2013-04-05 GnuCash IRC logs
01:11:10 *** shanny has joined #gnucash
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09:36:01 *** johnlane has joined #gnucash
09:36:44 <johnlane> new user looking for documentation about important files to back up. Specifically those in ~/.gnucash. I am on Linux.
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09:46:06 <cphuntington97> so far as I know, you need only your most recent .gnucash file
09:50:12 <johnlane> is anything in ~/.gnucash important ?
09:58:00 <cphuntington97> well, gnucash saves backups of your books, and logs of changes, and stuff
09:58:30 <cphuntington97> but all you need is your most recent .gnucash book and everything is in there
10:01:37 <warlord> gnucash only uses ~/.gnucash to store metadata, like qif mappings, saved reports, and open windows.
10:01:55 <warlord> If you don't mind resetting those, then no, you don't need to backup anything in ~/.gnucash. You just need your data file.
10:05:08 <johnlane> ok, thanks. and where does it store the location of recent files ?
10:10:22 <cphuntington97> I should have been more clear.. I meant .gnucash file, not directory
10:12:21 <johnlane> I only have ~/.gnucash/ (directory). I do not have ~/.gnucash (file). The only file that seems to have any status in it is the .gcm file in ~/.gnucash/books. I have, however, only been using it for 2 days!
10:13:42 <cphuntington97> I guess I/windows? uses .gnucash as the file extention for gnucash book files
10:13:49 <cphuntington97> but it's not necesary
10:21:58 <warlord> The .gcm means GnuCash Metadata. It's basically instructions for GnuCash on how to reproduce your open windows.
10:22:15 <warlord> The .gnucash file is really YourDataFile.gnucash, which will live wherever you told it to live..
10:22:37 <warlord> The most recently opened files list is stored in GConf, which stores data in ~/.gconf*
10:24:36 <johnlane> yeah I get that. Found it: ".config/gconf/apps/gnucash/history/%gconf.xml"
10:24:46 <johnlane> mystery solved :)
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10:31:30 <warlord> :)
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