-dead computer...
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11:03:37 <warlord> This would require coding in C
11:05:31 <Antisoche> sure. Bad humor I fear.
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12:48:33 <edi> fell or anyone else: do you know how to use aqbanking-cli to parse a mt940 file? I want to know if it's a gv or a aqb problem
12:49:27 <edi> s/gv/gc/g
12:50:40 <fell> see aqbanking-cli import --help
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13:26:38 <MarkMynsted> Is there a way to disable and remove online banking credentials for a particular account?
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13:46:13 <warlord> MarkMynsted: assign a different online credential to the account
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14:46:44 <Antisoche> warlord: Hmm, looks like the 2.5 SVN version does what I want and more (+issue refunds). Much nicer.
14:47:42 <warlord> Antisoche: :)
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15:22:56 <jeff> I'm trying to set up a secured loan account, which is basically loaning to myself plus a loan processing fee. I'm stumped. Anyone else use secured loans with GnuCash?
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15:41:32 <MarkMynsted> warloard, what if I want no credentials stored in the account? Is there a file I can edit manually?
15:57:44 <warlord> MarkMynsted: you would have to remove it by hand from the datafile. There is no way to do it in the UI. ... but of course hand-editing your data file is not "recommended"
15:58:37 <MarkMynsted> hmm. ok
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